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tank error!!!!!

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In multiplayer .......

was playing a game with m8 .

He got into tank as gunner and then i got into tank as gunner .

He seemed to be pushed out of his body and into mine from then on he was following me aroung like a case cam?confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif?...and his body turns into ai confused.gif? or somthing

Has happened at lest 4 time during dif missions.

co op

useing v1.40

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thats no just a tank error, i get that about once a week and its happened since around 1.2(thats when i noticed). it happens when 2 people get in the same spot in a vehicle(i.e. gunner). its really annoying and there is no way to get back to your body. seems to happen on laggy servers the most

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