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The Middle East part 2

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Let's just ban religion, shall we?

The world is simply too small for religion nowadays, it was fine when the various religions didn't meet. But now it's just useless or even worse, it's damaging!

Anyway, the whole conflict and everyone involved is just plain stupid. Do people/nations actually believe they will get somewhere using the following:

"Let's live in peace - so lower your weapons or be destroyed".


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Let's just ban religion, shall we?

The world is simply too small for religion nowadays, it was fine when the various religions didn't meet. But now it's just useless or even worse, it's damaging!

Won't work. People will find other excuses to fight, some may include territory and race..............both of which can be use in the current conflict.

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Ok to change the topic from religion..

There are currenty 6 UK royal navy ships at/or heading to the Middle East.

Here is some interesting facts about the 6 ships going to the Middle East. >oO<

BBC Royal Navy Ships Facts Links

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Let's just ban religion, shall we?

The world is simply too small for religion nowadays, it was fine when the various religions didn't meet. But now it's just useless or even worse, it's damaging!

Religion is just another excuse. No point in trying to ban it, the fundamentalist assholes will just find a new one.

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Yep... assholes are notorious for spewing crap, one way or another.

Or was that too graphic a metaphore..?

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Ok to change the topic from religion..

There are currenty 6 UK royal navy ships at/or heading to the Middle East.

Here is some interesting facts about the 6 ships going to the Middle East. >oO<

BBC Royal Navy Ships Facts Links

Heads-up, Israelis, Hezbollocks and other arabs...


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It's interesting how the BBC stated that the <i>Illustrious</i> was armed with helicopters and "fighter-bomber" aircraft on her tour to the ME.  Imaginary fighterbomber aircraft perhaps...of dubious use against real militants and/or the IDF.

Edit: I see that in the few days since Illustrious was first slated to head to the Lebanon, the BBC has amended it's little "fleet" page to say that she <i>can</i> carry Harriers. Pity the RAF pilot who might be ordered to go aboard...

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BUZZARD @ July 20 2006,15:43)]Heads-up, Israelis, Hezbollocks and other arabs...

THE BRITISH ARE COMMING!!! THE BRITISH ARE COMMING!!!  rofl.gif  rofl.gif  rofl.gif

Whereas 58 years ago it was, heads-up Palestinian Arabs!!!

THE BRITISH ARE GOING!!!  THE BRITISH ARE GOING!!!  sad_o.gif   sad_o.gif   sad_o.gif  

Quote[/b] ]"84,000 troops, who received no co-operation from the Jewish community, had proved

insufficient to maintain law and order in the face of a campaign of terrorism waged

by highly organised Jewish forces equipped with all the weapons of the modern

infantryman. Since the war 338 British subjects had been killed in Palestine, while the

military forces there had cost the British taxpayer Å100 million the declared intentions

of Jewish extremists showed that the loss of further British lives was inevitable. In

these circumstances His Majesty's Government decided to bring to an end their

Mandate and to prepare for the earliest possible withdrawal from Palestine of all

British forces."

Palestine: Termination of the Mandate

London, 15th May, 1948.

And what a mess they left behind...  confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]They often are, as their primary motivation for criticizing Israel stems from deep Muslim anti-Semitism that is passed on to nearly every single child in the Arab and Muslim world.

The number of Muslims who criticize Israel for legitimate reasons is so slim that they're a minority.

ok now i have put only your quote, now stop being childish accept that you do have a chosen position ,its blatently obvious tht you have ,stop trying to deny it and for once, answer my questions , as i have the common decency to answer yours.

now where is the evidence the "foriegn press" set up the picture of children writing on the shells.

go back to the euro thread and show me ewxactly word for word , the source you quoted the iranian chap saying .

why did you go to a thread about physix chip and post a video of a christian fundamentalist.?

otherwise from now on, i will accept you for what you are and not what you would like me to imagine you are.

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It's interesting how the BBC stated that the <i>Illustrious</i> was armed with helicopters and "fighter-bomber" aircraft on her tour to the ME.  Imaginary fighterbomber aircraft perhaps...of dubious use against real militants and/or the IDF.

Edit:  I see that in the few days since Illustrious was first slated to head to the Lebanon, the BBC has amended it's little "fleet" page to say that she <i>can</i> carry Harriers.  Pity the RAF pilot who might be ordered to go aboard...

Surely the pilots of FAA and not RAF? Why would the RN take RAF pilots when they have there own.

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I have found a rather interesting figure in today's NRC Handelsblad. It depicts the range of the missles at Hezbollah's disposal. After some rather tedious copy-pasting and editing I finally managed to digitalise this picture. I've translated some of the captions. Click on the image for a larger, clearer version.




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maybe i am wrong , but i think all this is a well planned strategy arranged between israel and the USA and other countries whose final objective is to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear facilities. the kidnap of the soldiers is just an excuse to provoke siria and Iran so israel can attack them and so eliminate two birds in one strike, obviously the usa and great britain will support israel . i don't know , let's see how all this develop goodnight.gif

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Well, I think that's taking it a bit too far. I believe it is a lot more simple... The last occupation of Lebanon was a complete failure for Israel, and Hezbollah knows that. It wasn't too difficult to figure out that kidnapping soldiers would provoke Isreal into retaliation, especially given Isreal's response to the Hamas kindapping. So, Israel has attacked Lebanon in order to neutralise Hezbollah (the fate of the two kidnapped soldiers has rather faded into the background, don't you think?). To do so, they will eventually have to commit ground troops to this operation; you can't destroy a rebel movement with air strikes on civilian infrastructure... And this may be exactly what Hezbollah wants, i.e. lure the IDF into a guerilla war. During the last occupation, Hezbollah gave the IDF hell while having only outdated weapons at its disposal. Now, they are much better equipped thanks to Iran.

It seems rather straightforward: Hezbollah wants to fight Isreal, and now they get to do it on their home turf (there's already a lot of fighting going on along the border). Israel's furious attacks on civilian infrastructure have increased the support for Hezbollah amongst the population. It's a win-win situation for Hezbollah - if Isreal is serious about tackling this terrorist group, they will have their ground troops enter Lebanon. This will result in a guerilla war, which suits Hezbollah rather well. If Israel doesn't commit ground troops and just keeps shelling the bejesus out of the country, the popular support for Hezbollah will grow and so will it's political power. Either way, Lebanon will be plunged into chaos, and who thrives under such circumstances? Terrorist groups such as Hezbollah.

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To Bernadotte, yes - we Brits left the Middle East in somewhat of a mess, but with good reason.

The terror campaign waged against the Palestine Police, the Arab people and the British Army by the Jewish militant organisations (the Stern Gang, Irgun and Hagannah) pre-1948 was every bit as vicious and protracted as anything the United States Army has been facing in Iraq.

I haven't read too many cases of the US Army HQs being demolished or US corpses being booby trapped. Face it - anything Hezbollah or sectarian fighters have been doing in the Middle and near East, the Israelis did it first.

Having already put down two Arab rebellions in Palestine, and being emotionally blackmailed to create a "Jewish Homeland" in the wake of the holocaust, can you blame the British government for putting the matter before the UN?

To Bordoy...Seeing as the FAA no longer has any Jets in active service, it would make sense that in the event of need the RAF would supply Harrier Jets for carrier service. I might check with someone to see whether FAA pilots are checked out on conventional Harriers...

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maybe i am wrong , but i think all this is a well planned strategy arranged between israel and the USA and other countries whose final objective is to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear facilities. the kidnap of the soldiers is just an excuse to provoke siria and Iran so israel can attack them and so eliminate two birds in one strike, obviously the usa and great britain will support israel . i don't know , let's see how all this develop  goodnight.gif

I think it's sort of the other way around.

I see it as a plan by syria, iran etc... to destroy israel. Iran already said it wants israel "Wiped off the map" so they are providing hezbollah with military equiptment to help them do that same with syria. It's a proxy war for iran and syria

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well with what everyone is saying.. i see it as the "End Of Days"

USA/UK/EU Want rid of Irans Nuclear Capabilites..

Israel Want rid of Iran becuase they hate them..

USA/UK/EU/Israel Want Rid of Syria for supply Terroists..

USA/UK/EU/Israel Want Ris of Hezbollah for being Terroists..

Hezbollah/Iran/Syria Want Rid of Israel

Iran/Syria Want to Control Nuclear Tech for god knows what

I see this as the tip of the iceberg, something bigger is brewing in the background.. maybe like a volcano starting to blow out ash getting ready to explode this crisis wide open?

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Matt, edit the "EU" out of your posts. The EU is increasingly distancing itself from the middle-east. Ok, US friendly Merkel is shifting Germany a bit, but the rest of europe is seriously getting tired of Israel. Ofcourse with the exception of the UK... >_>

The bombing of Beirut's christian neighborhoods, food convoys and 200-300 civilian dead have pissed a lot of people off, that's for sure.

Seriously, i just saw a report about the IDF bombs kiling two little kids ages about 5-6. That's just evil and Isreal should apologize at the very least.

Quote[/b] ]Iran/Syria Want to Control Nuclear Tech for god knows what

I'm beginning to think it's to keep the bloodthirsty jews off their backs.

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I'm beginning to think it's to keep the bloodthirsty jews off their backs.

Translation -

Quote[/b] ]I'm an anti-Semitic scumbag who has just illustrated why exactly I oppose the actions of Israel.

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Once again your basic English fails you, not your fault.

Excuse me, but would you kindly point out the exact point at which my English failed me?

You say that it failed me this time and that it has failed me before. Now I want evidence.

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"would you kindly point out the exact point at which my English failed me?"

Yah, why not.

I stated this: "it is quite reasonable to assume religion is once again the cause of death. It is a complete farce."

To which you replied: "saying that all religions are a farce is just arrogance on your part."

Summary: You took my declaration of the situation as a farce to mean that I think all religions are a farce. Wrong.

Take Two

I stated this: "I see little real comparisons to the events of the 1940s and today. In the 40s it was pure genocide,today it is border disputes leading to terrorist acts, a rebel movement and an occupying army."

To which you replied: "Jinef, you make 'rebel' sound so noble. Only problem is - There's a difference between a 'rebel' and a terrorist."

Summary: You completely ignored my acknowledgement of terrorist acts in the area and honed in on the word rebel like a rampant right wing lunatic.


You need to read and think a bit more before typing darling.

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Seriously, i just saw a report about the IDF bombs kiling two little kids ages about 5-6. That's just evil and Isreal should apologize at the very least.

I heard about one of those Hezbollah rockets hitting I think Nazarath and killing two young muslim kids.

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"would you kindly point out the exact point at which my English failed me?"

Yah, why not.

I stated this: "it is quite reasonable to assume religion is once again the cause of death. It is a complete farce."

To which you replied: "saying that all religions are a farce is just arrogance on your part."

Summary: You took my declaration of the situation as a farce to mean that I think all religions are a farce. Wrong.

Take Two

I stated this: "I see little real comparisons to the events of the 1940s and today. In the 40s it was pure genocide,today it is border disputes leading to terrorist acts, a rebel movement and an occupying army."

To which you replied: "Jinef, you make 'rebel' sound so noble. Only problem is - There's a difference between a 'rebel' and a terrorist."

Summary: You completely ignored my acknowledgement of terrorist acts in the area and honed in on the word rebel like a rampant right wing lunatic.


You need to read and think a bit more before typing darling.

I'll admit to this: I assume farce meant something else. And that's all. That doesn't constitute an error in my basic English skills.

Second - That's doesn't contitute an error in my basic English skills, either. It wasn't/isn't a 'rebel movement', it's a terrorist organization.

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