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Weapons range, efficiency, muzzles

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Well, i'd like to know how does AI chose between multiple muzzles/ammo for the same weapon : i know about minrange, midrange, maxrange.

Min/mid/maxrangeprobab : i assume it's the weapon's efficiency at given range, and it seems that AI tries to go at the range where its weapon is the most efficient (well, hope so...)

But other factors seems to be taken into account by AI : when initspeed of the bullet is set to 0, the AI doesn't try to use this ammo (ie to go "in range"), but when initspeed=1, it uses it...Other factors could be taken into account by AI : reloadtime, the dammage of the bullet (hit), cost...maybe dispersion...it's hard to understand.

How does AI calculate the efficiency of various ammo to chose between them ? Has someone ideas about it ?

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