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OFP photography - Questions & comments

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AFAIK it's still there.

Ok... Maybe not...

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Quote[/b] ]@Dragon44:

Very nice addons. What do you think are they ready for release?

soon I go to launch a series of addons of the Brazilian Armed Forces, and can be that I also launch one Mod that a fictitious war between Brazil and Venezuela will have as subject smile_o.gif

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Hey guys sorry for the dumb question, but I tried to put some screens into the OFP screenshot thread. And I got some error about a wrong format? What format should I use? I read the thread rules on the first page but found no answer. I used www.imageshack.us for hosting and I take screens using the according option with dxdll in ECP. Any help is appreciated


@Dragon 44- Those are indeed great screens you had there, you gonna have a custom Island+campaign/missions for that too? In any case I'm looking forward to the releases.

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Quote[/b] ]Ase290406:

Those are indeed great screens you had there, you gonna have a custom Island+campaign/missions for that too? In any case I'm looking forward to the releases.

Great part of addons is retextured and remodelled I am behind the permissions for can launch all orderly one, mod goes to have islands (Amazônia), campaigns and missions also beyond a great variety of addons... soon more screens wink_o.gif

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Hey guys sorry for the dumb question, but I tried to put some screens into the OFP screenshot thread. And I got some error about a wrong format? What format should I use? I read the thread rules on the first page but found no answer. I used www.imageshack.us for hosting and I take screens using the according option with dxdll in ECP. Any help is appreciated


Well, that depends - if you're trying to upload them first, you might have to change format, since the pics out of DxDll come out as .tga files, Imageshack does handle those, though, as far as I know.

Although I guess you're trying to use the thumbnails? Yeah, the sometimes work, and atleast used to work, but seems that the Ikonboard software doesn't allow double extensions, i.e. .th.jpg, and thus, well, complains. Either try to upload them somewhere else, hotlink them if they're under 100 kb or just post the link.

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Damn nice shots! Eagerly waiting for the mission. smile_o.gif

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Sorry for resurrecting this, but does anyone know if loony has ever released that Chernobyl mission?

Edited by stilpu

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Very nice fighter screenshots, Stary wiarus. It's good to see there's still some combat photographers like you in the scenes of OFP. :)

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Oh Operation Flashpoint, thanks Stary wiarus! You're making me feel nostalgic. I'm gonna reinstall, and relive the memories.

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Nope, you're not blind - it looks like a year-and-more's worth of posts disappeared.

Edit: It looks like a lot of posts with pictures have been removed.

Edit 2: Figured it out - pics are in the other thread (Flash. Photog. 5). And, yeah, those Stary wiarus pics are awesome!

Edited by Anguis

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Nope, you're not blind - it looks like a year-and-more's worth of posts disappeared.

Edit: It looks like a lot of posts with pictures have been removed.

Edit 2: Figured it out - pics are in the other thread (Flash. Photog. 5). And, yeah, those Stary wiarus pics are awesome!

Ha thanks, gotcha. This thread is for comment only, i should have known this (even if it looks a bit silly...)

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Thanks guys for the nice words. Long live Operation Flashpoint.:)

Indeed..with Arma 2 and OFP:DR (which su**) OFP Rocks and thks to the huge dedicated community.

BIgs Thank to evry1 who contributeb in making OFP such a great game

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Nice to see you still in business, WazZzaaa!. Great pictures as always.

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WazZzaaa: awesome pix. Sharp, atmospheric & dramatic.

I wonder if I'm not going to give OFP a spin tonight...

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