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want respawns to arrive unarmed

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So many questions!!

Guys, in a mission I'm making, I have a team of 4 captives who are unarmed. I've got respawn working but when the guys respawn, they always have an M16 and one magazine.

Is there a simple way I can force the respawns to be unarmed?

Thanks in advance,


(GOTY 1.96 + editor102)

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removeAllWeapons player should do the trick if you make sure the command is run localy on the computer of the respawning player.

The name player is different on every client machine in a MP game. If you run a local script everytime a human player is inside the respawn zone, with the above mentioned command, then removeAllWeapons player should only affect that unit, not the rest of the players on the map.

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