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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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I am trying to use some other addons with FFUR Mod but I get error msgs on some of them: No entery ."modelSpecial"

Any idea how to fix this error?


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it depends what mod i think with FFUR Euro they should be compatible but with all the other they are not or atleast thats what i think

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a little idea how about replacing the wrecked M113 with those destroyed BRDM's released not long a go (or atleast i think they were BRDM's) but they looked really nice and would fit well as the wrecked M113

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The error msg( No entery ."modelSpecial"

) I get with certain addons I am using with the FFUR Euro mod. It only happens with certain addons and I wonder if there is a way to overcome this problem?


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depends what the addons are type which they are then it might have something to do with conflicting textures or models i dont really know but thats just a guess

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Hey, just tried the mod. Great work! Now for the bad bit, I saw a few bugs whistle.gif

- Firing NSV brings up an error message regarding recoil values.

- Tiger doesnt have Stinger missiles, despite the launchers being on the wing.

- APS missing burst fire mode.

- Skorpion firing sound is very quiet.

- Resistance PRG troop missing leg textures

- AKS-74 w/ PSO-1 scope zoom seems quite low (should be the same as the Dragunov)

- British Apache misses Radar dome (I dont think they use non-Longbow variants, but its a bit of a nitpick issue)

- G3A3 inventory pic same as FAL

- Browning inventory pic same as P226

- P-226 shows up as 'P-266' in game

Well, some of them are kinda nitpick things, but once again thanks for the mod, tis bloody good! thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- Firing NSV brings up an error message regarding recoil values.

- Resistance PRG troop missing leg textures

You missed the patch.

Nice report of bugs even if some of them aren't.

Hopefully there would be some releases after the publication of spetznatz mod's shilka, if I'd still be there, though.

If not, would try to release at least the patchs without the shilka.




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one thing about that dynamic reflections is that the ground now reflects light ive never noticed the ground do that

It does absorb the light and make it bright but doesn reflect the light and blind everyone who looks at it rofl.gif

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are there new burn scripts for tanks (chalanger 1), i like old ones better, naw you cant get burn eaven if you stand right next too the flames huh.gif

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Wow yay.gif just come back from a two week winter hol to this!Excelent work,only one problem as took the edge off this beleted christmas present for me! As is the norm before i download a new mod,addon ect,i read the full post to see what bugs ect people have discoverd.Up until now this as always been time well spent.With all due respect mr "Rockofsl" you have in my opinion cluttered up this thread with pointless posts pistols.gif My free advice for the new year to you would be-1 get a life-2 don't make any more addon's,and last but by no mean's least stop clutering up other peoples topics! I have just wasted a fair few minutes having to read your'e replys. p s happy new year to every one

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"-It's wanted that the resistance grenadier carries 3 grenades instead of 6, it has been done for more realism cuz resistance forces aren't "regular"... and don't have the same possibilities than the rest of regular armies."

This doesn't seem very logical, resistance fighters usually have no problem obtaining small arms. I think it would be more likely that resistance fighters carry 6 grenades than to have a T80. Most resistance fighters around the world get most of their weapons from capturing enemy supplies. For example, in Chechnya, the rebels there captured a bunch of ammunition and small arms from some police station. There is a video here showing Chechen rebels launching grenades at some Russian positions and they have more than three. Anyway, I've noticed while using the resistance grenader that you can pick up GP type grenades and use them in the same grenade launcher that uses the crappy old ones. I've also noticed the new GP-25 work in the same launcher as the old ones, would it be possible to just remove the old ones and assign resistance fighters 3 GP-25 grenades? The old ones suck, and there is no point in keeping them.

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Quote[/b] ]are there new burn scripts for tanks (chalanger 1), i like old ones better, naw you cant get burn eaven if you stand right next too the flames

Maybe we will implement'em once again, they have been taken out from Heavy MBT in order to add more diversity to explosion effects.

Quote[/b] ]I think it would be more likely that resistance fighters carry 6 grenades than to have a T80

Why not

Quote[/b] ]3 GP-25 grenades?

will assign'em 6 GP-25. same than russian grenadiers.

and Happy new year everyone!




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wow first off been playing the mod for since they came out biggrin_o.gif but iv got an problem im trying to use the tracers for the wbe script since its whats used in ffur2005, and i cant get it to work it says not found for this, [this,1,0,1, "yellow"]exec "wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs" thats what i put in the intal line for what ever unit or car that im going to use. I even tryed dl the wolf mans addon its self but same thing i cant get it to work. Plz help me on this i would like to use the tracers on other units,cars ect.... plz or is there an script that u made just for this mode and its diffrent then that script that i just showd. Plz help.

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Actually only the FFUR European Crisis pack uses several tracers for each unit, but the next versions of the incoming FFUR 2005 & 1985 will have featured tracers as well.

Btw, to implement wbe tracers to Tanks, APCs, Helicopters, planes...etc, you have to add the following line to the eventhandler's init of each main class

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[class man:land / class apc:tank / class tank:landvehicle / class car:landvehicle / class helicopter:air / class plane:air]


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers


init="[(_this select 0),1,0,2,{yellow},0,0.6] exec {\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs}";


Edit: you might change the color of the tracers if you want'em red or green.


Quote[/b] ]....[(_this select 0),1,0,2,<span style='color:green'>{green}</span>,0,0.6]....


Best Regards


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Actually only the FFUR European Crisis pack uses several tracers for each unit, but the next versions of the incoming FFUR 2005 & 1985 will have featured tracers as well.

Btw, to implement wbe tracers to Tanks, APCs, Helicopters, planes...etc, you have to add the following line to the eventhandler's init of each main class

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[class man:land / class apc:tank / class tank:landvehicle / class car:landvehicle / class helicopter:air / class plane:air]


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers


init="[(_this select 0),1,0,2,{yellow},0,0.6] exec {\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs}";


Edit: you might change the color of the tracers if you want'em red or green.


Quote[/b] ]....[(_this select 0),1,0,2,<span style='color:green'>{green}</span>,0,0.6]....


Best Regards


ok so i type this in the intl line for any unit class like this type [(_this select 0),1,0,2{yellow},0,0.6] exec {wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs}";};[/code] thats what i type in the intel line or did i do it wrong? What do i just type in the intel line for any unit class to use the tracer plz thx.

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plz if can just give me an example like say i wont an chopper with the tracers what do i type in the intit line.

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A detailed explanation would be quite long, just send me your config and I'd do it.


Best Regards


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ok so i give u the config but i got like new addons in ur mod. that will not show up in the config will it? Im just trying to use the intit for the tracers to work, just like wolf mans addon like i showed in the post befor, im not trying to put it in my config. like i just wont to use it like once in an mission or what not. or is this script totaly diffrent then wolf mans? all i would like is to use it in the intit line for some missions that i would make in the editor plz help if can.

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This explains how to use 'wbe tracers' for your own missions:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">The simplest way to run this script is to put this line in the init field of the unit you want to fire tracers:

[unitname]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

That line will run the script with the default settings.

Since all the parameters but the first one of the script have default values you don´t need to provide them all for the script to run. However if you just need to alter say the last parameter you have to provide the other parameters too.

Heres the syntax for the script with all the parameters provided:

[unitname,tracers,ricochet,glow,color,rounds,size]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

unitname - this is the name of the unit that the script will run on

tracers - this is a toggle to turn the tracers on or off (1=on,0=off defaults to 1): You may wonder why i put this here, tracers should always be on right? The reason for it is to provide better flexibility for missionmakers and addonmakers so they can toggle the tracers on or off easily.

ricochet - this is a toggle to turn ricochetting of the tracers on or off (1=on,0=off, defaults to 1). note: this only affects normal tracers not the glowing ones, ie if you have the glow parameter set to on this will have no affect.

glow - this parameter turns glowing tracers on or off (1=on,0=off, default is 0). note: if you have glow set to on ricochet will not affect it since the glowing tracers have no richocets. important: the glowing tracers are a bit more cpu intensive than the normal tracer

color - this parameter (a string) sets the color of the tracer. the colors are: "white", "red", "yellow" and "green". default is "red"

rounds - this parameter controls the number of rounds between each tracerround. default is 2.

size - this is the size of the tracerround fired. default is 0.2. note: this parameter has no effect on glowing tracers, ie if you have the glow parameter set to on this will have no effect.

Examples of usage

Glowing tracers with yellow color and 2 rounds (using the default value) between each tracer

[this,1,0,1,"yellow"]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

Normal richocetting tracers of size 0.3 with green color and 3 rounds between each tracer:

[this,1,1,0,"green",3,0.3]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

Best Regards


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This explains how to use 'wbe tracers' for your own missions:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">The simplest way to run this script is to put this line in the init field of the unit you want to fire tracers:

[unitname]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

That line will run the script with the default settings.

Since all the parameters but the first one of the script have default values you don´t need to provide them all for the script to run. However if you just need to alter say the last parameter you have to provide the other parameters too.

Heres the syntax for the script with all the parameters provided:

[unitname,tracers,ricochet,glow,color,rounds,size]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

unitname - this is the name of the unit that the script will run on

tracers - this is a toggle to turn the tracers on or off (1=on,0=off defaults to 1): You may wonder why i put this here, tracers should always be on right? The reason for it is to provide better flexibility for missionmakers and addonmakers so they can toggle the tracers on or off easily.

ricochet - this is a toggle to turn ricochetting of the tracers on or off (1=on,0=off, defaults to 1). note: this only affects normal tracers not the glowing ones, ie if you have the glow parameter set to on this will have no affect.

glow - this parameter turns glowing tracers on or off (1=on,0=off, default is 0). note: if you have glow set to on ricochet will not affect it since the glowing tracers have no richocets. important: the glowing tracers are a bit more cpu intensive than the normal tracer

color - this parameter (a string) sets the color of the tracer. the colors are: "white", "red", "yellow" and "green". default is "red"

rounds - this parameter controls the number of rounds between each tracerround. default is 2.

size - this is the size of the tracerround fired. default is 0.2. note: this parameter has no effect on glowing tracers, ie if you have the glow parameter set to on this will have no effect.

Examples of usage

Glowing tracers with yellow color and 2 rounds (using the default value) between each tracer

[this,1,0,1,"yellow"]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

Normal richocetting tracers of size 0.3 with green color and 3 rounds between each tracer:

[this,1,1,0,"green",3,0.3]exec "\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs"

Best Regards


yes thx but thats what i tryed fist off and dident work sad_o.gif For some reason i dont know i think its diffrent for ur mod because i tryed it out on CSLA mod and it workd fine. I did as u listed in this last post witch is the readme file and it worked with CSLA mod but when i tryed it out on FFUR 2005 it says tracers not found???

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Best to wait for the FFUR 2005, there would be 4 different tracers, each kind of tracers intended to a specifical vehicle 'type'.

exactly as we did for the FFUR Euro.


Best Regards


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thats cool but should this work like the wolf mans one like all in all its the same scripting right? I just dont know why i cant use the script in the intit line, i even dl the wbe tracers and tryed replaceing it over your one but same thing i just cant use the scripts for other units or cars ect..... on the 2005 one that is comeing out can u make it like easyer for useing the script like the just to type in the intit line for any chopper car ect.... thx for the info and all smile_o.gif

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I'd just like to say that this mod is awesome, it has really brought OFP back up to speed. Thank you for all your hard work notworthy.gif

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Have a little problem.

Trying to play a coop that has BAS rangers in it, just added the BAS addons into Res/addons, but firing sounds goes away, on all weapons, all other sounds work fine, just the guns when i have a BAS Ranger in there.

any ideas?

thx in advance

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