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UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

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Ok, people. Big news. Releasing this now. My life just hit a brickwall. OFP modding is as of now lowest priority. I'm leaving this scene to return some other day when life stops fucking me with a retractable baton. (sorry mods for the language).

This means that you will get an unfinished version (configwise). Hope you can live with the semicomplete editor layout, since I really want to release these fellas 'cos after all - it's the fruit of hard labour, and dare I say, pretty cool looking bastards in the battlefield.

This also means that any commitment or deals made with mods (especially P:UKF guys) is now out the window. My deepest apologies...

I will -as much as possible - provide you with how-to's and what not's from work. And minor updates.

This is truly a sad day for me, and next time I'm doing anything creative for this scene I really hope Murphy's taken a nap...

My deepest thanks to you all for unbelievable support and cool attitude. This is for you guys.  thumbs-up.gif

My last request on this thread before moving to "COMPLETE": Mirrors? BLB_UK.rar (4573 kB)

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Good to hear it's about to be released. I really appreciate your effort you have put into this addon. The news that you are giving up on the addon making business is sad, but understandable and I fully accept and support your decision. You have given the community so much.

Well, soon off to the A&M complete forum. Again, thank you for your effort.

notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  

PS : a smilie limit? bahhahaahaha, did it irritate you so much?

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Sad to hear life is fuckin you around mate, thanks for the units though smile_o.gif

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I can mirror it mate... just get it to me (cant donwload from rapidshare)

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OFP is loosing a truley great person. I think I speek for everyone here when I say I'm sorry to see you go, but wish you good luck in your life mate. Have a good one.

And thanks for the fab units notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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Thanx a lot fellas! inlove.gif

*Doing the logistics as we speak* Expect a couple of mirrors soon.

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As of now. Three uploads to different locations.

Leaving this thread to move business to "COMPLETE" section.

Moderators are free to lock this thread...

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Thanks a lot for all of the work you've put into these beauties Blackblood, you will be missed and I wish only the best for you. Take care.

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OFP modding is as of now lowest priority. I'm leaving this scene to return some other day when life stops fucking me with a retractable baton. (sorry mods for the language).

yeah, those retractable ones are very nasty. The normal ones hurt too, but a little less.

Sorry to see you go mate. Please stick around as a normal member (and not as addonmaker) and don't leave completely. I'm sure by the end of the year things will be better and that just happens to be the planned release for ArmA.

With this addon you earned everybody's repect. Thank you.

With kind regards,

Cpt. FrostBite


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Sorry to hear about things BlackBlood, Hope things work out for you. Thanks for everything!

Good Luck

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