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UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

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if your having problems check link........ i think the same applies to vehicles as it does for Infantry

OFPEC help

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*digs a deep hole in the garden, making a promise to return when the world comes to it senses*

no offence, dude. But the only way the world will come to it's senses is if the good people work on it. It won't just turn into a nice place by itself. Or as a good man said;

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

So sitting in a ditch is not doing anyone any good. The only thing you can do is live on and show evil that the terror won't stop you from doing what you want to do. We can't give up and let evil prevail. That would be the worst thing we can do for the people that have just died.

So grab yourself togeter and move on. Evil will never prevail.

Easy now, fella. It was just a way of showing my respect.

I'm way past the naive 'everybody hold hands and hope someone else fixes it' -attitude.

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Relax guys, BB just made a bit of a comic relief. Needed in hard times like these. Cpt Frostbite, I agree with your comment though, the actions of good men are needed to protect us from evil.

And BB, good to hear you are way past the holding hands thing. If you hold hands, it's hard to work on configs rofl.gif

(dont flame me for that remark, it's well intended)

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if your having problems check link........ i think the same applies to vehicles as it does for Infantry

OFPEC help

Quite a few tutorials I was after there, cheers mate

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ahhh people are going to jump on this but would be cool for u to put wips m4s on ur SAS units wink_o.gif if ur useing the US weapons for the SAS instead of the BIS weapons or LSR smile_o.gif but looking good thumbs-up.gif

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Yeah damn right we are going to jump on you for it. tounge2.gif

The units themselves come in an extremely small download (about 5mb), at least in the BETA they do, so making them dependant on downloading another addon and adding many MB to that is criminal, plus its best to just let people replace the weapons as they see fit, its not hard to code new weapons onto units now, is it.

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i dont know what do to do for that code huh.gif do i dl an tool for it like i have to chang the config right huh.gif how would i do that if u can help me on this would love to know because i wont to put the wips m4s on the LSRs units and others would love to know how to if can help me out on how to config an weapons on units and what tool i need u can messeng it to me smile_o.gif

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Nah, change the weapons in the mission editor, at list you want to use them for some kind of replacement mod, and for that you would use the configuration Bin.

If you change the configuration of this babys, you'll be the only one who can play with them, and it well give you problems in multiplayer, so I wouldn't bother with configurations.

If you need hellp with replacing weapons through script or mission editor let us know.

I hope this hellps a bit.



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Simple. Into the units init field in the editor,

removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "nameofmag*"; this addweapon "Nameofgun**"; this addmagazine "nameofmag***"; ........ect

* This is usually in the readme, which guns take which mag. The reason you do a mag 1st is so the gun starts off loaded.

** Then you add in the weapon, again the code to put in here is usually in the readme of whatever addon your using.

*** Then add the rest of the mags in, just repeat the addmagazine code several times, once for each mag. Use ; to break up each bit

Hope that makes sense and helps.

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ya but what im saying is why do all that when u can chang the config so that the weapons stay on thoes units wink_o.gif is there an tool for that huh.gif and u have to chang the config right huh.gif how do i do this huh.gif thats what i ment how to chang the config for the units to use wips m4s like LSR or what ever units so i just put the weapons in the config for using them all time so i dont have to put the stuff in intal box all the time smile_o.gif

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quote from blackblood flame me if you want to, sorry that its offtopic

Quote[/b] ]I'm way past the naive 'everybody hold hands and hope someone else fixes it' -attitude.

he he...hippies come to mind tounge2.gif

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I'll pm you with the exact way to do it if you PROMISE to stop with all the smiley faces.


ok ill wait for that pm thxs.

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quote from blackblood flame me if you want to, sorry that its offtopic
Quote[/b] ]I'm way past the naive 'everybody hold hands and hope someone else fixes it' -attitude.

he he...hippies come to mind tounge2.gif

That simpson bit with the Hippies on the giant Grass Hopper comes to mind.

Quote[/b] ]Grovy Dude

I hate America

Burn down the Barber Shops

rofl.gifbiggrin_o.gif Classic

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To shorten the syntax, this line works in initfield of soldier:

{this addmagazine "m16"} foreach [1, 2, 3, 4]

...adds four mags...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Not my idea. Some nifty fella at OFPEC came up with it.

Today I got a few hours. Gonna try and release it *a buldozer roars by* or at a later date like *same buldozer backs up*

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Opens fire on the bulldozer pistols.gif

Good luck on the last miles BB, you're almost there man.

Keep up the good work! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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Yeah good luck BB with the last bits of the addon can't wait to get my hands on it.


Bit annoyed though that it is taking its time but still better late than never eh. banghead.gif

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Bit annoyed though that it is taking its time but still better late than never eh. banghead.gif

No offence but what do you expect, addon making is a complicated process crazy_o.gif

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extremely complicated crazy_o.gif

Good luck BB, looking forward to it wink_o.gifyay.gif

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Take youre self time....after all it is great that you guys sacrifice sparetime on building us these addons. notworthy.gif

Thank you for doing this!!!! inlove.gif

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let me also offer my thanks, our clan 22 Regiment uses your old version of these and have enjoyed many hours on the battlefield with your creations.

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No offence but what do you expect, addon making is a complicated process  crazy_o.gif

yeah guess your right.


No offence but what do you expect, addon making is a complicated process crazy_o.gif

yeah guess your right.

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