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ECP 1.085 Released!

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...so how do you disable the smoke trail for missiles or rockets fired from choppers?

Have you read the "ECP_Settings.sqf"?

As I said, you should browse this file if you want to enable or disable effects. I searched for "trail" and found lots of information, and, among it, there was:

// ECP_bbda_trail_enable

// The backblast trail will only occur if this is true, false will deactivate the script

//ECP_local set [55, true ];

If you read some further instructions you'll learn that some effects depend on this and might be disabled aswell.

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I made a mission where i use HYK's modern infantry troops defend a town against terrerists. Ok the us infantry has a full squad with 2 cbt humvees and 2 Vit AH-1's which are inbound on their postion. The terrerists have 3 urls full of men and 2 mg jeeps.

Before the helis even get there, most of the squad is taken out, why are the us guys retreating? Or atleast throwing a smoke? They just keep firing until they die.

So i come in my AH-1, start blowing em all up. So the terrisests throw smokes, green, white and red. First of all what do these mean? Komuna said on page 13 they are colours for retreating, but what is the difference in colour? And how come they don't surrender when they have no chance of winning? They pop the smokes but don't retreat, they keep firing. How do i get em to surrender?

P.S. - I did use the activiation trigger, i know it works cause i hear DSAI in the Vit AH-1's.

Also where in the config do i tweak the DSAI volume? I want to raise it.

Thanks a lot for your help!


Can someone please answer my question? sad_o.gif

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Well, I tried changing those, and it doesn't work... :/

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Well, I tried changing those, and it doesn't work... :/

Works fine for me mate, make sure you uncomment the line (remove the // before the ECP_local set [55, false]wink_o.gif


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Hi, love the mod been a fan since version 1.

One problem, playing with a mod folder Nam, -nosplash -mod=Nam -mod=@ECP.

When I start the shortcut, I do not get any gui screen which makes plaing the game impossible from that shortcut. I would just like to play it with the nam addons.

Any suggestions, or is there a way to turn off the new ECP Gui.

Thanks again for the great work. You have taught the Codemaster/Bohemia guys a thing or two.

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not ECP compatible?

try using BIS units

Are you talking to me? If so, i would but they're so boring to use, isn't there any other way? Also it hast he release unit command in the action menu, so the trigger does work.

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o, so the only solution is to use bis units? Isn't y2k3 compitable with ecp?

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dunno,3rd party addons like RHS infantry doesn't want to surrend or retreat either in my game.

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dunno,3rd party addons like RHS infantry doesn't want to surrend or retreat either in my game.

thas cause their "first class" warriors tounge2.gif

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Hi, love the mod been a fan since version 1.

One problem, playing with a mod folder Nam, -nosplash -mod=Nam -mod=@ECP.

When I start the shortcut, I do not get any gui screen which makes plaing the game impossible from that shortcut. I would just like to play it with the nam addons.

Any suggestions, or is there a way to turn off the new ECP Gui.

Thanks again for the great work. You have taught the Codemaster/Bohemia guys a thing or two.

You comand line is wrong, -nosplash -mod=Nam;@ECP. Glad you are enjoying it buddy smile_o.gif

@eestikas88: If the units have a high skill value they will not want to retreat, also if their rank is high they will not want to retreat either.


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o, so the only solution is to use bis units? Isn't y2k3 compitable with ecp?

You have three options:

1. Play third party missions, with third party addons (non-config mods).

2. Settle for the BIS units for a while and wait for the EECP.

3. Edit the y2k3 mod to use the new ECP effects. Pappy said (in his own topic) anyone is free to do it and he'd even be happy to host it for you. y2k3 used to rely on the ECP, so it should be quite possible to make it use the ECP again.

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Is ECP much like Y2K3? Modern units? I'm sorry but i haven't tried out either one em, only heard.

Also what do the smoke colours repersent? One of the pages a ECP team member said something about it, but i did not get it. All i know is that they're are for retrieing. But does each colour mean something different? huh.gif

If anyone is using the Marine assult pack, do they retiret, surrender etc?

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this whole surrender script, iwe searched the readmes and i am wondering where i can get detailed info about it, need it for missionmaking.

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As someone said earlier, isn't the gun supposed to waggle to make firefights last longer?


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I'm having a couple of issues with the editor function of ECP.

I was editing one of my scenarios with the ECP editor and playing it via the preview option but I keep getting error messages about missing addons which are there but ECP can't/won't see them? They are in the /res/addons directory where they have always been.

Next, I set up a dedicated server and was attempting to play the same, compiled (.pbo) scenario but I still get the missing addon error. Where does ECP look for addons?

Second, I just decided to play one of the scenarios (non-modified) included with Resistance and I keep getting the missing addons errors. Everytime the errors reference BAS addons.

What am I doing wrong?

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I was playing Return to Eden earlier today. When on the hill, I hit a BMP with a RPG. The result was the crew running out on fire. How tragic sad_o.gif .........

Great job ECP team.  wink_o.gif

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Awesome job ECP crew and everyone else involved.

Battlefields is definately one of the best missions to try this mod out on, it sounds like listening to Saving Private Ryan but you have control of whats happening wink_o.gif

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I'm having a couple of issues with the editor function of ECP.

I was editing one of my scenarios with the ECP editor and playing it via the preview option but I keep getting error messages about missing addons which are there but ECP can't/won't see them? They are in the /res/addons directory where they have always been.

Next, I set up a dedicated server and was attempting to play the same, compiled (.pbo) scenario but I still get the missing addon error. Where does ECP look for addons?

Second, I just decided to play one of the scenarios (non-modified) included with Resistance and I keep getting the missing addons errors. Everytime the errors reference BAS addons.

What am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing you have some dependencies in another mod folder. Try moving some BAS addons from mod folders to the default Addons folder. If that doesn't work, try giving us the exact error message.

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First, a big thanks for putting this out there, guys, it's really a fantastic mod. Never ceases to amaze me just what you guys are able to get done.

Quick problem, unfortunately, and apologies if this has already been asked (couldn't see it anywhere, so...) - I've been trying to get a mission together using BAS' Tonal island and a trigger with the init string as listed in the readme, but it causes an error and CTD 100% of the time. There are only currently about 6-10 units on the map (all BAS' African Militia/Civilians/Rebels), plus one initialising unit (BIS West Soldier).

I've tried reducing the area of the trigger to simply be around the the mission itself (an area of 2000m or so), but the problem remains. I'm assuming it must be an issue with the sheer amount of objects on the island, but figure it'd be better to come to the source and ask if that's likely.

For the record, the init string I'm using is:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">thislist call (ECP_resources select 30)

Many thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this!

- Grif

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Tested ECP yesterday on some multiplayer maps like battlefield, riverbattle and normal coops. It totally rocks!!!! Thanks for this exiting new gameplay. notworthy.gif

The servers didn't went down and the game run nearly lagless but thats normal.

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Is possible to add Locke (Lean) Animation mod as a plugin for ECP? It would add two greatest mods in one even greater.

Best regards for ECP team

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Very special thanks for your work guys... notworthy.gif

The Ecp Mode is very beutiful...

However I've a little problem. huh.gif

I've tried to make it compatible with some unit (Jam units).

I've put a trigger big as enough (5000\5000)

somenone - present

on activation: thislit call (ECP_resources select 30)

(the sintax may be wrong here, but I'm sure I've put the right one in my mission yesterday)

Unfortunatly, as soon as the trigger initialise (0.5 sec) itself,

Opf crash to my desktop... huh.gif

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