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sputnik monroe

COC Command engine error

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I've been checking out the Chain Of Command Command engine for a possible Vietnam mission I'm making. So far so good, it seems to be working save for a error message I keep getting.


The error in the top left keeps popping up when I test the mission out. The thing is that I don't see anything wrong happeing in game besides the message. I can command and the markers are showing up and moving around. Any one have a clue?

Here is a copy and paste of the only stuff I've edited in the user init.

Quote[/b] ]

;definition of subordinate groups------------------------------

;_groupdescription = [groupname, "NAME", ["Callsign", _color], courage, "markername", ["initmode"(, initbehaviour, initcombatmode)], assignedtransport, [WPs]]

_player =[monroe,"HQ",["Alpha",_none],0.8,"hqm",[""],-1,[]]

_infsquad1 =[army1,"Fire Team1",["Bravo",_none],0.5,"army1m",[""],-1,[]]

_usmcsquad1 =[marine1,"USMC Fire Team1",["Charlie",_none],0.7,"marine1m",[""],-1,[]]

rSquadParameters = [_player,_infsquad1,_usmcsquad1]

rPlatoonCommandStructure = [[0], [1], [2], [], [], [], []]

rTeamFormations = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]

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I would try renaming _group to something else.. not sure if that is what is causing the error or not but I try to avoid commands also being variable names... even with an '_' or not.

I'd try that and if you are still recieving an error I'll investigate it further.

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Well I tried changing the _player to _commander and I still get the error message popping up the top left corner. If I don't use the command radio for a while the error will go away, but the moment I click anything on the map radio, poof, the error is back.

I can't get rid of this dang error message for the life of me.

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I think its here:

Quote[/b] ]_player =[monroe,"HQ",["Alpha",_none],0.8,"hqm",[""],-1,[]]

Is it that monroe is the name of your player? If so then try doing this:

1. remove the name from the player

2. in the init filed add <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">monroe = group this

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Thanks a lot jaakko that fixed the problem.

I'm really impressed with this command engine. It works really well. It’s actually quite easy to set up. I've just been messing around trying out the various orders and what not to see how it works. All kinds of functions, like transferring troops between squads, assigning vehicles. It's great.

As soon as I can figure out how to implement close air support I'll be set. Heck I might end up making quite a few missions and releasing them.

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