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The Middle East part 2

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Quote[/b] ]You are clearly avoiding the facts that U.N is giving aid to terrorist by saying [it's not a direct quote but u get the point] "no the clip is from 2004 it's not rellevent anymore" & "wow so that means u israelis need to start bombing every UN ambulance".

Just ignoring the facts that UN helping terrorist, and also helped them to kidnhapp 3 IDF soldiers in 2000, when some photos that I saw is clearly showing that the jeep they transferd the soldiers was white and had a UN markings all over it. . .

Interesting conclusions. What do you base them upon? Articles in partisan media? Because that is all I could find on a quick google search. If you would adopt a more objective stance and dig a little deeper, you'd find that there is no evidence for your claim. The UNIFIL troops had found two abandoned cars, one with fake UN markings and license plates on it. After recovering and cataloging all the material inside the cars, they proceeded to tow them away. At one point they were intercepted by a numerically superior (and naturally armed) group of Hezbollah fighters, who demanded the vehicles. As all material has been recovered from inside the vehicles (including the false UN markers & plates) the commander decided that there was no point in risking soldiers' lives. You can question the commander's judgement, but in no way did the UN help Hezbollah kidnap those IDF soldiers. Nor does the UN possess any footage of the kidnapping itself. Here, read it for yourself.

UN vehicles aren't protected from forgery by some magic aura. It's quite easy to spraypaint a car white and put UN on it in black. Who will know the difference? Do you think IDF soldiers or civilians can tell false licence plates from real ones? It wouldn't be the first time in history insurgents use false markings to surprise the enemy.

So, let's forget for a moment that you have no proof whatsoever of UN personnel aiding the terrorists. Let's just use the ol' common sense for a second here, ok? What do you think is more likely:

1. terrorists spraypainting a car to make it look like a UN vehicle, or

2. UN personnel aiding terrorists for some unknown reason (only 2% of the Indian army are Muslims), and hiding it so well that an official, high-profile inquiry couldn't find it?

You do the probability calculation. And while we're at it, cut the anti-Israeli crap. Just because I disagree with a government's policies, doesn't mean that I'm opposed to an entire country and its inhabitants.

Oh, and arrogant? Well, if arrogant means backing one's views with sound logic and proof, then yes, I'm arrogant.

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Question:  If a foreign military landed in the middle of Israel and started attacking a hospital would you call the Israeli citizens who shoot at them <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>terrorists</span>??

if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?

also the village aws almost deserted and was full of Hizballah, if there wern't terrorist so why would we bother to risk 2 CH-53 helicopters and 40 SF operators ?

second, in the video u can see that soldier foun AK47's in the hospital, on of them in an office of a Doctor . .

why would they be Ak47's in an hospital if you are so civillian ?

in the video u can see those "civilians' as you call them, rushing out from the hospital and shooting with AK's.

in the video u can see those "civilians' as you call them, rushing out from the hospital and shooting with AK's.


I told you i'm not sure about the jeep, but the ambulance, that is 100% UN.

and so what if the militan was injured ? it dosn't make it ok to transfer him in a UN ambulance

Quote[/b] ]

Lets see you tell a group of heavily armed men not to use your backyard, wiseguy

If i didn't, i won't blame IAF for bombing my house.

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Quote[/b] ]

if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?

back up that with a extract from lebanese law that prohibits civilians owning a weapon... in the US every law abiding american has the right to bear arms... by you excellent argument, this makes them non civilians... sounds an awful like your 'the IAF are the best pilots in the world' argument you made a while back... if i recall correctly, that argument was (pardon the pun) shot down pretty quickly...

Quote[/b] ]and so what if the militan was injured ? it dosn't make it ok to transfer him in a UN ambulance

why not? every wounded soldier has the right to medical aid and to be treated well, regardless of alignment, this includes being captured by the enemy, or a peaceful organisation. He is injured, they are there to aid the injured.

Quote[/b] ]

If i didn't, i won't blame IAF for bombing my house.

Utter bullshit... how on earth can you expect to have your opinions taken seriously when you come out with a statement like that? How absaloutely naive and ignorant can you be in one sentance? It amazes me, and its beyond comprehension how idiotic you're sounding...

so, under your last statement, if a heavily armed mob of men entered your house and threatened you if you didnt co-operate, risking your life and the lives of your family if you argued, then you'd be happy when the american supplied bunker buster comes through the roof of your house, killing you and three generations of your family?

jesus christ... you are insane.... and you're the future of your country...

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that because we don't want to go back 10 years back with ground troops inside lebanon.

Don't want to? Reality check: you don't have an alternative if you really want to ever stop Katyushas falling onto Israel. Get that into your head once and for all. NEVER has a terrorist organisation been destroyed by only bombing... if you need prof: see AFGHANISTAN.

And what Messiah said is right, you ARE insane, mp_phoenix.

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BUZZARD @ Aug. 03 2006,17:30)]you ARE insane, mp_phoenix.

I know I have certificates

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That's a mighty big slice of topic just been made negligable.  tounge2.gif

EDIT: 1000th post....woo!...

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Who's right or wrong doesn't even matter anymore. But whos successful or not, and today about 160 rockets landed in Israel, 220 yesterday.

That tells enough of how successful the IDF is. And according to their statements which said that 50% of the 12000 rockets were destroyed, then 25% used, and 2/3 of the other 25% destroyed, then by now there should not be any more rockets falling...

How can the people believe their claims if they can be proven liars by simple math calculations?

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Without going too off-topic for this thread, I notice that Dilbert has solved the problems in the Middle East in his blog.


Quote[/b] ]Recently we had a heat wave in California. My air conditioner broke because, I assume, it is not designed to operate in hot weather. That was the bad news. The good news is that I solved the problems in the Middle East. Allow me to explain.

During the several days that it was 112 degrees and I had no AC, all I wanted to do was build an IED and kill the AC guy who kept driving right past my office and helping other people. In fact, I wanted to kill everyone who didn’t agree with me on just about any point whatsoever.

And I realized that the problem with the Middle East is insufficient AC. If you think about it, virtually all of the organized violence in the world is originating from places where they have poor air conditioning. And in the desert, 112 degrees is considered a pleasant day. Imagine how grumpy you would be at 125 degrees. And guess what I never see on TV when they show footage of the Middle East?


Every frickin’ person they interview in the Middle East is standing directly in the sun. Some shade would be a good step toward world peace.

When it’s 125 degrees outside, given the choice of sitting inside a one-room hovel with seventeen unwashed relatives versus launching rockets at Israel, the terrorist option starts looking mighty appealing. Because you know what else I never see on TV when they show footage of the Middle East?


And I understand that. Most hobbies involve one of these things:

1. Glue (it would melt)

2. Spending money (they don’t have any)

3. Being outside (it’s 125 degrees)

At room temperature, you could never convince me to strap explosives to my body and walk into a crowded hotel lobby. But at 125 degrees, I’d welcome the change of pace.

Just out of curiosity, I would love to see a graph showing a comparison of temperature and terror/civil unrest. I’ll bet it’s a strong correlation.

The Swiss think they are all superior because they stay out of wars. I think they’re just lucky that they’re freezing their chocolate covered nuts.

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Question:  If a foreign military landed in the middle of Israel and started attacking a hospital would you call the Israeli citizens who shoot at them <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>terrorists</span>??

if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?

For the same reason that these Israeli civilians are carrying assault rifles.


...Or are you going to call them terrorists too?   confused_o.gif

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i think those are uzi's... so technically a sub machine gun tounge2.gif

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if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?

hmm because over the border there is a guy who thinks like this ?


Quote[/b] ]In my opnion - burn Gaza, Artilary them to death, bomb them, screw them, the go to Lebanon and bomb the whole southern sector.

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A lebanese guy disagrees. Here's a more accurate version of events...

Using blogs as evidence again, I see. Perhaps you could explain how by using LGF as a source for his rhetoric he managed a more accurate version of events than, say, the UN?

Quote[/b] ]Insert eyes into head, insert logic into brain and read again, Buzzard?

Perhaps you should follow your own advice: if you had, you may have realised that your blogger is a lying about being Lebanese. An Arab would not refer to Arabs in passive second person. Analysing his blog suggests he is American, a liar, quite dim, and contrary to his own opinion, as witty and amusing as a cactus enema.

Now, repeat after me: "A blog is not evidence."

You are clearly avoiding the facts that U.N is giving aid to terrorist...

Just ignoring the facts that UN helping terrorist, and also helped them to kidnhapp 3 IDF soldiers in 2000, when some photos that I saw is clearly showing that the jeep they transferd the soldiers was white and had a UN markings all over it. . .

it even had a flag on him !

White vans are sold all over the world, as is black paint and flags. UN vehicles can be stolen. Israel is a member of the UN, if the UN is "helping terrorist" then, as a member, so is Israel.

Try to use the word 'fact' only in reference to facts, not your malformed conspiracy theories.

Quote[/b] ]of course what you will say now is "go prove it" &"you are laying", just to cover up your own arrogence and your attitude of "I don't want to listen"

You must be getting muddled. Requiring facts and evidence is how correct conclusions are reached, it is not arrogance. Disregarding evidence, as you - and Israel - are doing, is part of the attitude of "I don't want to listen".

Quote[/b] ]chicken shit ? ok . .

that because we don't want to go back 10 years back with ground troops inside lebanon.

What you want to do is irrelevant, conflicts are ended by what is needed to be done. If it were down to what people want to do, all conflicts would be ended by me spending extensive naked moments with Victoria Coren.

Quote[/b] ]Excuse me, but if the civilians are allowing Hizballah to shoot rockets from their home, fuck those civillians, they are not civillians to me.

"Excuse me, Mr Hizbullah. Would you mind ever so much firing your rockets from that piece of open ground under IDF surveillance."

Could I interest you in a ticket to the real world?

Quote[/b] ]Of course they don't show that . .only saying that Israel dilibiratly targeting civillianns . .that makes me sick

Is it them saying it that makes you sick, or Israel doing it?

Quote[/b] ]if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?

Because they live in a dangerous place, as recent events have shown, there is no law against it and, just like Israel, they are allowed to defend themselves. There are even civilian versions of AKs.

Quote[/b] ]and so what if the militan was injured ? it dosn't make it ok to transfer him in a UN ambulance

I really hope you are taught the basics of the Geneva Conventions when you join the IDF. Not only is it OK, it is the law.

You have much to learn before you have to face Israel's real enemy.

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i think those are uzi's... so technically a sub machine gun  tounge2.gif

Just imagine how little I knew about guns before playing OFP.  wink_o.gif

It's actually not very easy to find an image of an Israeli settler not carrying a weapon.



This last image is from the personal journal of some American Christian missionary and worth a quick visit.

Here's a picture apparently showing him standing on the road for Arabs alongside the road for Jews.  Apartheid, anyone?


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thats the point, they are settlers it is so they could protect themselvs from terrorist that are attacking the settelments.

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Quote[/b] ]if u are a civillians, whay the fuck do u have an AK47 ?
Quote[/b] ]thats the point, they are settlers it is so they could protect themselvs from terrorist that are attacking the settelments.

so if you knew the answer, why ask the question? To the labanese Israel are no better than these terrorist that attack settlers... the lebanese have every right to carry arms and use them to defend themselves from an enemy force... its the same 'right' that israel is using... you cant have it both ways.

now please... think... then think harder... then when you perhaps have an ounce of something productive to say... think again.

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thats the point, they are settlers it is so they could protect themselvs from terrorist that are attacking the settelments.

They were harrasing a guy in a tractor, who was trying to farm. He was a christian, so your islamophobic stereotypes do not apply in this case.

And what can you tell me about those seperated roads?

Here is a little slogan you guys in Israel could adopt: "Wir müssen die Palestinenser aus rotten!", or maybe "Kauf nicht beim Palestinenser!".

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Armed society is a polite society and all that.. tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Lets see you tell a group of heavily armed men not to use your backyard, wiseguy

If i didn't, i won't blame IAF for bombing my house.

right....so, lets see.

say, that a group of israeli soldiers walk past your house, on the road just meters from your door.

will it be ok for hezbollah to bomb your house becouse...

A: the house gave cover for the soldiers (and shade from the sun)

B: you let the soldiers use the road for transportation on the way to kill lebanese/hezbollah (you didnt stop them, face consequences)

C: the hezbollah suspect that maybe the soldiers might use the same route on the way back to the base, so bombing the road (and your house) would be wise as it would make walking more difficult for the soldiers.

looking at the images of israelis with weapons posted by others, using your logic...

A: most israelis DO have weapons home, thus they are either part of a militia, or the military, and therefore most homes in israel ARE legit targets for the rockets?

B: if some of those israelis with weapons we seen on the pictures would have a job at a..say, hospital, or a kindergarden, would it be legit to bomb those places in order to get THAT ONE GUY?

(besides, if his colleques dont tell him to fu*k off since he is armed, they deserve his fate aswell....)

C: the armed guys on the pictures seem to be religious, is it so that ALL religious israelis are infact legitimate targets?

...cosidering that israel is a JEWISH (religious) state, everyone is a target??

i personally do not consider Hezbollah any worse than IDF (but i dont prefer them), but they have worse weapons, would they have the same armament..how would you feel if they used (and im sure they would..) the same reasoning as you, and the IDF does.

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So if those civillians open fire first on IDF trrops, IDF troops fire back kill them - why you go cry "Israel is killing civillians for no reason !! BOOO ! Israel are murderes !@$!@ "  ?!!?@!@!

And wrong ! Israelis are not alloud to carry Assualt Rifels & SMG, or having them at home. Only soldiers are allowed to do it or Settlers [for settlers -> inside the A terretories].

A citizen can only cary a pistol, and he need to have a license for that and to get that license he also must pass psychological test etc. <<[we do have time to do this test because we are small country and not everybody want a pistol, lol]>>

and I think some said that it is sad that i'm the future of my country and i'll be in IDF.

First of all, we have ROE here. In certain areas, like the "Kasaba" in Nablus -> which is a terror stronghold = it has a weapon : it dies. and believe me US & UK troops probably have the same orders in Afghan & Iraq.

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Whats ironic is that you seem to think like the nazi's did:

Quote[/b] ]mp_phonix


In my opnion - burn Gaza, Artilary them to death, bomb them, screw them, the go to Lebanon and bomb the whole southern sector.

Only in WW2, whole vilages would be wiped because some lunatics wanted to.

So what exactly is the difference between what you think and what the nazi's thought? crazy_o.gif

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nice use of the word 'It'... are you suggesting that the palestinians and labanese are somehow Inferior to you perfect Jews?

And regarding your ROE, the geneva convention also has its own ROE, which Israel is treaty to... do as you please when you Join the IDF, but I hope they string you up in public and make an example of the bitter hate that resides inside you.

Quote[/b] ]believe me US & UK troops probably have the same orders in Afghan & Iraq.

probably, probably, probably... do you research any facts or do you just guess your way through life? Whilst I can't say much about US ROE, the British ROE in Iraq and Vietstan (afganistan) has always been 'fire if fired upon'.

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So if those civillians open fire first on IDF trrops, IDF troops fire back kill them - why you go cry "Israel is killing civillians for no reason !! BOOO ! Israel are murderes !@$!@ "  ?!!?@!@!

The IDF opened fire first when they dropped ordnance and fired arty on them. Those civilians are in their own country, the IDF are not.

Quote[/b] ]And wrong ! Israelis are not alloud to carry Assualt Rifels & SMG, or having them at home. Only soldiers are allowed to do it or Settlers [for settlers -> inside the A terretories].

Settlers - a misnomer if ever their was one - are strolling around someone else's country while armed. Then you cry "Palestinians are killing Israelis for no reason !! BOOO ! Palestinians are terrorists !@$!@ "

Quote[/b] ]A citizen can only cary a pistol, and he need to have a license for that and to get that license he also must pass psychological test etc. <<[we do have time to do this test because we are small country and not everybody want a pistol, lol]>>

So Israeli civilians are armed then.

Quote[/b] ]and I think some said that it is sad that i'm the future of my country and i'll be in IDF.

First of all, we have ROE here.

Not very strict ones though.

Quote[/b] ]In certain areas, like the "Kasaba" in Nablus -> which is a terror stronghold = it has a weapon : it dies.

It? And again in places that are not Israel.

Quote[/b] ]and believe me US & UK troops probably have the same orders in Afghan & Iraq.

I don't believe you, because they don't.

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Whats ironic is that you seem to think like the nazi's did:

Quote[/b] ]mp_phonix


In my opnion - burn Gaza, Artilary them to death, bomb them, screw them, the go to Lebanon and bomb the whole southern sector.

Only in WW2, whole vilages would be wiped because some lunatics wanted to.

So what exactly is the difference between what you think and what the nazi's thought?   crazy_o.gif

big difference. If you dpn't understand it your-self, I think there is no point in explaining it to you.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]In my opnion - burn Gaza, Artilary them to death, bomb them, screw them, the go to Lebanon and bomb the whole southern sector

Replace Gaza with Haifa, and Lebanon with Israel and you sound just like some fanatic Hezbollah guy...

Quote[/b] ]big difference

Explain to me?

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ok, here you go:

Quote[/b] ]

In my opnion - burn Gaza, Artilary them to death, bomb them, screw them, the go to Lebanon and bomb the whole southern sector.

WTF guys you keep it in a readme on your desktop ?

I allready explain i wrote that 2 minuts after I heared about the kidnhapping in Lebanon.

Ti0n3r, what the diffrence ?

that I said I want to bomb Gaza & south lebanon because they are full with terrorist, not because they are full with phalastinian/arabs/Lebanonis.

If you can't see the difference here, That I can't say anymore to you . . .

@scary - just so you know, I don't give a fuck that they kill settlers, because they have nothing to look there. I give a fuck when they go blow up people in coffes, buses, and nightclubs.

"so israeli citizens are armed" - yes, like 1 out of every 100, if not 1 out of any 1000

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