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Use already defined group in an other script

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Hi folks,

might be a simple question, but I'm really stuck here sad_o.gif

1. I have a convoy_setup.sqs script which is called up by init.sqs. It creates several (empty) trucks, the appendant soldier. Moves the soldiers in the vehicels and put's them altogehter in the group "convoy". At the end of the convoy.sqs all unts are halted cia the "doStop" command (otherwise the convoy will start running around like crazy).

2. via the init line of the player an "addaction.sqs" is called up, which simple creates a actio menu entry called "MOVE" (starts the move.sqs).

3. Here's my problem. Inside the move.sqs I have the following line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint "Convoy MOVE!"

convoy setSpeedMode "LIMITED"

convoy move getPos supply_1

Result: I get the hint "Convoy Move" but the convoy won't move.

Can anyone give me a short hint on what I did wrong?



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post your convoy_setup.sqs text


After re-reading, I think I have your problem solved.

doStop will stop a unit until given the doMove command again.

'Move' simply adds a new waypoint

change your script so that right before the 'move' command you have:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x doMove getpos _x;} foreach units convoy

This will have them do a quick 'doMove' to their current position and get them on their way again.

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CONVOY IS ROLLING!! smile_o.gif

Thanks CrashDome


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Eh, got another problem. Well convoy is rolling/stopping. But: every vehicle got it's own single order to go the waypoint. That results in something that can be called anythin but a convoy.

Can I stop a whole group respectively give a group a certain waypoint (gamelogic set on map)?


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Make sure you group all the convoy units into one group. Be careful.. 12 units max includes number of AI soldiers and not vehicles.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">convoy setFormation "Column"

convoy setBehavior "Safe" is needed and then, only one 'Move' command is needed to be given to the whole group.

Bear in mind that as soon as the convoy goes into combat mode, they will drive like maniacs until they deem it is safe again. This cannot be prevented without overriding the entire waypoint/group thing and handling it all manually.

Another good practice is to place a slower unit up front or you will find a big gap in the convoy.

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