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Difficulty of custom Cockpits?

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I've noticed that a lot of the addons I've downloaded seem to use BIS cockpits/internals/cabins over custom ones. This makes me wonder, do a lot of you find that custom ones are hard to do? Not worth it?

Those of you who don't make the models, what's your take? Do you like to see a different viewpoint other the default BIS views? Or is it not that big of a deal to you?

For me, from a modeling perspective, I find that making custom views is a difficult but rewarding experience. Once a good internal view is done to go with a external view, it seems as if you have a killer mesh ready to go.

FYI, I'm not saying EVERY addon out there should/shouldn't use custom viewpoints, I'm just curious as to how people feel about them.

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After flying Diesel's A-10, I break out in hives every time I now enter BIS' original A-10.

Quality custom cockpits add to a great OFP flying experience.

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problem is getting pctures especailly of armoured veihles always plenty of the exterior but never any of the interior sad_o.gif

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prolly theyre too lazy biggrin_o.gif

its mainly jsut boring and fuzzy work

copying buttons lol

but once this is done it adds a boost of realism onto ur models

specially when u animate the stuff

like pushable buttons or blinkign lights wot so ever

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I voted "VERY easy! I can do cockpits in my sleep!"

since , well.. it might be tricky sometimes but it adds so much to the model, a WW2 fighter with a BIS Su-25 cockpit just isn't right.. tounge_o.gif

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I find custom cockpits to be tricky, mainly because of the tight space I have to work in, and the lack of interior pictures of the cockpit (most pictures only show the panel, and leave out the sides and back). But I won't release my addon without one.

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I think it is hard to do new cockpits with a good result, especially when you don't find any satisfying photos with good angles (in that case, some people will use textures from other games i guess)

Diesel A10 cockpit was really awesome, in my opinion the best available.

Spetsnaz Mod SU-27 cockpit is a very good one too.

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I think it is hard to do new cockpits with a good result, especially when you don't find any satisfying photos with good angles (in that case, some people will use textures from other games i guess)

Diesel A10 cockpit was really awesome, in my opinion the best available.

Spetsnaz Mod SU-27 cockpit is a very good one too.

Martin's C47 used textures from MS Flight Simulator, Honestly I dont care where the recources come from, I just want to play with jawbreaking weaponry, even if the textures are ripped from another game, OFP will have new possibilities (like the option to get out of the vehicle)

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One of my pet hates are armoured vehicle addons with the wrong interiors, but as was said, it can be hard to get hold of good pictures of AFV interiors.

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The most problem is reference material. It's very often, when you can get acess in interrior of vehicle, because it still contains some of military secrets. So militaries don't give you permission to make photos inside. But there are exeptions, for example, our project have acces to Mi-26 interrior, so its no reference problems to us:)

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