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I found this in Vilas mod...

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It should be....

"sorry for my bad attitude"

People can get better if you tell them what they could improve upon in a way that makes sense and they can learn from.

Thanks. But my attitude, actuality, is not bad. That is reaction on your comment's about professional level of russians. "It seems like every not-Russian made addon looks like shit for them" - one of them.


In this addon need improve all. Need to create "no-BIS" model, need good hi-res texturing, need new animation, need history correspondence too. Need more detail weapon construction. Full remade needed.

Sorry for my bad english syntax. I have not translator.

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I understand what you are saying, criticism is needed many times in order to make an addon better, but saying things like that shows that whomever said that has little respect for the addonmaker and is only being spiteful with such remarks.

If someone really wants the addonmaker to improve, why not take some time to write a long email or PM to him/her with suggestion and tips on how to make their work better?

It is alright to make a joke every now and then but still, there is a lack of respect in comments like that. Help them out, don't rip on them.

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I have respect for anyone who made something for OFP. But someone say "great work" or "impressive work" - it's not correct. It's usual work. Don't praise it. It's way to author to degrade. Critic - it's way to develop. Improve youself.

PM or e-mail to author - look like IMHO one man. It's not cause to listen that IMHO.

Publicly critic - more effective.

I don't rip on them - i try to help. Show the way how it must be.

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I know what you're trying to say, I didn't mean for my last note to be directed to you in that sense. I do agree that by praising is not always a very helpful thing, it does not bring upon the bugs of the addons or lead to any improvements in some cases. The most decent thing to do would be to give direct and unbiased criticism of what needs to be changed and so forth.

I completely understand what you're saying, I just wanted to say that saying something is shit does not come as too respectful sometimes.

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I just wanted to say that saying something is shit does not come as too respectful sometimes.

This is temperament. What we see - that we talk. We dont seek roundabout way's to say our opinion. Bad russian addons have very hard critic's on our forum when their author's present it. We did't make exception for someone.

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I understand, though things are run differently here and it is not seen too well whenever someone tosses around the words shit and makes jokes about someone's addons. Things seem to be a lot different in the Russian forums, and it is probably good to see such honesty but again, it depends on the individual how it is seen. Some may see it as good way of providing criticism, but there is always the chance others may see it as rude and disrespectful.

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well, people are different. Different relation, different temperament. In our community, truth - it most important, than blarney. that is the way to collect smart people. Emotion's and insult on our critic - this is factor to sort people who can't correct communicate. Normal man were listen and asked for help. And we will help.

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Quote[/b] ]In our community, truth - it most important, than blarney


Let me quote some of this "truth" (I hope its the translation's fault because I think this is brutal myself)

Quote[/b] ]LOL, "new" vilas addons looks really hard. Author burns... He definately must drink some poison. Applauses...

Quote[/b] ]Oh my goodness... He shouldn' torture community with such "addons". I think, his relatives in Bobraisk are awaiting for him to celebrate a day of satan...

Quote[/b] ]Author burns without any vagina.

Dont come here and say that crap is ok. I lost all respect for flashpoint.ru when i looked at that thread...and ORCS too.

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CanadianTerror, if you don't understand specific russian online humor - don't talk about our critic. If someone like Vilas will asked for help - 90% - he will get our help if he can undisturbedly listen what we talking.

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Quote[/b] ]CanadianTerror, if you don't understand specific russian online humor - don't talk about our critic.

Author burns without any vagina.

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in russian internet sector, sometimes people use slang "padonkovskii language". It has specific word expression.

It understandable for russian, but with another language's it hard to understand. These quoting - example attempt translation this slang.

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Author burns without any vagina.

In russian it will song like "afftor zhzhet bez pizdi". It mean - "Author made something (very good or very bad). It's true."

Russian language sometimes variety than english. Example abusive word's can use for swearing or delight. It hard to explain... You must live in russia for understand it...

In this moment - it's not women vagina. It's mean "Lie". It can be mean "dead, kick"...

For example: word "Pizdec" - can mean "over(live over, bissines over - something bad)", or can mean "no!, stop!, you gone die! (for tell someone)". It hard to explain, as i say before...

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Hi all,

I don't know why I need to post here, but stop the crap. Man i'm not even a moderator, but this leads to nothing.

I agree with Wass on a lot of things. If you can't take criticism or won't use it, you probably will never be able to make good addons. The way criticism is given depends on the person, and yes, that's differently done in countries. I had my share of criticism on addons in Russian and German forums too. And I know I wasn't really pleased to read it, but it helped me to improve my addons.

On the other hand, I think you always have to give constructive criticism. Just say, nice addons, but you need a lot of work to make them good: improve this, this and this...

That said, I think Vilas does a good job representing a lot of addons, but they need a lot of work  to be good. Indeed textures, LOD's, are some important things. For example, I wouldn't release an addon when the driver position isn't right.. at least not in the addons & complete section.

I'd rather have a few good addons, then a lot of moderate ones.



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Wass posting here requires politeness & courtesy, even when commenting negatively on someone's work, if you cannot be polite, cannot discuss things constructively then you should not post here.

Also when you want to reply a few minutes after you've just replied please edit your post rather than making a new double post, it makes the thread look messy.

And on these forums post in English only please (that goes to Vilas as well).

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Ok. Some of comments here is reason of my agression. I will try to be more polite. I did'n want personal insult anyone.

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Anybody seen these in Flashpoint.ru?

Don't waste your time reading the forums there. It seems like every not-Russian made addon looks like shit for them. crazy_o.gif

You wrong. Most addon's are good. But, this addon's - bad.

You have to be either blind or have very short memory.

Sometimes out of curiosity I read the comments for the addons I've participated in making and most of them are just the same kind of insults. They've nothing in common with constructive criticism. If that's the Russian sense of humor, then it's absolutely non-understandable for anybody but Russians. Thus nobody else should bother reading comments there.

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They've nothing in common with constructive criticism. If that's the Russian sense of humor, then it's absolutely non-understandable for anybody but Russians. Thus nobody else should bother reading comments there.

Link to comments on Flashpoint.ru, please. biggrin_o.gif

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Discussions in other forums are irrelevant and should not be brought into these forums.

This thread is for discussing Vilas' addons only, anything that isn't specifically related to these addons should not be discussed in this thread.

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Please, write my copyright © when you use "Author burns w\o any..." in your signatures.

Yes, we, russians, are so evil. I eat two Vilases on breakfast this day. Too skinny, IMO.

Differences of mentality is so global, that you'll better not to compare comments on official forums and on f.ru. It's different sites, different ppl, different humour. Btw, we have another saying on F.ru: "He comments like on official forums".

Vilas didn't posted news about his addons on f.ru, someone else posted. So he must say "thanks" to this man for whole accident. Quality of this models were'nt very high, but this "poster" wrote this "news" were so "excited", that caused the reaction you've seen. )


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1) if someone has a lot of time, he can mak addons better than person who have family , a lot of work, and treat OFP like "just funny spending of time"

2)if someone have good photos, many sources he can make better textures,

if i don't have good photos i do from those founded from google

3) i make weapons, units soldiers are only to hold this

oone of vietnam mods uses my weapons , other mod uses civil vehicles, so i made models to be helpful to other mods (to pick up weapons and other stuff)

so this models can be improved by anyone

4) except of not good soldiers i made few islands - it it shit too ? heh ?

5) textures on new WW2 weapons are 2048 pixels, if textures in game are set to lower than weapons looks bad

6) i make addons that can be puted in big numbers and used on slower computers

7) what concerns "russian sense of humor", iesli vi takoe chustvo iumora pakazivaete w chechenii ili drugich delach, eto sochestvuiu

and translating: such sense of humor causes that chechen terrorists make what they make in russia, moscow

you russians never had any respect for others

when Poland was fighting with Hitler's invasion in 1940 NKWD shoot 10 thousands of Polish officers in Kathyn

when Warsaw was fighting in 1944 on the second side of river Wisla there was standing soviet army and didn't helped people fighting with SS and Wermaht

it was even worse - they didn't agree to the western allies (GB an US) planes to land to refuel

so allies couldn't fly and parachute weapons and ammo for fighting people in Warsaw

they were siting on their drunk asses and waiting for all city to die or sink in blood

and when my grandparents run out of no ammo, their tanks went and they say "we made this city free from germans"

in my city over 150 000 men lost life for "russsian sens of humor"

that was when we speak about "truth"

Stalin morded more milions of people than Hitler

sometimes i watch NTV and i really surprised - how can exist such country in which someone can buy someon's property for the second time from city governor and everything is okay ?

i don't understand how one thing can be sold two times ?

i tell about "retaken business"

is there everything owned by mafia like previously some car factories or all cities ?

so russians have "very special" chuvstvo iumora

you need Dmitryi Nogiev from Okna

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History lessons from Chechnya and WWII have nothing to do with with this thread. Discussions in this thread should be restricted to Vilas' addons only, if not the thread will be closed or people will be post restricted.

Vilas just because you have been flamed gives you no right at all to flame all Russians, stop it now.

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Useless flaming and what you call "Russian humour" has contributed to the fact that some addonmakers stopped working for free and also for the OFP community.

If I don't like an addon, I don't comment about it or just tell in a kind way what could in my opinion be improved. What's the point of insulting and making jokes on people because their quality of their work doesn't match the "pro" ones ?

A lot of addonmakers that are famous now wouldn't very proud of their first addons, including ORCS, Denorc, I remember this ORCS news.

By the way if you are curious about first addons of some addonmakers, visit this aborted page project, some profiles are filled.

As long as Vilas gives proper credit people should really support him for the time spent for others, rather than making sick jokes... But it's maybe just me. icon_rolleyes.gif

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