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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Quote[/b] ]TB, does this mean that you will release the update shortly?

We got the shilka sooner than expected, so we still need a couple of days in order to enhance some details.

Quote[/b] ]looking good but in those pics it looks like the dynamic reflection has been taken out or not added?

These pics have been done before implementing the new reworked reflection effect to the shilka.

Quote[/b] ]Don't forget to mention that I textured it. It was my first and last project with RHS.

Nice texturing work!

Quote[/b] ]Would i need to copy the VoiceRH.pbo some where and overwrite one of the previous files if so which ones?

The FFUR Euro VoiceRH.pbo is the updated version of russian voices, just copy and paste it to your ffurxxx\addons folders.

Btw, 'will come up asap with the list of all FFUR 2006 enhancements.




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Quote[/b] ]The FFUR Euro VoiceRH.pbo is the updated version of russian voices, just copy and paste it to your ffurxxx\addons folders.

Thanks works great

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hello i really like this thing, good job. but i have one question,

in the first post you say this

Quote[/b] ]All of the packs have been done specifically for the single player aspect of the game, not for the multiplayer side

does that mean to play mp missions with default unit so they are changed to a ffur pack, or can i make a mp mission with a ffur pack so i have all the effects

peace out


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soon there will be a MP compattible config so you willl just be able to play with FFUR and not need to create the mission around it.

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ok cool thx

but can i make a mp ffur(euro) and play with my friends now?

sorry if im stupid

peace out


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you dont sound stupid, im not really sure this will be possible you cant create a mission around a conversion mod becuase its like creating a mission normally it will be the same since the things are replaced.

All i can suggest is either wait for the MP configs or edit the config to remove the animations which arent in the normal game etc etc.

All else i could suggest is take the addons shove them in your OFP addons folder and open up BIS ofp without FFUR and create the missions without the mod but use the units that way the effects wont be present though.

Thats all i can sugest im not that sure you can make a mission revolved around a mod or atleast i dont know this at my mission editing ability which i would like to say is quite high but not amazing.

Anyway i could be wrong.

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thanks for the answer,ill just have to wait then, cus its some of the effects i want (like the anti air fire which is really cool)

peace out


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Is spetznatz mod not releasing their stuff anytime soon?

Their Shilka is a bit better (no offense meant) as well as they had a bunch of other stuff that would be excellent for replacement vehicles.

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talking to kenji this shilka is just to be a stopgap until the spetnaz one is released. that is also the reason why it is never going to be released by rhs as a standalone addon as he dislikes the idea of m4 syndrom and would take to much work to increase the quality to a suitable level

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why don't you just try playing MP with ffur? whistle.gif

i guess you haven't tried.

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why don't you just try playing MP with ffur? whistle.gif

i guess you haven't tried.

Yeah it works for 5 or so minutes, then you lose connection wink_o.gifsad_o.gif

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how about these to replce the previous jeep with Machine gun in 2006 pack

It might be a problem that its not a convertible though

Also just wondering what is the current AI view distance using the FFUR mods and whats the original BIS view distance?

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Quote[/b] ]how about these to replce the previous jeep with Machine gun in 2006 pack

BIS Jeeps have already been replaced by some other decent and quite similar hmmwvs (Fsk ones).

Quote[/b] ]Is spetznatz mod not releasing their stuff anytime soon?

As far as I know, Spetznatz Mod shilka's almost finished but it seems that Manfred experiences some internet problems that don't allow him putting it online.

Quote[/b] ]Also just wondering what is the current AI view distance using the FFUR mods and whats the original BIS view distance?

The current FFUR AI view distance is a bit higher than BIS one but that one I defined in the FFUR 2006 would allow AI units engaging targets at ~400 - 500 meters. (inspired from real combats).


Btw, as promised a few days ago,

Here are the main contents of the incoming FFUR 2006.


-Realism and Gameplay Aspects Enhancements

*New menu interfaces.

*Added a MP config that allows you playing online.

*Updated soldiers animations with Sanctuary next gen animations pack.

*Reworked the reflection effects in order to make'em less 'shiney'.

*Implemented one of the most realistic ammunition values did for OFP. (Thanks to WGL).

*Weapons implemented the most authentically possible. (thanks to Miles_teg and to Franze).

[M16A4 replaced by the M16A2]

[F1 grenades replaced by RGO Grenades]

[P226 replaced by the P228]

[Mp-5 replaced by M4sd (acog variant)]

[uS army personnel use several M4 variants and keep using the M16A2 as well]

[As Val replaced by the Vss Vintorez]

*Now US Army soldiers carry 7 magazines and 3 M67 grenades.

*Now AI units can engage targets at ~400-500 meters and LAW/RPG soldiers engage armored units at ~200 meters.

*Updated all ironsights and implemented realistic sniper riffles ironsights.

*Updated several firearms sounds [M16, HE explosions...etc].

*Replaced Resistance songs by New ones coming from famous movies.

*Replaced rocket launchers cursor by a new one.

*All addons have been decompressed and regrouped in 'ffur_...' folders to further reduce lag and framerate difficulties.

(Reduced the number of addons from ~250 to ~30).

And much more...

-Effects Improvements

-Realistic tanks explosions (with the ability of blowing up MBTs turrets), debris don't appear on radar and the framerate level doesn't increase when several tanks are simultaneously destroyed.

-New grenade bouncing effect.

-Added smoke trail to propulled grenades.

-Realistic tanks tracers.

-You'd have the possibility of installing an enhanced version of John's effects in order to make the explosions looking better.

-Several new replacements

*Updated US soldiers with a new and realistic BDU camo.

*Updated Russian soldiers.

*BIS Shilka replaced by RHS one.

*BIS Glocks replaced by SJB ones.

*BIS OT-65 replaced by FDF BRDM-2.

*BIS G-3 replaced by NorFor G3.

*BIS OH-58 replaced by Franze Kiowa.

*Mi-28 replaced by Evgeni Kamov-52 (The new variant of the v-80).

*Dshk replaced by FDF NSV 12.7.

-Fixed all bugs reported in the FFUR 2005.

*Fixed Mi24 - 'AI Auto Raise/Lower Gear'.

*Fixed the Super Cobra missiles proxy.

*Fixed Fuel Ural mass value. (won't keep flying if it'd be hit).

*Fixed Ural Animations. (thanks to CameronMcDonald).

*Adjusted the ironsights of both light machine guns.

*Decreased the dispersion value of both light machine guns.

*Fixed the reflection effect value.

*Fixed the Notepad lod.

*Fixed several inventory pictures.

*Fixed the T-80UM missing lod (Now it explodes when it rolls on mines).

*Fixed the russian voices radio (100% russian).

Removed NIM clouds to satisfie people with low comps.

*Fixed the BMP-2 hatch animations. (Now crews can turn on).

*Fixed several ironsights. (They're smoother).

*Fixed the Shotgun ammunitions.

And much more...

Stay tuned.


Best Regards


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WOW looks like alot of work very nice cant wait.

Where you say about the amunition values, does this mean different firing rates for weapons as you know some firearms fire alot faster then others. For example the SAS use the Mac 10's whilst in their cars since if they are compromised at a checkpoint they need to get as many rounds through the window at the enemy whilst they put their foot on the pedal and they use the Mac10 for this job as it has a high rate of fire.

Anyway great work cant wait.

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Ammunition values mainly mean 'bullets impacts power', but a few changes have been done on the rate of fire (most of BIS weapons rate of fire seem not that bad), though.

e.g: The M249 achieves a higher rate of fire than the M60 or Coax bullets have higher rate of fire than BIS default tanks machine gun,etc...




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just wondering was there an icon for FFUR Euro on its own not the handytool.

In my FFUR Euro folder i have an icon.ico but it shows no picture and if i set an icon to use that file it doesnt show anything. So im just wondering was there an actual seperate icon pic for the Euro pack if so can someone please send it me thankyou

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just wondering was there an icon for FFUR Euro on its own not the handytool.

In my FFUR Euro folder i have an icon.ico but it shows no picture and if i set an icon to use that file it doesnt show anything. So im just wondering was there an actual seperate icon pic for the Euro pack if so can someone please send it me thankyou


That's the icon I have

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looks like i dont have one then. Can somebody please send me the icon then, the ones for all other FFUR mods work and at the moment im having to use the Asian mod icon.

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looks like i dont have one then. Can somebody please send me the icon then, the ones for all other FFUR mods work and at the moment im having to use the Asian mod icon.

Sure, how can I send it? smile_o.gif

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you say you changed the m16a4 to m16a2. Why? The M16A4 is what is currently in service. Also I think that ACU camo should be in there. Who cares if some people think it's ugly. It's what the US is using now and this is supposed to be a Modern Mod.

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this sounds like the best FFUR ever.

really looking forward to release.

i have one question though. the speed at which the guns move. i know there is a setting that lets you set how fast the guns can move. sort of like a m16 is much quicker to bring to point on a target than a LAW.

i can't remember the name of the value right now, but it would add to the realism (especially for MP).


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you say you changed the m16a4 to m16a2. Why? The M16A4 is what is currently in service. Also I think that ACU camo should be in there. Who cares if some people think it's ugly. It's what the US is using now and this is supposed to be a Modern Mod.

Not entirely, the M16A2 is still in service with some regular Army units particulary the FA and service and support.

As stated earlier the ACU camo does work in Real life but in the game then the American soldiers would look like a sore thumb.

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If youre updating FFUR Euro, you should replace the current British WAH-64 with Franze/Nod's new one

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