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Signatures and avatars.

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Hi all.

I'm a Photoshop adict, I like to do things here and there, but I still have to explore its full potencial, I think I only know a 10% of what it have to offer.

I done lots of signatures for my self and some other stuff for other people.

I noticed that some people can see their signatures and avatars displayed in this forums but others can't, so I thought that a topic where people could chek with other users the display of their handy work could be important, and if people here would like to make request for me or other people to create a signature or avatar, or website banners, any graphical material in general, at list they will have a home topic to do so.

Notice that I done a cuple of searches and nothing of my satisfaction was to be find in this forums, but if there is another topic like this that can be pinned, mods, feel free to smak my wrist and lock this topic, as long as this can be continued some where else.

Well, my questin for all of you here right now is if my two little signatures in my posts are viewable or you just see too small square boxes with a white background and a nice little + in the middle.



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Well, I don't really see the necessarity of this thread, as I doubt that it's much of a problem to search a topic you posted in and check your changed signature. At least that's how I do it usually.

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Well, if you would like a new signature or avatar, or maybe something for your website, you can rquest it here for somebody to create something for you, at the same time, you can test the results.

@ hardrock, I know, that's what I allways do, but I also noticed that some other people have this white boxes with the red X in the middle for a long time. Some people who have this in their signatures or avatars knows about it and they don't really want to bother changing it, but others may have the file linked to a page that only they can see. I think that if you upload a picture to Geocitys, and try to use it for your signature or avatar in this forums, you will be able to see it but not the rest of this forum users.

I can't remember if is Geocitys, or other personal free web space, but I'm sure that there must be a few people here with that problem, and they don't know about it, because no one really coment about avatars and signatures.

Like I said on the opening post, if this topic is irrelevan it can be closed, but I think that it should be made sticky.

I'm not the best to expres my self in English, sorry, My grama is crap and I have a lot of speling mistakes, so I may haven't got the message throught to you lot because of my English. Sorry if that's the case crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif



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sorry, My gramma is crap

what does that have to do with anything?  nener.gif

No, but seriously. I think we all understand what you are trying to say. I just wonder how big this problem is. Most with non working sigs just don't give a rats ass. The other part which is helping people creating signatures and avantars sounds like a nice thing.


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A person can very easily check their own signature, all they have to do is send themself a PM then load the page completely by pressing CTRL+F5 or SHIFT+F5 depending on their browser, we certainly don't need a thread wasting bandwidth and forum resources simply to see if someone's signature is working or not.

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