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need help in animations

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iv just dl sanctuary anims and i was just wondering if u can replace mod anims. Like iv dl fdf mod and can i replace fdf mod with sanctuary anims and in like other mods rock.gif Also iv got y2k3 iv been useing y2k3 and have not installed fdf yet will it mess up comp or game if i install fdf while iv got y2k3 on comp rock.gif

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Well, that's how I did it. From all the custom anims I took what I like most. Depboed the anim.pbos, saved the respective anim-files. Pboed my new own new anim.pbo and placed in the res/dta (or responding mod folder) folder. So whenever I play OFP I get my favorite anims.


P.S. This might be the wrong forum?

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Moving to A&M:D.

It's best to ask questions relating to a mod/addon in the relevant thread, try asking your question in the sanctuary anim thread.

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