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MAAM 1.31

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Hail fair brethren biggrin_o.gif

MAAM version 1.31 is now available for download.

Basically, this brings MAAM into line with the JAM3 Beta2 that the JAM team are working on. Ie. no new weapons/models. Magazines, munitions and great sounds will be the exclusive focus of JAM3.

From the ReadMe:

Quote[/b] ]==============================

Summary Of Changes:

1.31 - Removed all new MAAM weapons and models added in version 1.30. MAAM 1.31 now matches the JAM3 closed beta that is under development.

    - Tweaked sound settings for the L86 magazines

    - Updated groups



1.  OFP version 1.91 or greater.

2.  AMORE.

3. Community Soundpack 1.1, OR Rainbow Soundpack 1.1


Download links:

MAAM v1.31

(Rapidshare link - please scroll to the bottom of their page and click the "download Free" button)


Community Soundpack 1.1  (Hosting timed out. Will update tonight. Meanwhile, please use Tomislav's link.)

Rainbow Soundpack 1.1 (Hosting timed out. Will update tonight. Meanwhile, please use Tomislav's link.)

Repeater Sounds for Community Pack (Hosting timed out. Will update tonight. Meanwhile, please use Tomislav's link.)

Repeater Sounds for Rainbow Pack (Hosting timed out. Will update tonight. Meanwhile, please use Tomislav's link.)

All soundpacks hosted by Tomislav (Thanks mate!)

Big thanks to all involved. If this gives you any ideas for the development of JAM, please post in the JAM beta thread HERE.

Cheers biggrin_o.gif


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No, JAM3 will replace JAM2 in the addons folder. I believe this is what JAM3 will be but still using the suffix of MAAM. I'm glad you chose to remove model changes. All or nothing, good stuff. smile_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]I believe this is what JAM3 will be but still using the suffix of MAAM

That's right, although hopefully JAM3 will have some improvements after beta testing.



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Glad to see some updates and all , i loved the maam 1.3 and the jam3 but i don't want to go back to the old BIS models tounge_o.gif

please will there be a version with the models remaining blues.gif

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Quote[/b] ]please will there be a version with the models remaining

Sorry mate - the models are history.

Magazines, Ammo and great sounds will be the exclusive focus.

...If you want better models, I recommend something like Inq's weapons pack (pac texture version). It has a config which replaces most of the base weapon models, whilst still keeping the filesizes nice and small. Just using Inq's pack will upgrade most MAAM/JAM weapons, while keeping the core MAAM/JAM files free of models biggrin_o.gif

There is also an INQ config for ECP 1.071, so you can have the best of both worlds biggrin_o.gif

...If you're prepared to use more memory, Mods like Y2K3, FlashFX and EECP will all upgrade the base models in the same way.



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Hiya Tomislav,

It's probably better to let the other thread fade away, as this is the version that the JAM team are working with. wink_o.gif



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Sorry mate - the models are history.

sad_o.gif I liked the JAM models (RPGs Rule!). Gonna be kind of a disappointment to go make to the BIS models.

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Hey Capairman,

Don't worry, the RPGs will stay, along with anything you see in JAM2.

For JAM weapons like the M60 M16, AK74 and AK47, JAM doesn't itself specify what model it uses. They inherit whatever model the main OFP config defines for the class.

...thus, if you're running an altered OFP config like Inq Weaponpack, ECP1.071w/Inq, EECP, Y2K3 etc., JAM will inherit those upgraded models biggrin_o.gif Try it - it works  xmas_o.gif

OK friends, enough about weapons now. Let's hear about the sounds, ballistics, engagement ranges, and any new rounds/mags you want. Why not have a look at the open config I've included with MAAM, experiment with some of the values and post them here with your observations.

My personal suggestion is that 50-100 meters max range should be added to all rifle and MG rounds. I think it would improve firefights without altering gameplay enough to "break" any missions.



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Would it be possible to have "Tracer Mags" that use either BN's or Wolf's tracer scripts?

Also is the recoil effect part of the JAM config? The reason I ask is it seems that a lot of weapons addons have little or no recoil. This is a huge problem IMO.

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Quote[/b] ]Also is the recoil effect part of the JAM config? The reason I ask is it seems that a lot of weapons addons have little or no recoil. This is a huge problem IMO.

Hi Noundo,

Yes - the recoils are defined in the MAAM/JAM config. I agree - I'd prefer a more noticeable recoil. The only problem is that simply increasing the recoils for all mags could make the High-Dispersion mags unusable. With so many mags, it really would be a "fine toothcomb" job, one for the experts.

Bn880's and Wolfsbane's tracers are an interesting and wonderful development in OFP for sure. If anyone can experiment and get these working in MAAM, I'm sure the team would be very interested to hear about it biggrin_o.gif



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What's the difference in the soundpacks, could anyone enlighten me on that?

Read this thread to find out.

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Hi JAM team!

This looks to be the auditory version of ECP, altering the sounds, ballistics and recoil, (hopefully someone can trigger the tracers in there somehow.. ;-). Giving everybody new gameplay options. You're doing a great thing for the community, wish you all the best of luck.

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Hi Maximus-Sniper,

Quote[/b] ]The other links, dosen't work

Someone have the links for the other downloads?

They still work OK. After clicking the link, wait for the webpage to load up, then go to the bottom of the page and click the "Download FREE" button...then wait about one minute...then the final link will appear at the bottom of the page.



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Hi Maximus-Sniper,
Quote[/b] ]The other links, dosen't work

Someone have the links for the other downloads?

They still work OK. After clicking the link, wait for the webpage to load up, then go to the bottom of the page and click the "Download FREE" button...then wait about one minute...then the final link will appear at the bottom of the page.



Hi CornHelium smile_o.gif

Thanks smile_o.gif But i hit the link, than the page was finish reload, i hit the "Download Free" than i got this error :

File /files-en/633392/OFPR_Amore_MAAM_CommunityPack_v1_1.rar.html has been deleted.

Reason: No download for a loner period. Inactivity-timeout exceeded.

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I've tested it just now and it works fine. Give it another go, and watch the countdown after clicking the "download Free" button. You should see a countdown timer counting down from around 50secs, then the link will appear.

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I've tested it just now and it works fine. Give it another go, and watch the countdown after clicking the "download Free" button. You should see a countdown timer counting down from around 50secs, then the link will appear.

Hi m8 smile_o.gif

I did what u say smile_o.gif This links dosen't work here:

Community Soundpack 1.1

Rainbow Soundpack 1.1

Repeater Sounds for Community Pack

Repeater Sounds for Rainbow Pack

The two first link work fine (MAAM 1.31 and Amore)

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Hi Maximus-Sniper,

Hope I'm not breaking any rules by doing this, but I ran into the same problem as you. Did a search and found this.

Edgefiles MAAM_1.3_Community Soundpack

Hope This helps. wink_o.gif


Hi scrub smile_o.gif

Thanks for the help smile_o.gif But as u can see on the front page, the addons are in version v.1.1 That link u gave me was the first version sad_o.gif But thanks any way smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif


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