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Hey all!

Just wanted to introduce myself, and ask a few questions.

I bought Op:F after playing the demo that came with a PCGamer macazine. Loved the game, played the whole campaign through. Then bought the Gold upgrade (Soviet campaign), played a bit of that. Just ordered the Resistance expansion. Even though this game is old, I still love it...I've yet to find a newer game that matches the feel of Op:F.

Here's my questions-I'm browsing through these forums, and the fansites, and I see tons of user created mods, and campaigns that looks wonderfuly fun! I really would like to try them out, especially after seeing the teaser trailer thing for the "Black Mamba" campaign(?) one. However, I'm at a lost at what to do to be able to play all these things...as previously mentioned, I dont have Res. xpansion (yet), also, I've never downloaded any updates, or addons, etc. I'm somewhat overwhlemed by the plethora of options out there...can someone give me a good place to start at? Any "must have files", etc...do I have to have the resistance xpansion to play most of these?

*edit* Just to clarify, I don't want to download soemthing will change everything so I can't play other things...while that sounds odd, what I'm trying to say is, are these mods compatible with other mods? By downloading a graphics update, will that screw up the original game?

Thanks all!


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Get Resistance and download some addons. Pop the .pbo files in your addons folder where OFP is on your HD and fire up OFP. Open the mission editor and play with the downloaded addons.

Have fun.

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Be aware that you'll need resistance v1.96 to play alot of things.

Ofp.info Patches

Also has all the older patches too.

Oh, and if you're in the UK you can actually just go down to GAME or Gamestation or wherever and get the Game of The Year Edition of Flashpoint for Å9.99

And before i forget when resistance comes, check out this Thread to see what the hottest/best addons are.

The Thread

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