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Havent posted here in well over a year

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Not realy sure how to start this thread.

Basicley i used to come as this site opened as gopher[beerznwormz] like every one else loosing sleep over every single riview wanted more screen shots and Craved another video.THEN it came jesus what a game all my expectations rolled into one hell off a game.But for some reson i just stopped coming and playing, Probley something to do with my two kids Shannon and Jack biggrin.gif.

Any ways i got back into games and into a Beta Test for a the crtain sure fir hit Global Ops and who should i see on the test My old m8 DNA and folowing not to far behind another old m8 sithy boy, These two fellows are two good blokes have known them for adges now and just though i would pay these forums a visit and start playing this awsome game from scratch again. So here once again i am i find my self totaly hooked and enjoying every minuet off this Game OPF cheers guys for reading this know i ramble on a bit, Just been a long time not playing. CHEERS from an old fan GooCH biggrin.gif

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Awesome to have you back here mate! Hope you enjoy another tour through the magical islands of OFP wink.gif

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you guys are on the beta team for Global Ops wow.gif Cool!!??

What is it like? CS single player? or does it have potential? Is it realistic? Can you drive vehicles? Are the maps large??

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HEHEHE the magical islands ive just installed this game and am playing on the noraml without patches game god this is brinning back some memories. Cheers for the reply DNA m8. wink.gif

And GLOBAL ops is nothing like CS. cya guys arround. wink.gif

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hehe,, you better install those upgrades! Allot of things have happened since v1.0.

Welcome back smile.gif

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btw, i dont remember you confused.gif

were you on the original forum?

anyway, welcome back m8y smile.gif

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Yea m8 was from the origonal forum i was probs one off the first fiew to post out off about 20 people but that was along time ago. wow.gif

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Yeah,, same here... and that was a long long time ago (doesn't feel like it though).

It's nice to se some oldschool people coming back  biggrin.gif

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Yers ... Goocher was one of the dudes back in the old days ... remember IRC when we went apeshit whenever a BIS developer came in? lol wink.gif

GO is nice ... I play it for some variation in my daily gaming dosis. I like it because it's really aimed for teamplay and has some very nice features. Does it even come near OFP? No way, not a chance in a life-time ... OFP rules tounge.gif

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Heya Gooch....good to have u back here smile.gif

Soz for the late reply...been kinda busy lately tounge.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">remember IRC when we went apeshit whenever a BIS developer came in? lol wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hehehe...hell yeah...and those massive Q&A's we had...poor Araon didnt get much sleep cuz of us wink.gif

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Yea sithy m8 talking about sleepless nights wating for the BIG review think i even took a day off work as well m8, Thats how hooked i was. confused.gif

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