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Hi everyone,

                i would like someone to explain to me (and a lot of people im sure) what is DirectX9 and what will be the majors graphics changes  in arma (not only with direct 9x) . what will look better and why (from what we know now) .

P.S - pistols.gif please Dont lock this thread  confused_o.gif

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For DX9 goto microsoft website. But bascically DX9 is a new ms standard for how to code programs to create all those cool things you see in games. In the old days you had a choice (glide/ DX, thats a different can of worms whistle.gif ) but now DX has won. DX9 adds new and improved performance, new pixel and vertex shaders, more freindly for developors to use(not sure, dont do this) and many more features. What does all this bs mean? Well umm maybe start at www.tomshardware.com and read some of the articles there as its way to big and complicated to even start here. wink_o.gif

What will this mean for our beloved game?? Well have a look at the pics released so far, some of them you can see improvement. What DX9 features are included is hard to say with only a picute, so what ever we say is gossip. No one but BIS can tell us for sure what they have included and until then we will have to wait. smile_o.gif

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Exactly as ShinRaiden said.

C'mon people, stop posting off topic threads and such if you want to stop seeing closed threads in here huh.gif

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