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Thunder and Lightning!

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Here we are again, fully animated good and bad weather clouds, with thunder and lightning...




700kb....7 days only

PS:- if any think it is shit, u know the drill, dont download it or link it. Dont need good or super exclamations remarks for my work, nor downright putdowns. If u wanna post, just post how it can improve and further the potential of ofp1. Thanks smile_o.gif

For those more asture, u may realise that a 'flying' c130 for paradrops, walking onboard may be possible now. The way is clear.

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Hmm they look like a hills right now , i think if you did them in such a shape <> (yep its crudely drawn biggrin_o.gif ) it would be ok then , elevating only one part and leaving other side flat doesnt look THAT good.

And what are those white lines? Lightning ? if so then why are all of them going downwards?

I dont thinkits shit so plz dont hammer me , i just wanna see it improved if its possible. smile_o.gif

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Lightning. ..sigh..no one complains about the 'shazam' lightning in ofp but when i try to make a realistic lightning..sheesh....( but its ok..i guess this all is pretty new, i doubt if u can find these even in other games)


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Really superb icon14.gif

But , will it confuse the AI or can they go through without fearing a collision ?

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Phil, do you mean with "flying" static objects in the sky? As that way, you could walk out of the plane and parachute, and then maybe deleteVehicle the plane with nice fading sounds.

These clouds look so nice that i'll download them tounge_o.gif

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Well, if they won't fly through them as they are, wouldn't it help setdamage'ing them?

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You can fly thru it, no problem, but Ai can still see u as they have IR rader. Not sure if it will work in MP, but if both players are flying without IR, one of them could actually hide among the clouds.

Dynamite_cow, u got it! wink_o.gif  Static objects can be animated with the normal rotation axis...and as we know it, u can move around in a static object, eg-house.

There are 6 different kinds of clouds for each weather and is fully randomised ingame. No lag experienced despite amount of clouds ingame, but only before the game and when the game exit - cos of the rotation animation - it needs to initialise and close - about max 6 secs.

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Amazing Phil, but i believe that if you add on those clouds some vertical and horizontal planes with alpha chanel clouds textures it can be even better. The same can be applyed to lightning i guess.

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Thanks guys and mig, good suggestion...its only the lag i worry about with alpha channels - i didnt even dare use it for the lightning - its done with planes and setobjecttexture only. U know me, i wont sacrifice gameplay for asthetics, but i would like to see someone else make something better  smile_o.gif

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Thanks guys and mig, good suggestion...its only the lag i worry about with alpha channels - i didnt even dare use it for the lightning - its done with planes and setobjecttexture only. U know me, i wont sacrifice asthetics for gameplay, but i would like to see someone else make something better  smile_o.gif

Of course i understand what you mean about lag and i agree with you smile_o.gif About the lightning there is another possibility using script. Some time ago i've found this addon. It might interest take a look on it.

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hey phil, you said "noone complains about OFP lightning" i assure you there was a HUGE complain discussion about ofp lighting in the combat photo thread discussion topic.

oh and remember at one point when i said all your addons are good, but some rank "eh ok" and others are keepers? well these rank as "keepers" right up there with your passenger ship, and cargo ship.

oh and one side note: those clouds look like moonpies... i want to eat them all wow_o.gif

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Thanks odin, but the clouds are animating already - it moves, together with the setobjecttexture lightning.

I must mention Scanger, who because of his post on solving the problem of setobjecttexture to buildings, which we know is quite impossible, but he showed all how to do it thru the use of class things instead of class static, otherwise, the lightning effect would not have been possible. Thanks, Scanger.

Thanks for the link, mig..i will check it out.

Gosh, u kept the ship, pappy?? wow_o.gif err...maybe u would like this one better:-




should be releasing soon..if i can get round some of the limitations for ai to move across multiple parts both interior and cargo hold. wink_o.gif

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these ships are really nice phil,

i still have the first cargo ship too, even installed

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Daily Star



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They are great...but maybe fill em up...or would that cause lag? And also making them semi transparent would (maybe) make a more real feeling. And also, the bottom, I agree, it shouldn't be so flat.

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Nah...i believe it could handle a few more faces before it lags the game. lol!..as to the flatness at the base, its an actual fact for low level clouds, heck! i got even the pics to prove it, caused by the rising surface heat pressure as the wind blows it across terrains, which makes the clouds unable to sink to the ground due to gravity,thus giving it a flat base look at the resistance point between uprising heat and downward gravity pressure.

Alpha channels are a great idea, will test them out.

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cool Concept Phil, i wasnt gonna comment again but thought i must this once,,  Would it be possible to set the cloud certain points on edges of the cloud with DO Smoke. sqs.  In that to reduce lag the cloud wont produce white smoke all the time only when a certain object/player/AI comes near it.  Then the do smoke would become active giving a particle effect when flying by or near.  To keep it looking real the particles could be less dense to give the effect of water vapour.  Which leads to another idea for an anim,, be cool if the opf engine could be manipulated so that when your flying into the clouds drops appear on the screens of aircraft..  Great work Phil as usual.  Good to see some lateral thinking on addons.

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Thanks sneaky...thats a great way to have a proper cloud effect. will test it out, if it checks out ok, would be great.

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be cool if the opf engine could be manipulated...
will test it out, if it checks out ok, would be great.

Next time the people will see Philcommando is when he is dragged into court like a savage animal biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif .

@ bigass ship:

looks great biggrin_o.gif I can already see myself setpossing crates on the thing for a very special TDM / coop / attack & Defend... MWAHAHA!! biggrin_o.gif

Phil, you are saying that you do not want to sacrifice performance over gameplay, but:

1) with the particle thingy I suggested the AI wont see trough clouds, like they can't see trough modded smoke shells

2) you wont be able to see inside of the cloud.

3) the cloud wont dissapear if you are too far off.

But if you really dont want to do it... look at Invasion 1944's grass, it is an object, it has height, you can crawl trough without seeing too far (imagine flying trough @ 120 KM/h), and they say that it doesn't lag biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Hey phil, no disrespect, I respect you greatly for putting all of this time/work into ofp, for nothing at all, but they do kind of look like hills, I thought it was a snowy island at first. But still, better than the old ofp clouds!

I like that lighting too, + the ship! KEEP IT UP DUDE! smile_o.gif

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