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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Quote[/b] ]Any release date planned for the patch?


Uh-oh... Emoticon-only post...


TB, you ever fancy joining a squad, consider SWAF wink_o.gif You've already experienced our hospitality smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Hey TB, can the malden textures be replaced with the ones on elati island? They might be fatwombat's textures be either way they are fairly high-res and fit the mediterranean vegetation much more approriately IMO. Malden just doesn't "feel' the same with the current textures.

How about these they look much different then the current malden and also the retextured malden by WGL.

2048 res textures

Or you can have

1024 res textures

IMO its best to chose 1024res cause when i tried 2048 ofp did lag out much more then normal.

Anyway hope these are okay for you.

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As reported yesterday, here is the update of the US Armored Crews.

BDU Camo:



ACU Camo:



Thanks to CBT for the basic p3d and additional thanks to Canadian terror for collecting a bunch of helpful photos.

Quote[/b] ]Is there a simple way i can mod AI shooting distance or would it be a very long and complicated work ?

As stated a few days ago, AI daytime visual range and accuracy will be decreased a bit, but they will still be hard to spot'n to kill.

Quote[/b] ]Changed the brown and the lighter color to be more accurate. TB please take a look at this.

Indeed, some minor improvements could probably be done to make the colors more authentic.

Quote[/b] ]Was there any reason in particular why you removed them? I thought they were pretty cool, and made the Russians stand out from the US.

They were responsible for the CTDs that several people have experienced.

As far as I know, ORCS Animations makers expect to update'em.

Quote[/b] ]Have you decided to replace the Cobra with the A model Apache, and the Patton with the M1A1?

Not yet, but we will let democracy decide on that, a poll will be established soon.

Quote[/b] ]Hey TB, can the malden textures be replaced with the ones on elati island?

This is envisaged for the next incoming days.

Quote[/b] ] Noticed that armored vehicles destroyed in combat look exactly the same as new intact ones.

In real life, Armored vehicles do not explode in all cases, they would frequently catch fire especially if they are hit by 'Low range' rockets.

A movie showing some light armored vehicles burning after getting hit by an AT-4 has been published a couple of days ago in the FFUR thread.

Quote[/b] ]TB, you ever fancy joining a squad, consider SWAF ;-) You've already experienced our hospitality :-)

Thanks, I do appreciate your offer but unfortunately, I will not be available daily because of the lack of time due to some constraints. :-(



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I think the shooting is too accurate as well, i'm on the level where you start off in the woods and have to evacuate the island, and no matter what i do the russians know where I am and I dont even survive 5 mins. Its doesnt help that the hi res texture trees in the woods make it impossible to see whos shooting you and the m16 iron sights seem to be off since it seems i can no longer hit anyone unless there really close.

Escape & Evade mission - very nice. I did this mission in FFUR, but it took me about an hour. Move out from wood, get down, wait, take your time. If the go. Run, take down, take time and so on. Always look ever direction, wait, run few hundreds meters and get down. Until you reach point. I saved during mission and I was even managed to desroy tank and annihilate two squads, and when I play coops I would never say I am good shooter. So it just need a lot of patience and cold blood smile_o.gif

Next mission, when ou have to destroy tank and take village with Resistance on your side... well FFUR changed AI somhow and AT team never destroys tank. And this is the only chance. So to move forward I would have to play this mission with BIS version and then go back to FFUR sad_o.gif

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I think the m60 tank shuld be replaced because it loks so out of place in the missions where it is used. Replacing the cobra with the appachie not so keen on as i really like the supa cobra just wish the chain cun rotated when it fires

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Oh yeah about the Cobra, could you change it so that it represents a USMC Cobra, seeing as the US Army haven't used it for a while now

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Oh yeah about the Cobra, could you change it so that it represents a USMC Cobra, seeing as the US Army haven't used it for a while now

This just occured to me - why get rid of all the USMC stuff? It isnt as if FFUR is the VBS US Army mod or something smile_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ]As stated a few days ago, AI daytime visual range and accuracy will be decreased a bit, but they will still be hard to spot'n to kill.

Thanks a lot sir notworthy.gif

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This is envisaged for the next incoming days.
Quote[/b] ] Noticed that armored vehicles destroyed in combat look exactly the same as new intact ones.

In real life, Armored vehicles do not explode in all cases, they would frequently catch fire especially if they are hit by 'Low range' rockets.

A movie showing some light armored vehicles burning after getting hit by an AT-4 has been published a couple of days ago in the FFUR thread.

could anyone direct me to that movie or the page where i can find it?

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Dont know if this has been posted before but on some vehicles with gunners in e.g CBT's Hummvee the gunner is really low (half way into the ground). Anyone else had this problem?

Also would it be possibly to replace the AKS 47 with one of the ones from RHS? the current one looks like its out of counter strike !

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just wondering but can you change the snipers to have more slots for ammo since the M24 they carry only holds 5 rounds in each mag so its much easier to run out of ammo since the M21 has 20 rounds per mag.

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just wondering but can you change the snipers to have more slots for ammo since the M24 they carry only holds 5 rounds in each mag so its much easier to run out of ammo since the M21 has 20 rounds per mag.

I never found a problem with this - the M24 compensates by having a scope that I can use properly tounge2.gif

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the m21 scope that bis made wasnt accurate anyway dont know why, also the m24 is much better because it forces you to actually aim not just shoot at the target cmon is in real life a marine can hit someone at somethin like 1200m you can get lots of kills with the m24 in game wink_o.gif (besides the m21 isnt used any more is it)?

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Anyone else noticed that the MP Config file doesn't have the DMA Anims? (lean & roll)

or is it just me?

Excellent job on the ACU Soldiers, can't wait for a patch

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Anyone else noticed that the MP Config file doesn't have the DMA Anims? (lean & roll)

or is it just me?

Excellent job on the ACU Soldiers, can't wait for a patch

This is intentional, because if you used it in multiplayer it would give you a tremendous advantage over non-FFUR users...not to mention it would probably make their game crash.

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(besides the m21 isnt used any more is it)?

It is, or at least M25s and modded M14s are in Iraq. Im sure the semi operation and high mag cap makes it better than the M24 in Urban enviroments. I agree with you about the M24 in FFUR though - it encourages you to use the scope as opposed to blasting away at the target or desperatly trying to find a Dragunov. pistols.gif

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I think the shooting is too accurate as well, i'm on the level where you start off in the woods and have to evacuate the island, and no matter what i do the russians know where I am and I dont even survive 5 mins. Its doesnt help that the hi res texture trees in the woods make it impossible to see whos shooting you and the m16 iron sights seem to be off since it seems i can no longer hit anyone unless there really close.

Dunno if you played that mission with stock BIS units, but that's one of the hardest missions of any game I've ever played... FFUR has improved the AI, but still, 5mins survival sounds about right for first few tries of that mission I did crazy_o.gif

I remember that mission... it took me a while to beat.

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Oh dear God; *that* mission! I spent perhaps a week before I could get past that mission...... banghead.gifpistols.gif

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