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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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I think at this point it slowly get too far from a  game to a hardcore sim.

As i already told TB FFUR was made ( at least it think that was the original idea ) to play original missions and campaigns with new units and have fun.

Now with all the realism and thing slike tanks shooting at Helicopters i encounter more and more missions that cant be finished anymore or just wont end.

Try the good ol SP mission Ambush for example, i wondered why the mission wont end when a rescue chopper arrived.... a bit later i knew why, it laid in the woods nearby gunned down by tanks...

I know yeah. But its just a suggestion. It would be more realistic, but if its not put in its cool. As of the breaking of the missions, CWC mission FLASHPOINT: you attack morton with air support and tanks, The air support is shot down by the enemy tanks MG's and your tanks take the long way around leaving your squad with alot of tanks to deal with. Do tanks actually engages helo's with MG's

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I want to know if a tank has ever shot a helicopter with it's main cannon! Gawd I love doing that.

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One day the ai tank shoot my plane with its main gun crazy_o.gif

But in the real life i don t know

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Not to say that a tank couldn't or hasn't shot down a heli with it's main cannon, however you tend to see alot more happen in games that simulate real combat than you would in real combat.

You have to remember that people have a tendency to do things that would indefinitly end their life in video games, wereas in real life there are several factors that must come into play before you fire your weapon.

So I would say that yes a helicopter could be shot down by a tank. Why not they are shot down by RPG's right? However in real life it is unlikely that a helicopter would be shot down by a tank because the situation would be an extremely rare, where the tank would be in the position to shoot the helicopter and not vice versa.

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Keep in mind that FP doesn't exactly favor aircraft; a tank can likely shoot down an aircraft (especially a helicopter) within it's weapon range, but aircraft don't fly within that envelope very often. In FP, aircraft have to make do within 1000 to 2000 view distance and sensor detection range - well within engagement ranges for HMG class weapons.

By all means, you can engage at a greater distance, but your sensors likely won't cooperate - so you'll need someone on the ground linked to your group so you can target objects outside of your standard viewing range. Of course, this isn't readily applyable with CWC missions.

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One day the ai tank shoot my plane with its main gun  crazy_o.gif

But in the real life i don t know

Israeli Merkava mark 4 (mk 4} can shoot down helicopters flying low with his main gun. I had a video of that but it shows only about 4 seconds.

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i think that it was ATGM fired through the barrel, just as the Reflex...

Besides, Shadow NX, your whole team (RHS) made those Hinds amazing!

I want to eat that croco Hind wow_o.gifinlove.gifnotworthy.gifrofl.gif

P.S. go go go TB & FFUR team! Hit them hard with "brand" new FFUR!

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Without meaning to be too much of a spoilsport and/or anal-retentive idiot, that Hind really needs exhaust outlet covers, if it is to make a realistic impact in this mod. From what I see, most modern-day Hinds have them fitted to reduce the susceptibility to SAMs (cough Stingers cough).

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well all i know is that those covers on the exhaust tubes are fitted on those Hinds, which are near combat areas. Most Hinds are still not using those covers, because most of them are stationed in training or other divisions which are far from not secure areas smile_o.gif so covers for the Hinds in FFUR is a need, because enviroment in which FFUR was developed is not safe  rofl.gif

info about Hinds (7 days download)

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.....so covers for the Hinds in FFUR is a need, because enviroment in which FFUR was developed is not safe rofl.gif .....

pistols.gif Thats for sure!

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Without meaning to be too much of a spoilsport and/or anal-retentive idiot, that Hind really needs exhaust outlet covers, if it is to make a realistic impact in this mod. From what I see, most modern-day Hinds have them fitted to reduce the susceptibility to SAMs (cough Stingers cough).

yes those covers reduce their heat signiture for AA rockets that follow heat.

also it is realistic because I think that most of Russian hinds have them. I even saw a video of a hind in Afghanistan during the soviet stay there and he had those exhaust covers {the hind}

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Without meaning to be too much of a spoilsport and/or anal-retentive idiot, that Hind really needs exhaust outlet covers, if it is to make a realistic impact in this mod. From what I see, most modern-day Hinds have them fitted to reduce the susceptibility to SAMs (cough Stingers cough).

*cough (and sneaky slap upside the head)*


Notice anything? tounge2.gif

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Is this hind a new addon from the REDHAMMERSTUDIOS?

Looks great notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]What is the difference between the sky-packs



Modules + effects


Llauma's sky pack has different textures then Modules.

Basically its two different looking sky's.

Best bet is to download them both then try them both out and see which you prefer.

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Is this hind a new addon from the REDHAMMERSTUDIOS?

Looks great  notworthy.gif

it will be when they relese it that is whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Do tanks actually engages helo's with MG's

In real life it is very very rare for a tank to ever shoot at a helo of any sort. Like someone else said the chance for a shot like that almost never happens. In OFP we like to fly right over tank platoons without a second thought, IRL this would be a bad idea b/c there are typically anti-air units in the area.

It is very unrealistic that they shoot at you in game, dont think that should be added agian. This is of course unless we start using more assets provided ingame like the vulcan and soilders with AA weapons. Which would increase realism quite a bit btw. But then that borders on how fun you want the game to be.

Article in foward air defense

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then you are wrong, many tanks have heavy cal maschine guns, for AA purposes (self defence).

in real life aircraft don't do such close combat over platoons, because it will be suicide. Platoons have mobile AA vehicles at least heavy cal maschine guns on APCs, Tanks and other vehicles...

so it is good that tanks can fire at you with heavy cal maschine guns.

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Is it possible to make 2 visual models for the AK-74 ? becaus I don't think that all the russian military use it [the ak74M] and it will be nice if some units will be carrying the "wooden" ak74 instead of the black AK74m  icon_rolleyes.gif

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we choose to use the AKM for russian soldiers.

The Resistance grenadier will have the AK74 (wood) with the greandlauncher.


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Quote[/b] ]in real life aircraft don't do such close combat over platoons, because it will be suicide. Platoons have mobile AA vehicles at least heavy cal maschine guns on APCs, Tanks and other vehicles...

Like I was saying, IRL attack helo's are not going to be straffing over large platoons like they do in the game.  They keep a stand off distance of several kilometers and do shoot and run missions.  I wish we could replicate this in the game using AI.  Would be a great improvement and bring alot more realism.  We are just limited in game in terms of scale of battle due to lagging the hell out of your comp with all the support units a front line unit would have with it.  Its just annoying flying into an area and then have 8 tanks all turn their fire on you and have it be spot on shots.  You go down pretty fast.  Then it all comes back to how real you want the game to be..  pistols.gif

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we choose to use the AKM for russian soldiers.

The Resistance grenadier will have the AK74 (wood) with the greandlauncher.


wtf? AKMs? i gues you are jocking...

because AK-74(wood) is mostly used by Russian Federation Armed Forces and i hope soldiers in FFUR will use it. Yup, AKMs should be good enough for Resistance. But not otherwise.

AK-74M and other even modern weapons are used for specialised tasks/operations(SOBR, FSB, Vympel, Spetsnaz...).

AK-74 folding, is comonly used by Russian VDV(airborne - Voiska Diadi Vasi), Morpechs (Marines), Spetsnaz (we all know what it is...) and etc.

P.S. i really hope it's only some kind of mistake in text

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dont for get the ak100 series the ak74m is issued to "guards" units as far as i know but i'm probably wrong so i'll shut up now

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Quote[/b] ]

AK-74 folding, is comonly used by Russian VDV(airborne - Voiska Diadi Vasi), Morpechs (Marines), Spetsnaz (we all know what it is...) and etc.

P.S. i really hope it's only some kind of mistake in text

I think VDV stads for "Voienski decantski voiska" which mean "Army Airborne Forces".

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