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bravo 6

POLL: Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

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<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>The Question is:</span>

Wich one (BIS or Codemasters) OFP Community VOTE for OFP2* if each creats 1 version of it?</span>

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"create a new poll! tounge_o.gif

another?! arf mad_o.gif

ps- i might get banned for it.. (malandriéco)

edit: quote

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i'll DEFINITELY buy BIS' game, maybe CM's, too. depends on how good it is wink_o.gif

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bravo 6, there is an edit button near every post. There is no need to create an entirely new poll.

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i know the button wink_o.gif .. but when i edit the post i dont have the option for adding poll.. also i can not edit the poll i created.

If i want to add some new option in poll i m not allowed (not exist)


Edit: you know what i mean?

Edit2: i would like to creat a new line in poll, is it possible? rock.gif

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Looks like no-one's been daft enough to place a bet on Codie's...yet biggrin_o.gif

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Daniel @ May 28 2005,23:14)]Looks like no-one's been daft enough to place a bet on Codie's...yet biggrin_o.gif

i just did lol wouldn't want them feel totally left out tounge_o.gif

my vote is null tho cos its a lie BIS are the win

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Guys dont try to fool us. Dont fool yourself... You gonna get them both. tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Isn't such a question on a BIS forum a bit silly?

Of course it is silly!

Look at me.. what you think iam.. im a silly noob OFP fan!

I love to build missions for COOP servers = Iam Silly!

So you silly question is replyed with silly answer!

Isnt this all silly? BIS and Codies.. we all silly.. look at us.. we need war games to be happy how silly can it be?


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Isn't such a question on a BIS forum a bit silly?


Quite agree, quite agree.

Silly, silly, silly.

Now. Right, get on with it. Get on with it!


It's quite silly to ask it here, we already know what the average member wants.

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On CM forums and recent press releases state the CM had more to do with the dev of OFP1 than given credit for. Having many staff on the BIS team helping them out. (Im sure it was more than making the office coffee and refilling the photocopier). Until BIS come out with with a statement on clarifying all our questions and putting rummours to rest, the CM bashing im sure will continue. hint BIS (yep Im well nosey)

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Both curse! Why?? Because how can I criticise the CM one without seen it? biggrin_o.gif

No realy, if CM do a "good" game, theres no reason why I shouldnt test it.

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<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>NOTE: <span style='color:blue'>I Posted on both FORUMS for a purpose.</span></span>

Only in this forum i was able to creat a Poll. Thoug i created a Thread in Codemasters with same words i used here.

You wanna know whats the Answer i had?

click here

I guess we will know it after month or years wink_o.gif
Due to a rough translations there, I'm not sure if that's a specific question or general discussion on the matter. Either way you'll find several threads and posts about the topic around the forums of late, so I'll close this one for now.

Ps- I tryed to had a open mind.

Edit: Added Quotes

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Isn't such a question on a BIS forum a bit silly?

biggrin_o.gif was thinking exactly the same tounge_o.gif

anyway, absolutely gonna try both of them but I have this feeling that the codie version needs a bit dusting once a year wink_o.gif

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I will buy the game from BIS, that`s fackt. For OFP2 from Codemasters I will read test articles and try demo versions before I make a desission.

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I will read test articles and try demo versions before I make a desission.

hope they put out a demo. recently some good looking games have come without any demo at all so it's been difficult to get the picture sad_o.gif

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Bravo 6, if your intent was clearer I'd not have closed your thread. Unfortunately with the recent forum upgrade there are are lot of issues that are slowly being ironed out that takes a bit of time, including adding rights to users to be able to create polls (well, hopefully ;)). I apologise for this.

But back to the topic - both of course! I'm a wargame fan. I even bought First to Fight and it's pretty crappy by most standards. And note that I did not pirate it just because it may not have been what I was hoping for despite my high expectations.

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I will support BIS but that doesn't mean Coddies game will be awful. Then again I don't know what engine they will be using. If the maps aren't as big as OFP1 then I'm not interested. But we'll have to see

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