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Fuerzas Armadas Mod

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Wow .. great work hmmwv jeje.


About the Weapon, I can only make the "subfusil star z-70 / B"

I could also model the "CETME L" and "LC"

About make a "Guardia Civil", well i could try it. I can make good pictures, and use a civilian as a base for the model. But now we are in Beta Testing phase with the mod, making the readmes (I don't wanna miss any of the authors who has let us use his models)

But don't worry, our one of our objectives (for the future) is represent "La Guardia Civil" (in ofp and/or in Armed Assault), we are going to make a Nissan Patrol, and the traffic helicopter is the BO 105, so only need to be repainted.


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Nice pictures hmmwv.. here are some more pics, but this time from the ab212



Model is  from Canadian Forces (thanks).

Textures from San Segal


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Jejeje yes, you are right, Bell CH-146 Griffon, but AFAIK is also know as bell 412, and here in spain his military official name is HU.18 (AB212 unoffilicially) and manufactured by Augusta Bell under licence (AB212). If I dont missunderstand all the documentation I have read about this chopper, which is one of my favourites.

Anyway, the model we have used (thanks to Canadian Forces for let us use it) is the Bell CH-146 Griffon. (CAF_Griffon)

I hope you like the work that we have made with the external textures.

We have also removed the weapon, added random numbers, and added ECP stuff (like radio dialogs in cabin or tailrotor failure)

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nice collection of choppers, its good to see another nation being represented in ofp smile_o.gif

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Hi we are making some finals cheks and we want launch the Mod in a few days.


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Mirror added at OFP Base.

Does anyone know if there is an english readme/conversion for this mod?


Edit: Whoops crazy_o.gif . My mistake for not being able to read in another language...and I got mixed up.

Thanks CT.

Thanks for the correct link Praxtor.

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OFP Base has the right dload link but they have the web site link wrong (Pedagne mod) and half the pics on the news page are from the wrong mod (Pedagne Mod).

oops.  biggrin_o.gif

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Hei i am the webmaster of the Spanish Army Mod, and i send to you the correct link for the english language :


Ok we are now making the readme in Spanish and English version with all Addons and his Addon Makers, and in somedays we can announce it (Because the list is very Big), only when we have this readme, we announce this new to the community, because we can´t  hurt the feelings of any Addon Maker.

Thanks to all Addon Makers that they yielded his Addons to this Mod, and thanks to all community for his patience.



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ok #2 on the list is that the patrol vehicle has the headlights on all the time.

-also some missing blood textures.

Im learning Spanish as I go so it might take awhile to report on some of this.

Big mods = big amount bugs. Although some of these are quite obvious.


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Very good you are enjoy yourself and learning spanish, jejeje.

The problem of a lot of addons is this you have a lot of addons = you have a lot of bugs, but whith the time we would repair all this bugs.

Step by step but thanks to all for help to we to check all addons.

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I noticed that you're thanking a lot of other mods for the use of their addons.. Can I ask why you didn't ask the Falklands Mod for the use of the FRS.1 instead of just modifying it and calling it your own?

I noticed in the config it says...

// Harrier addon v1.0 by Colonel_Klink

// Retexturizado por Segal

// Reconfigurado por Flaber

Not good...

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we never say whith the addons of the mod was made for we, we had contact with colner Klink because we allways think whith the harrier was made for he and he had given his approval, but if it is your we requested excuses you and with we had announced w launch one readme with all credits of all authors of all addons, they reactivated this forum before it gave time to finish mod us that was not our intention, we only publish the mod in our webs for whith Editors made some missions.

We hope you understand this.


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Thanks Placebo,

On the other hand, we have finally decided to give the credits to the original addon makers with a video, where you can see which model they let us use.

There are lot of people to give thanks:


Lowland Warriors Mod

BW mod

Canadian Forces Mod

USCG mod

Preparation H


Swedish Mod

Malvinas Mod

Falklands Mod



...................etc etc etc....

As I don't wanna miss any, I'm showing all the addons we have used in the mod in this video with the names of the original authors.

So I ask for those persons to have a bit of patiente.

Thanks in advance to those who has let us use your creations.


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If you guys need any help with Spanish to English translations for this mod, estoy mas que dispuesto smile_o.gif.

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Your mod has a problem, when I put OFrP addons, "OFrP Armes" is in west with 81 an 120mm mortar :/ We don't use OFrP Milan, Mistral, Eryx, 12.7 (M2), ANF1 on tripod...

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well downloaded and instaleld it it seems to not to work so far, might be cause I can't read spanish.

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