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Dynamic Afghanistan

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i could help you find some of the bugs in 1.3 if you gave it to me tounge_o.gif


cluster bombsssssssss, aaaaagggggggggggggg , i like the sound of that

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i am sorry, but it wont be possible, since i cant give away the alpha of the Generic Middle East Rebels, given to me in trust by Munk wink_o.gif

Yes Cluster-Strike is available in the next update, a devastating strike, that shouldnt be used within city limits, or else the stay in Afghanistan will be a short one tounge_o.gif

Along with that comes the more precise SU-25-Strike, very good for fast Air Support against armored vehicles.

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i figured that much sad_o.gif

i guess i'll leave then... sad_o.gif ... sad_o.gif ... sad_o.gif ...(big sniff, then says somthing vulgar under his breath tounge_o.gif )

but how will the su-25 strikes work in this one?

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Your additions sound great, keep up the excellent work you are doing biggrin_o.gif

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This mission is really interesting me now, im gonna check it out smile_o.gif

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chaztheducky -

SU-25 (as the cluster strike) can be called in by using the radio on map (see picture on bottom of the page 20 of this thread) click "SU-25 Strike" once and click at the desired target on the map

a SU-25 will close in soon after and will perform one attack run on the designated target

Winters -

Thank you smile_o.gif

sim -

i would advise you to wait for the next update if you want to try this mission out for the first time since the version 1.2 doesnt reflect the state of the mission very good anymore, alot (if not everything) is reworked for the update, on the downside i cant tell you when the update will be released, but should be within 1 week more or less wink_o.gif

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ooooo sad_o.gif

I was told to wait for the update of one of THobsons missions on the ofpec beta forum aswell! Damn the world doesn't want me to have fun tounge_o.gif

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i dont sappose that i could trouble munk and the guys for a, kids cover your ears, release date of the new rebels? any approximation would be much appreciated

When its done wink_o.gif

Mostly in Rabbits hands now, Im just waiting for him to finish it up so I can sort out the config. Havent spoke to him for a couple of days though but last I heard he was almost done.

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cant wait to get my hands on those new units, if you would have set a fixed date i would be counting the hours, no rush intended of course tounge_o.gif

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i hope that you will get better soon, regarding the work on the GMER 1.2 take you time, as i said no rush intended smile_o.gif

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I know a partner that will be very happy for his mission wink_o.gif

Superb work wheres my rabbit ? and Munk icon14.gif

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"Virtual Haji Hunting," err... Dynamic Afghanistan... just got better.

Nice work.

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Sanctuary is totaly right tounge_o.gif

wheres my rabbit ? and Munk, you just made me a very happy bunny, these units look FABULOUS!!!!!

very good work, very nice detail, everything is perfect, and more than i could of ever asked for!

THANK YOU !!!!!!! smile_o.gif

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Very addictive mission. Not since CTI and The Uprising have I played this much, good work! Has some bugs and minor flaws though, but nothing serious. Can't wait for the next versions.

These are probably known but just in case:

-If you leave your team to a chopper and rest, they get stuck and you are assigned a new team. I tried to shake the zombies out by bumping the Hind with T80 but they wouldn't disembark and eventually the chopper blew up and took my T80 with it.

-Some missions can be completed just by sitting home and ordering a couple of artillery strikes, one time the mission (kill leader) was completed as soon as I heard the first shell hit :-)

-The spawning of the terrorists is quite ugly in some defend and some ambush missions. And maybe a little too fast also.

-The missions should have more challenge than a bunch of guys waiting to be killed, standing up in the open. They should have at least some defensive positions, snipers on the hills, guys laying on top of and hiding in buildings, call reinforcements and stuff like that, it's too easy to pick them out from a distance since they all just run around like idiots. One time (capture mission) I heard a bmp leave the town, killed all the armed terrorists and walked in and captured the leader but the bmp never came to the rescue like I'd expected.

-It needs a load-out interface, now there's tons of ammo laying around after a few hours if you change your teams gear for every mission. Maybe there could be a soldier-dispenser where you can get soldiers, like medic, rpg7 dude, radio guy, sniper etc. Or a system that remembers everyones gear.

-I didn't see any civilians. These would make the missions harder and more realistic.

All in all, great mission.

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Metal Heart -

thank you for the feedback on the version 1.2b, and i am glad you like the mission, for a less buggy mission experience it will be best to await the release of the next update smile_o.gif

those finds you made are interesting and i will answer them one by one, what i think about those points, all will be taken into consideration for the update, incase i overlooked a bug wink_o.gif

did you leave the men in a chopper that is available at base (not inseretion/para helicopter)? if so i will try to reproduce the bug, to see what was happening

yes some missions could be done with a remote arti strike, but there is still a certain risk with it, since if you hit civilians with your strike you will end up with more support for the terrorists than before the mission (e.g. a misplaced CLUSTER bomb strike of mine on a test run left me with no support for my cause, and the mission ended after the first mission, since i had too many civilian casualties)

the spawning is of great concern for me for the update, i will look at the spawning zones of the 1.2b mission, to see which spawning zones are bad, or within the view of the player, as will i try to lessen the spawning lag, but this is a point that is very hard without the use of a black-screen

yes i know what you mean with a little more "active" opfor, i will try to make them more "deadlier" or maybe just a little smarter, to care/fight for the fellow soldiers

You didnt see any civilians? no wonder you could end the get the leader missions with a single airstrike/arti strike, i wonder where they went? i have now idea, since i had civilians implemented since version 1.0, its all those guys who dont carry any weapons, for the next update i made use of the GMER 1.2, which will feature proper civilians, so it will be easier to make them out

didnt i implement the "REARM" function in version 1.2b? its so long that i had a look at the version, since i have been working the 1.3 for quite some time now, the function should pop up close to the ammocrate, this will rearm your whole squad with the click of the function, depending on the main weapon they carry wink_o.gif

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Yeah, the ones that are sitting in the base. After flying back from a mission I left them in, said hi to the CO and got some rest.

Hmm, maybe I messed up with the addons but it doesn't give any error messages of missing addons.

Yes, there's the rearm option but it's allways the same (they also revert back to default gear after rest) and I still have to manually order guys if I wan't more snipers or AT guys or whatever.

Here's the list of addons in my dynafg modfolder:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

19.05.2005 14:58 <DIR> .

19.05.2005 14:58 <DIR> ..

28.04.2004 13:02 24 441 561 LSR_vdv.pbo

12.04.2005 00:02 67 611 875 CATintro.pbo

22.04.2003 16:19 5 474 407 hiluxmg.pbo

23.12.2004 04:05 30 549 180 ICP_rfwp.pbo

12.04.2005 19:44 10 756 261 ICPrpg7.pbo

15.11.2004 10:23 7 277 051 JAM_Magazines.pbo

04.10.2003 12:02 4 999 440 JAM_Sounds.pbo

20.03.2005 12:58 6 408 588 jjr_rebels.pbo

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OH, now i remember, this was the old "REARM" function, this is reworked for the new version, loadout depend on the main weapon, some main weapons are predifiened for AT weapons (e.g. look at the AT troops at start, those weapons will be hooked to antitankweapons), in the conversion Dynamic Afghansitan - Delta Force i tried a new rearm, this should leave the gear that the operative is carrying with the operative and just add new ammo to the main weapon, will need some feedback on the function once its released, and if its better that way i will implement it in DA - VDV too wink_o.gif

your addons are all there, should be able to see the unarmed civilians (those are the GMER 1.1 without weapons)

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you know what....this sucks mad_o.gif

us (the general public) are stuck reading this thread everyday hoping that munk and where's my rabbit will release the new version of the rebels so we could even fathom playing this mission and the delta one.  

but then we get to hancho.... i hate you ( tounge_o.gif ) you get to play this mission when ever you want and laugh at every else. you bastard (again  tounge_o.gif ).

but seriously we should revolt and go and find his computer and then we could play it! everyone lets meet outside hancho's house and overthrough his house govt and take control of his internet and computer! vengence shall be ours!!

take this however you guys like biggrin_o.gif

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you shouldnt have warned me, now i have enough time to set up a defense perimeter and hide my computer in a deep earthhole tounge_o.gif

aside from that i got a note from munk that the release of the GMER 1.2 is not too far away, i send him a version of Dynamic Afghanistan - Delta Force, so that he can start testing his new units ingame, so might considering laying a siege on his house too tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]you shouldnt have warned me, now i have enough time to set up a defense perimeter and hide my computer in a deep earthhole  

fine then i'll bring seige weapons and drills so next time you remember not to give away vital defense info

Quote[/b] ] so might considering laying a siege on his house too  

ooohhh, that is soooo done tounge_o.gif

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I dont actually have any/all of the finished models so you'd be wasting your time, unless you want the config rock.gif

I cant say when it'll be finished, its out of my hands right now. I can of course sell you vital information like Rabbits address, passwords and his local chippy where he seems to spend most of his life tounge_o.gif

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