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two operation flashpoint 2s?

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Maybe BIS could just use a different name all together like Operation Realism, Operation Desert Storm, ect.......

I think they would make a mistake to call it the same as another game. Just my 50 cents.

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Quote[/b] ]Sad, but Codemasters want to release their "OFP2" 6 months BEFORE BIS's OFP2.

Ample time to make a game which can take on the BEST tactical military shooter out there and beat it , i assume*

*Forgive the sarcasm

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Theres no way CM could a new OFP2 from 0 in one year!

They cant use the BIS engine code, so they have to get a studio that makes a full new game in 1 year rock.gif DUH!! not even some of badest games on the market takes only one year to be complete (ok this could be one of them).

A good game from CM would take at least 2 to 3 years to complete.

I think its time for Game 2 to have a name, because if CM realy starts to make a FP2 there will be much confusion with the 2 titles, and thats not healty

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May you live interesting times... biggrin_o.gif

I've always thought Codemasters never got a clear view of Operation Flashpoint: what it was and who was the target audience. Still wonder what they were trying to achieve with those missions that, although funny, had nothing to do with the spirit of OFP in Red Hammer. If the outcome of all this mess is Codemasters eventually publishng *something else* under the name of OFP2 there will be no doubt they failed too understand the concept of OFP CWC and its future potential.

The community, we, might buy it ("fake" OPF 2) if it has any use at all. Why not, we're into games and appreciate quality. Supposing the product meets our minimum standards, there'll be no need to boycot a developer trying to make a living.

It is not that Codemasters seems is leaving BIS, just the other way 'round i'm afraid. Bohemia, our appreciated guys, had something very big in mind that, back in 2001, could only take the form of Cold War Crisis and soon after of VBS. Their actions, their support and their continuous development throughout all these years confirm that fact. Do you guys remember that poll Codemasters sent a while ago asking astonishing questions suggesting OPF 2 should make concessions in order to increase playability???


Like BIS went trough all the pains they sure have had along this years to finally end developing something that was against their original concept of their Project. Enough is enough and BIS leaves Codemasters out of the picture. Honestly, those guys at Codemasters are blind if they can't see the strong ties BIS has stablished and holds with us the community from day 0

We ain't buying a name, we are buying BIS' stuff. If BIS' baby sold that well without being known and with that little support provided by the publisher, now they're gonna fly high. Such is life... biggrin_o.gif


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I thought the poseidon engine was designed by BIS and USED in OFP which Codemasters has the right to the name OFP.

Anyhow I think there will be only one game coming out. These are my reasons.

1. If Codemasters were making OFP2 how come they took their name of the operationflashpoint2.com website. It should be there and BIS shouldn't because they don't have the right to the name anymore.

2. The announcement to split was made after work on OFP2 started. I don't know the details but usually the such a separation would take place AFTER they have completed any ongoing projects.

For example look at Disney and Pixar. Pixar split from Disney right before "The Incredibles" was released. It takes around 4 to 5 years to create a Disney movie, and if you look Disney and Pixar's names are both on the upcoming film "Cars" created by Pixar and published by Disney. Why? The split does not include ongoing projects already signed between the two companies. All new Pixar films created after the split are not going to be published, promoted and distributed by Disney.

3. BIS would lose money and almost a full game if they split right away. Since they were working on OFP2 which Codemasters was to publish, promote and distribute all the work on the game would belong to Codemasters since all work was under or for OFP2 which Codemasters owns.

My best guess is that OFP2 will be made by BIS and published by Codemasters and Armed Assault will be made by BIS and published either by themselves or another company. That's how I see it.

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Maybe BIS could just use a different name all together like Operation Realism, Operation Desert Storm, ect.......

I think they would make a mistake to call it the same as another game. Just my 50 cents.


OFP (Operation F*** -that- Publisher)

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I think BIS should just throw out the middle-man completely and have Game 2 a downloadable buy, similar to Half-Life 2, just with better ideas from BIS for anti-piracy and such. As for ads and stuff, a good game doesn't need ads. IE I never saw an ad for HL2, and in my opinion it's a good run n gun game. And if BIS wants ads, they could probably use the VBS1 money and the money from Game 2 preorders and such to have a Superbowl ad!

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The state of the game industry today is totally fucked. Let's pray that in the future digital distrubution becomes the norm so that the money actually goes to the creative people and not the franchise brandname crazy publishers.

Personal(and pretty cynical) prediction based on usual practice in the game industry: Codemasters will release a hyped budget(they're not going to spend years in dev on this) title to milk the franchise for all it's worth. Doesn't matter if the reviews stink; the game will sell based on it's name.  

Really, no one's "evil" here, it's just the way business are conducted today. I hope BIS sets up or joins a digital distribution system for their upcoming titles. This is the future for "niche" titles.

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That wont work. Ofp doesnt have the fanbase of HL2, and it might lead to complications like it did with HL2. Plus, people want the CD.

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hum since BIS have blow many ppl mind off their brain with AA and "game 2", CM finally started to shoot back, luck we will be able to sit at the front to see this "BIS vs. Codie" war, the most possible Codie would do to fight Poseidon II is with "Unreal 3", but since BIS is already a mile ahead of Codie(and BIS is not Boeing) so my money will be on BIS

damn! things is started to get fun here

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I really wish BIS or Codemasters came out and said what was going on and stopped hiding behind dry press releases. smile_o.gif

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That wont work.  Ofp doesnt have the fanbase of HL2, and it might lead to complications like it did with HL2.  Plus, people want the CD.

I disagree, it will work. Yes, regular consumers want the cd nowadays and that's what most publishers do. But the profits from that aren't that great. If you buy directly from the developer they get a whole lot more of the cake.

When Steam was announced I thought "no way in hell am I buying a digital copy of Half Life 2". I've had the dvd in my drive maybe three or four times since I bought it on launch. I don't care about my disc or case. The only thing that's valuable to me is the cd key.  

Now of course buying a disc is much more practical for most people without broadband. That's why you have to do regular distrubution as well as digital. They would make a lot more money on the latter.

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I really wish BIS or Codemasters came out and said what was going on and stopped hiding behind dry press releases. smile_o.gif

Wait so let me get this straight.... we don't even know if this whole ordeal is 100% true?

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I would not mind getting ArAs through internet, and same with OFP2. last time when OFPR was about to be released, a good number of local vendors had to deal with a hardcore fan(who shall remain anonymous tounge_o.gif ) who kept asking if they had one in stock and would let him get one before release date.

however, this should not come at price of ignoring the tangible copy base. If it weren't for me seeing the actual OFP:CWC box in a local game store, I would not be here today.

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gentlemen and lady's

We have entered the Flashpoint War. (*Plays Empire theme from Star Wars*)

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same sorta thing happend with the championship manager games, Si games split from erm the publisher cant remeber there name right now, and both companys have a "championship manager 05" out now one called football manager 05 one called champ man 05, its done no harm and football manager has done beter.

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gentlemen and lady's

We have entered the Flashpoint War. (*Plays Empire theme from Star Wars*)

So BI press releases were just new hopes. But then Codemasters struck back, but hopefuly we'll have a return of the flashpoint.

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please don't start flaming the codemasters forums because of this. we don't want any legal action taken against BIS to stop their usage of the name "operation flashpoint 1" on websites etc. If this ends up in court, a relatively small studio like BIS can easily get ruined.

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What's going on now? Does CM have rights only to the name or to the new Poseidon engine, too?

Is it possible to get a clear statement from BIS and CM about this whole issue?

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I will buy the game thats the best, regardless if its codies or BIS. Frankly, I think BIS was really great developers a few years back, really was interested in what the fans said. The past 1Ë years, they have been quiet, and all that we ever heard of anything was from codemasters. Why is BIS still so quiet? It annoys me, and makes me feal that i ow nothing to them.

Best of luck to both companies.. 1Ë year ago, I was hoping to get an ofp2.... now we get Allied Assault and 2 ofp2s... 3 sequeals!! YAY!!

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You guys are not being realistic, CM could still come up with a good game even if not made by BIS, thats not the point.. The real issue is when they release their game the consumer will think they are buying a sequel of the same game from the same developer, BIS made Flashpoint from the ground, BIS "were" Flashpoint, CM only made a amateur, bs campaign called Red Hammer.

Wich means CM will still be making money out of BIS previous work, BIS name, concept, etc, while Bohemia will have to start all over and introduce another unknown title out there sad_o.gif . This is not good, there arent many decent publishers around and the name Operation Flashpoint is a well known, reputable one, its not easy to introduce a new game in the market with guaranteed success has the competition has increased alot.

BIS needs a huge publisher capable of supporting their current work, advertising their name, technology and previous developments wink_o.gif , military simulation background and future ground breaking projects.

CM will only need to "grab" enemy in sight, splat Operation Flashpoint 2 on the cover and they have a best seller in their hands while Armed Assault and xbox version will be somewhat risky game releases.

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To all concerned, this is my opinion and i stand alone in this opinion. All consequences for my own opinion will fall on me if there will be any consequences. I am not flaming i am not insulting i am giving my own opinion. With that out of the way here comes my opinion:

I don't give a *peep* what CM does! I am supporting BIS for their effort all these years with OFP1 and also their effort in providing and supporting the OFP community. As it's not only the community who kept OFP alive in these years, it's also BIS for giving us updates and lets not forget feedback of all sorts through these forums and other OFP related sites.

I would like to say a bunch of cursing words right now but will not due to fear of a raised warning level. But it clearly states what my answer is for this one!!! mad_o.gif

p.s. prepares for a raised warning level now.

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Personaly I am quite proud of my OFP discs, also, don't forget that, because the game is highly moddable, it'l require more reinstalls.

I wonder who is going to develop Codies's OFP2... really biggrin_o.gif

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Ok everyone put your bets i say CM's title will be a UNREAL3 engine based shooter like AmericasArmy biggrin_o.gif

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What is this post all about eh?rock.gif

I can't see what the problem is here guys. Codemaster own the name Operation Flashpoint therefore BIS are not releasing a game called Operation Flashpoint 2. Easy as that. BIS are not helping maters by leaving this board as the Operation Flashpoint 2 board. That is probably what is confusing people.

Once again...

There will only be 1 game called Operation Flashpoint 2 and it will be released by Codemasters. Full stop!!!!

BIS have a completely seperate game that is based on the original but IS NOT called Operation Flashpoint 2.

What is so hard to understand??? Codies have got a trademark and are going to try and make as much money out of it. Its buisness people, get over it.

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