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Favourite LOTR character!!!

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Now that the legendary LOTR movie is out, waz wondering what's every1's favourite character? This applies to movie and/or the books.

I'd hafta say in the movie, Legolas is the best. But in the book, Gandalf the Grey/White is supreme.

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I think Legolas is the best in the movie too ... he really is what I imagine to be an elve and acts his role out real well. In the book I like Gimlie the best biggrin.gif

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Liv Tyler ofcourse, like there's any question about! I'm not attracted to sorcerers, dwarfs or other cruelties of nature, but Liv is OK I suppose wink.gif

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Okay first off Legolas looks cool with his bow and such, but he still looks like a raging nancy boy smile.gif

And yes Liv Tyler is rather nice smile.gif

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What are you talking about, Liv Tyler. phfrrt...

She pales in comparison to Kate Blanchett. The sequence with Galadriel is the most beautiful in the film, as in the book.

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In the book... I love Gollum...

"Yes, yes my precious" smile.gif

As for the Movie.... That's a tough one... but I'll have to say Legolas.. I loved it when he stabbed the Orc with an arrow before firing it from his bow into a second Orc in the forest.

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ive always liked Aragorn since i was a wee lad, well 10ish, but anyway he was pretty cool in the movie..... although legalos was too....

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Gimli, no doubt about it. Allthough Aragorn is a very close second.

The best character in the movie I would say was Boromir, mainly because I was very pleasantly suprised by Sean's acting skills (think the actors name is Sean).

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I expected no less from good old Sean, and personally I think that Aragorn and Boromir shoudl ahve swapped actors. Sean Bean would have made a much better Aragorn in my opinion smile.gif

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Hmmm, Gandalf or Gollum biggrin.gif

Legolas is a sissyboy tounge.gif

Boromir was cool in the movie, still kicking touchy with 3 arrows in him.

me and Redstorm went with the rest of our gang, we agreed that every pack had a sissy, a non-men, a loser, a chicken... well you know what i mean, we all agreed it was Legolas tounge.gif probably cause he has long blonde hair and a babyface... biggrin.gif

...... ...... ......Legolas was that Elf boy... right?

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Aragorn is the best,,,but the bit where Boromir takes on loads of orcs is brilliant,especially when he gets shot 3 times.,,,ohh so sad,,,every1 in the cinema went awwww xcept me cos iv read the book and saw it coming!!!

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You were the only one in the cinema that had read the book and there for could see it coming? Where do you live? Deepest Africa?

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Am I the only one who thinks "the nine" that hunt down frodo are the coolest, hooded people on big black horses who love the darkness..........sweeeeeeet........

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I haven't seen the movie and I don't need to to say my fav character, the Ents (from the twin towers book).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Jan. 23 2002,13:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Am I the only one who thinks "the nine" that hunt down frodo are the coolest, hooded people on big black horses who love the darkness..........sweeeeeeet........<span id='postcolor'>

No, the Ring Wraiths are awesome.. and they look so cool in the movie. Though that shrieking they made all the time pissed me off because the cinema had the sound up too loud.

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no i live in llanelli but we musta picked a bad day cos the all the illiterate kids were there and therefore couldt have read the book!!AHA!! i have a ringwraith living in my cupboard

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Its a pity they cut Tom Bombadill from the movie.....he´s such a hippie....

I the film I liked the leader of the Uruk-hai the most (cant remember his name tho...Urgluk or something).

In the book its definetly Gandalf

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