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NIMOD Dynamic Weather

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Is that the newest version of Llaumax's sky? What's your weather set to, fully stormy, or what? I seem to just get grey overcast when I do it.

Might be time to upgrade me weather!

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one more question: would it be possible to make the effects show up automatically based on the weather, instead of requiring a gamelogic to be placed? it would make it a lot easier to incorporate into ofp...

nice screenshot parvus!

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Quote[/b] ]...would it be possible to make the effects show up automatically based on the weather...

As far as I know it isn't possible. If someone with more wisdom than I have knows how to do that, please raise your hand and speak up.

Quote[/b] ]nice screenshot pavus!


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These cloud effects are great and really cool how they light up from lightning etc. Makes OFP even more realistic smile_o.gif

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Thx Pablo & Sentinel smile_o.gif

@Cameron: now you got the possibility to change the weather 2 times; with this addon and with the normal BIS in editor.

There is a new new sky in this thread and at conspirencies mod topic you can find a new config for your DXDLL.

P.S. by changing monitor colour you can get e.g. a little bit more *yellow coloured* in your screen

... otherwise pm me

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I used to enjoy watching the sites of the ofp islands, and now I`ll admire the sky too.

Thanks so much guys.

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Northern Lights.

I have seen them in Canada.

if your very lucky and on very rare occasions you can see them in northern england and scotland.. if only faintly

i've seen em twice

and the first time was very amusing because of a certain idiot sniffing glue in the park who decided i would be able to help him out with his funny lights problem tounge2.gif

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Wow... indeed a very very fine addon smile_o.gif

Beatiful clouds, and nice random weather.

Can't wait for updates smile_o.gif But take your time!! (you deserved it biggrin_o.gif)

I read that some people already asked about it... but needing to place gamelogics makes it indeed harder to implement... especially when you have 700+ coop missions laying around, playing them daily wink_o.gif Already got some nice tools written by my m8 for easy unit/weapon/addon replacement etc. etc. but placing gamelogics is gonna require another program to be made and I think that is a bit late due to upcoming Armed Assault release...

I think it is possible to implement it through the main game config, just like ECP random weather effects, but I could be wrong. I know a lot about the basics of config/script editing, but im not familiar with implementing such feature...

Maybe i'll take a look at how ECP did it and if that way would be possible to use for this weather pack smile_o.gif

Maybe some other people have experience with this... if implementing it in the config wouldn't be possible... maybe it can get activated by using an init line in the init.sqs or similair scripts? If so, it would at least for me be a lot easier to implement in all those missions smile_o.gif


Just took a look at your config.. it seems that the gamelogics only loadup different scripts with different parameters.. i'm unsure if gamelogics run on the server-only or on all clients... otherwise it can be initialised in the init sqs ofcoarse.


ok just confirmed... it is possible with the init.sqs.. I wrote a little script part for it:

in the init sqs, at the end:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(local server):goto "server"

goto end


[_this select 0,5,[4,5]] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_Fog.sqs}; [_this select 0,4,1,true] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs}; [] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_ThunderLoop.sqs}

goto end



this example enables the heavy fog and the thunder clouds.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(local server):goto "server"

goto end


ECP_public set [19, false ]; ECP_local set [73, false ];

NIM_Season = 2

[_this select 0,0,1,true,[8,[0,4]]] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs}

[] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_ThunderLoop.sqs}

(_this select 0) exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_SeasonSetting.sqs};

goto end



This example enables the dynamic Summer season smile_o.gif)

So if noone is coming up with different ideas to implement in the config.bin or another more easy way... I just found my way out how to "easily" implement it in all our coop missions; I only need to edit the init.sqs files by notepad or write a small program which searches the end of the file and adds the above or other configuration inside the file biggrin_o.gifsmile_o.gif))

Thanks again for this marvelous piece of addon!! Can't wait for the extra features coming up smile_o.gif)

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Quote[/b] ]I think it is possible to implement it through the main game config, just like ECP random weather effects, but I could be wrong. I know a lot about the basics of config/script editing, but im not familiar with implementing such feature...

That's we expect to do for the incoming FFUR patchs .


Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]I think it is possible to implement it through the main game config, just like ECP random weather effects, but I could be wrong. I know a lot about the basics of config/script editing, but im not familiar with implementing such feature...

That's we expect to do for the incoming FFUR patchs .


Best Regards


Sounds cool, only problem for me with FFUR is... I am running a multi-game online multiplayer coop community.. I really love FFUR, at least most parts of it, but it's not implementable into our needed addon configuration and mission setups smile_o.gif Maybe if at one day you think about making it really multiplayer based instead of singleplayer based.. i'll have a look at it and implement it in our squads smile_o.gif For now, ECP is the one and only golden addon/effects pack biggrin_o.gif

Btw.. many ppl complain about so many different addons etc. and that that is not implementable in multiplayer.. I make addon packs for our users and use about 3gb of addons (about 1.5gb packaged, and now and then some upgrades..) and it works perfectly, all our missions use the addons, I update them regularly with some written programs by my m8 and updated them all to include alivecheck scripts, viewnegotiation, specatescript 1.4, timeselection, uniform weapon crates and units from the best community addons smile_o.gif It's not that hard to keep it multiplayer friendly smile_o.gif) Besides that, I wrote what I call 'proxies' for all used units, and configured them with my own weapon choices (SJB/RHS), ECP compatibility, bn_tracers, lar3 rebreather swimming capabilities and the handgrenade/smokegrenade pack, Config.bin is ecp 1.085 with lockeanim lean/roll and dma anims etc.. It works because we ofcoarse all use the same setup/addon base/pack etc wink_o.gif

Sorry for going offtopic maybe just a tiny bit here smile_o.gif Just needed to express to show it is not impossible and actually quite easy.

Ps, I just edited my post above, with some ideas and findings wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Maybe if at one day you think about making it really multiplayer based instead of singleplayer based

We expect to make a multi config as well.

Quote[/b] ]many ppl complain about so many different addons etc. and that that is not implementable in multiplayer..

In fact, you can't play with them not because of the model 'p3d & textures that go with' but scripts usually occur issues once they're used online.

Btw this Nimod dynamic weather is a must download, and one of the most featured stuff ever carried out for OFP!


Best Regards


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In fact, you can't play with them not because of the model 'p3d & textures that go with' but scripts usually occur issues once they're used online.

We don't really seem to have problems with any scripts, as far as I know all our used addon scripts etc, are all multiplayer enabled and compatible. As long as everyone is using the same, and noone is putting in their own versions of addons etc. etc. smile_o.gif

We play daily about 6 hours ofp, sometimes more, sometimes less. Always multiplayer coop, and no problem at all.

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Did you execute the server check script with any parameters? As you have " _this select 0 " command in it.

That line is there to catch the game logic itself to make the scripts work in MP environment. If you didn't execute it with [game logic] exec "script" I can guarantee there will be issues that won't work OK.

You can change the " _this select 0 " with " server " as you seem to use that named logic in all the missions.

Good work on making MP missions with this. I'd be very happy if you were able to report any problems during MP games. Discuss of the weather at time to time, for example. inlove.gif I could provide you with the latest version as private beta. Not much changes yet, just something i've noticed aren't working well.

I'm not sure but I have reasons to believe that the effects can be made automatic. But that would make similar effect setting as ECP has and that's really not something I'd like to do. No offence on ECP team icon_rolleyes.gif

Unless same effect is added everytime. For example the Full random effect. I'll put this behind my ear and come back to it later.

Thanks for the effort and comments smile_o.gif

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Did you execute the server check script with any parameters? As you have " _this select 0 " command in it.

That line is there to catch the game logic itself to make the scripts work in MP environment. If you didn't execute it with [game logic] exec "script" I can guarantee there will be issues that won't work OK.

You can change the " _this select 0 " with " server " as you seem to use that named logic in all the missions.

Good work on making MP missions with this. I'd be very happy if you were able to report any problems during MP games. Discuss of the weather at time to time, for example. inlove.gif I could provide you with the latest version as private beta. Not much changes yet, just something i've noticed aren't working well.

I'm not sure but I have reasons to believe that the effects can be made automatic. But that would make similar effect setting as ECP has and that's really not something I'd like to do. No offence on ECP team icon_rolleyes.gif

Unless same effect is added everytime. For example the Full random effect. I'll put this behind my ear and come back to it later.

Thanks for the effort and comments smile_o.gif

Now you bring something to my attention that I didn't think about yet. if im right, there shouldn't be a problem if you just use [] exec "scriptname" am I wrong, i'm not that into it, but know enough to get it to work finally though smile_o.gif

If you could help me a bit in this, i'll release a pack, if that is ok with you, for mission makers to implement in their missions, where they can just select their script to use for different seasons... Maybe it's not helpful for people that make single missions, but for ppl that manage 100's of missions, I guess this is the easy way out.

Hmmm, maybe I was a bit too hasty with this, just checking your scripts, it seems distance to the logic etc is calculated etc. etc. So it seems I need to reconsider. I got the Server logic on many maps, but not all, so then I would at least make that logic on all maps and thus it's still more work than I had in mind wink_o.gif Altough I can use the server logic for more things at once if implemented like this, but until now I didnt need it in all missions smile_o.gif

Altough I got clouds and other weather conditions in my just tested mission, but that was on my local server. I'm now going to check it within multiplayer with dedicated server smile_o.gif

To be continued ... smile_o.gif

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Well... I'm not really sure I understood right what you're trying to say...

You had this in your script, for example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[_this select 0,0,1,true,[8,[0,4]]] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs}

If you want this to work, you should execute the script that executes the command above with

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[server] exec "serverCheck.sqs"

OR you can change the Cloud System execution command to look like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[server,0,1,true,[8,[0,4]]] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs}

Make the same change to all execution parameters or use the first method.

Ofcourse you can change the numerical values too, as they are the ones that really sets the effect.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[8,[0,4]]

number 8 here means the time in minutes to change the weather.

[0,4] is the area of change 0 being mimum type and 4 being maximum type. [0,4] means the weather will range between sunny cloudy day and thunder storm.

Basicly I thought the game logic executions were the easiest way for mission editors to enable the effects. Also that enables easy updating as there has been already some changes in the executing parameter arrays. If all would be coding based, they'd all had to be changed. In current method all you need is the updated addon file confused_o.gif

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Using gamelogics is a perfect method, especially because of the reasons that you state. But for me.. it's a bit hard to implement that right away into 700+ missions at once. While I can easly create something that edits the 700+ missions init.sqs file and add some scripts, that's easily done. So for me, the Gamelogics are nice, but not handy to implement (in my situation) smile_o.gif

I get your point. The only problem is, that I don't have the "server" logic in all the missions, so I first need to accomplish that, for this way to work.

I am wondering if I can do it completely without any gamelogic smile_o.gif

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As far as I know you can't make any random effects work in the MP synchronized without any game logics.

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Ok.. gonna try this in a different way, seem I was wrong on quite some parts, and now got it nicely sorted with your help. Thanks again.

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this is looking very very good indeed but one thing i dont like the whole fact that its an addon and i cant play all ofp missions with it

is there a way of editinng the config to make it use this on all missions ?

also a nice little tut on how to would be nice but i know a little about editing configs anyway

looking good

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Quote[/b] ]it will cause too much lag

what about only one of the logics would that still cause lag

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One question. How did you get that intense lightning storm??? i just get really heavy rain.

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here's something that the NI Mod Team could look into in an attempt to get their weather automated:

Quote[/b] ]ECP Random Weather and Snow

Using the Island Detection Algorithm, developed by snYpir, ECP determines which island a particular mission is being played on. From this, random weather settings can be defined on a per-island basis. This means that weather may change more than once in a mission, at a rate chosen to the player appropriate to the particular island.

In addition, snow can be implemented either for specific areas on a map (for example the snowy peaks on Nogova) or across an entire island (ie Winter Nogojev).

Users can also add their own islands to the islands settings file via the 'ECP Island Matrix Tool'.

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One question. How did you get that intense lightning storm??? i just get really heavy rain.


The thunderstorms do appear, but they only happen for around one and a half seconds, for best results, they should only be viewed at night, or dusk, as you are able to catch and follow the flash, with the strike, and then hear the sound of the thunder. But we have improved this for out next version.


Thanks for information, we will look into that, and get in contact with a member of the ecp team to see if we can sort something out. But im not sure if anyone has noticed the latest Arm A release information, that includes dynamic weather, so we might be forced to put a end to the weather, considering what tools and resources BIS has available, its bound to be far more substantial than ours.

But we shall release a new updated version for resistance before we see the release of ArmA



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Quote[/b] ]But im not sure if anyone has noticed the latest Arm A release information, that includes dynamic weather, so we might be forced to put a end to the weather, considering what tools and resources BIS has available, its bound to be far more substantial than ours.

none of their screenshots have shown anything approaching what you have developed; if you are able to automate this weather addon, it will be the most revolutionary addition to ofp's natural ambience since the llaumax sky pack.

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