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Mr. Cheese

Old OFP shots?

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I've seen a few around and they're usually rather funny - anyone have any/know of any OFP shots from the 90s that you could post for the newer members of the community? :P

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they are on the 'fun stuff' part of the website - you need to click on the mans briefcase in the bi section, and enter a password to access it

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I've never seen that video before and I've been to the BIS fun site about 5 times over the years.

It's interesting to see some of the things that in my opinion were better than what made it into the game. For example the M2 machine gun sound effect at about 30 seconds into the video sounds way better than the final game. Another interesting thing is that the T72 has a DSHK with deflection shield on top.

I also like the death animations, I know that sounds a bit macabre. Maybe if we are extra nice armed assault will support more death animations than we have now and will include some of those golden oldies.

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Please do not hotlink from there.

Please do not post login details from there.

Please do not post the link to there.

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Thats a screenshot of the poisendon (ish) engine demo smile_o.gif

At the higest settings I could get it too (Highest screen res, didn't see any other options)

- Ben

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Here's a good movie from 1999 on the official site (not from the bis fun site).


  Once again I must state, what happened to the sound effects? they are much better in this video than in the final product. I especially like the sounds at the 40 second mark in the film where you can hear all kinds of clinking and clanging on the armor from inside the tank.

  I also like the camo scheme on the Hind in this video.

  One other point of note is at 1:02 into the film you'll notice the player has what appears to be a scoped AK with grenade launcher. Not a very good model, but interesting that such a weapon was in the game at one point.

Here is one more video from later on. Looks pretty much like the Flashpoint we all love.


There are still some differences from the final product if you look close though. The biggest being the soldier animations and the dialogue. Leter in the video the player has a scoped M16 with grenade launcher.

Here is the final video from the official site, http://www.flashpoint1985.com/video/clasified.mpeg

Looks like the final game. The sound effects are much better than in the final game though. The AI dialogue is terrible though.

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I also pefer the explosions in that early video then the ones that made it into the final game. Look a lot more dramtic! thank god for ECP biggrin_o.gif

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lol Sputnik - that video [sound effects and explosions] reminds me of Goldeneye on the N64 for some reason. Also, is it just me or are the old textures nicer? [more colour in them, better to look at]

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I already posted this old screenshot i have in my archives since several years , but it is very informative on how OFP was.

shit it had a money system. and you could have years

We've come a long way baby  wink_o.gif  tounge2.gif

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sorry placebo about linking the video and posting clues to password/username thought it would be ok as the clues ect are in this sticky thread.

No problem smile_o.gif

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I already posted this old screenshot i have in my archives since several years , but it is very informative on how OFP was.

shit it had a money system. and you could have years

We've come a long way baby wink_o.giftounge2.gif

Actually, they've downgraded flashpoint, can't you see?

"Game2" is the game that they wanted Flashpoint to be: a large, ongoing war. RPG elements clearly visible.

Placebo, care to enlighten us on the untold history of Flashpoint? wink_o.gif

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I already posted this old screenshot i have in my archives since several years , but it is very informative on how OFP was.

shit it had a money system. and you could have years

We've come a long way baby  wink_o.gif  tounge2.gif

Actually, they've downgraded flashpoint, can't you see?

"Game2" is the game that they wanted Flashpoint to be: a large, ongoing war. RPG elements clearly visible.

Placebo, care to enlighten us on the untold history of Flashpoint?  wink_o.gif

Pictures placebo telling story

Placebo sitting on a old crocked chair

Placebo: Come around my sons. This is a story of flashpoint

Everyone: Go on master

Placebo:it starts in 1985 when the gods started programing on there old computer.

Come back to reality

what a time  tounge2.gif

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The Apache, M167 and Hummer were not included in the original release and were added later through patches. Well two weeks ago I played through the original Cold War Crisis campaign again and saw all three.

1. You protect a vulcan on the mission titled night patrol (where the two spetznatz crawl up and you execute them)

2. You fly an apache in one of the Sam Nicholes missions.

3. A hummer appears in one or two cut scenes and in the mission where you have to capture Guba there is one included for your use in the starting base.

Any one here who played Flashpoint in Europe before the upgrade patches remember what was in the campaigns? My best guess is that When they released the upgrade patches they also patched the campaign to include some of the new vehicles.

So I take it the cut scenes with the hummers prior to the patch had the covered jeep instead. As a matter of fact the Sam Nicholes Apache mission in the campaign says in the briefing you'll be flying "you're cobra gunship", obviously they didn't update the briefing with the patchs.

I guess then my only real question is this, what did you guard on the night patrol mission before the inclusion of the Vulcan? Hummer replaces Jeep, Apache replaces Cobra, Vulcan replaces huh.gif

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The Apache, M167 and Hummer were not included in the original release and were added later through patches. Well two weeks ago I played through the original Cold War Crisis campaign again and saw all three.

1. You protect a vulcan on the mission titled night patrol (where the two spetznatz crawl up and you execute them)

2. You fly an apache in one of the Sam Nicholes missions.

3. A hummer appears in one or two cut scenes and in the mission where you have to capture Guba there is one included for your use in the starting base.

Any one here who played Flashpoint in Europe before the upgrade patches remember what was in the campaigns? My best guess is that When they released the upgrade patches they also patched the campaign to include some of the new vehicles.

So I take it the cut scenes with the hummers prior to the patch had the covered jeep instead. As a matter of fact the Sam Nicholes Apache mission in the campaign says in the briefing you'll be flying "you're cobra gunship", obviously they didn't update the briefing with the patchs.

I guess then my only real question is this, what did you guard on the night patrol mission before the inclusion of the Vulcan? Hummer replaces Jeep, Apache replaces Cobra, Vulcan replaces huh.gif

correct - with the new weapons they also patched the campaign - before the Vulcan it was a standard M113 i think smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]correct - with the new weapons they also patched the campaign - before the Vulcan it was a standard M113 i think

Thanks for the info. That's what I guessed all along. The M113 being in before the Vulcan is kind of funny to imagine though heh heh. The briefing mentions that you must guard a key piece of Maldens air defense, for it to simply be a Browning machine gun is a bit cheeky to say the least.

While I did enjoy that mission, I had reservations to the logic behind it, even the first time I played it. I mean if it's such an integral part of maldens AA defense why is it sitting unmanned out in the middle of nowhere with no crew in sight, not to mention it's guard detachment consist of one lonely private. Methinks old Armstrong was the brunt of a practical joke.

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Methinks old Armstrong was the brunt of a practical joke.

Well he did lose in a poker game and that way got this shift wink_o.gif.

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