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Bn880's Tracers V1.0

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I hope you will find the time to do a "howto" regarding implementing your treacer to a mod like ECP...


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I confirm, that the error occurs in missions that have units that are "delete vehicled".

In case anyone wanted to implement into ECP, this works (but applies to all units, not just specific units, so its not a perfect solution).

Quote[/b] ]// PBO release path

#define ECP_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN { ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}; _this exec (ECP_path+{ECPinit.sqs});{_c = _x camcreate [0,0,0]} foreach [{ECP_MKII},{ECP_M61},{ECP_M67},{ECP_F1},{ECP_RGO},{ECP_RDG1},{ECP_ANM8},{ECP_ANM83},{ECP_

M18Red},{ECP_M18Green}]};_this exec (ECP_path+{init.sqs});[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\Bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf"""

Check out the last part. That is what you need to add to the end of the ECP_EH_INIT section.

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Can this problem be fixed ? Its not really good for missions when you use addon thats produce ever error messages. crazy_o.gif

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I certainly am not going to adapt my tracers to make sure someone's mod doesn't croak when they do odd things. I don't have the time nor the will.

Please ask the mod makers who may cause you errors to look into it. The tracers added to normal missions don't give errors that I know of.

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Its not an error in the addon.

There is a known cause of the error that appears at the top. The error causes no issue except a 2 second slowdown at the start of the mission. Therefore it is a non-issue.

If you don't want to see the error, then do not put deletevehicle in the inits of any units. Otherwise deal with it at the beginning of the mission.

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I have a problem. I became error message ingame:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

´while{_i2!=_i+1}do{    _u removeEventHandler["getin",_i2];   _u removeEventhandler["getin",_i];   _i=_u addEventhandler["getin",{}];  _i.....

Can anybody tell me why i can have this message ?


I´m finally found and solve this problem.

It was not the deletevehicle-thing but it has the same reason.

This message hints if you hand over a NULL-Object to the "addTracerUnit.sqf"

Thats possible if you:

- delete an unit during a mission and later call [unitname] call loadFile{\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf}

- also and thats why ofpchaos got this message, you call commander (gunner, driver) from a vehicle and there is no commander etc. in, f.e. some of BRDMs and UAZ!

[commander vehiclename] call loadFile{\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf} leads then also to this problem


I know, it´s not a problem by your addon, but there´s a simple way to prevent. Please add a line like:

? (isNull (_this select 0)) : exit

to the "addTracerUnit.sqf" !

Thanks & kind regards

Sudden Death

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Aw come on... maybe when I do some more updates I will add that in. But I don't want to make any release just for that. wink_o.gif

And PS: it was what it was, that's what people meant by deletevehicle.

The commander and gunner stuff is not faulty either. If there are none it's okay, the script is triggered by a get-in, which guarantees someone is somewhere in the vehicle.

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Yeah, that´s what I mean! You can add it in a future version !

Anyway, there was no deletevehicle in the mission by opfchaos, it was only an unsupported handover to the script.


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I confirm, that the error occurs in missions that have units that are "delete vehicled".

In case anyone wanted to implement into ECP, this works (but applies to all units, not just specific units, so its not a perfect solution).

Quote[/b] ]// PBO release path

#define ECP_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN { ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}; _this exec (ECP_path+{ECPinit.sqs});{_c = _x camcreate [0,0,0]} foreach [{ECP_MKII},{ECP_M61},{ECP_M67},{ECP_F1},{ECP_RGO},{ECP_RDG1},{ECP_ANM8},{ECP_ANM83},{ECP_

M18Red},{ECP_M18Green}]};_this exec (ECP_path+{init.sqs});[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\Bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf"""

Check out the last part. That is what you need to add to the end of the ECP_EH_INIT section.


where does this bit of code go nubbin? I got wolfbanes tracers working in my ecp config.cpp before thanks to you smile_o.gif so maybe you can help me get these tracers to work in the ecp config now smile_o.gif

Or should i be doing something with this:

Quote[/b] ]
Heh , what about to add only this line in the class man:land as init ? wink_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]"[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf"";

It perfectly works here , btw it will be implemented in the incoming FFUR release too smile_o.gif



Because if you do that, every weapon will have tracers. You don't want tracers coming out of sniper rifles or suppressed weapons because, not only is that unrealistic, it's a bit stupid (what's the point of suppressing a weapon if you're going to give a visual indication of where you are?)

It also means that tracer color is determined soley by side... So if a civ picks up an M16, it will have green tracers even if it was firing red ones a minute ago.

My (temporary) solution was this. You're welcome to use it if you want.

Quote[/b] ]



_u = _this select 0

EECP_MachineGunners = ["SoldierWMG", "SoldierEMG", "SoldierGMG"];

EECP_SpecOps = ["SoldierWSniper", "SoldierWLAWSniper", "SoldierWSaboteur", "SoldierWSaboteurPipe", "SoldierWSaboteurDay", "SoldierWSaboteurPipeHG", "SoldierWSaboteurLaser", "SoldierESniper", "SoldierESaboteurPipe", "SoldierESaboteurBizon", "SoldierESaboteurPipeHG", "Hunter", "SoldierGSniper"];


? typeOf _u in EECP_SpecOps : exit;

? typeOf _u in EECP_MachineGunners : goTo "MG"

[_u, 3]call loadFile {\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf};



[_u, 5]call loadFile {\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf};


Exec that as the Man class init EH. Nobody that shouldn't be firing tracers fires them, and rifles and MGs have different ratios of them.

Basically it would be REALLY helpful if someone could just post the standard config.cpp from ecp with the right stuff added to get these tracers (or wolfbane's) working (or explain in steps what i have to to do, i'm all about learning new skills smile_o.gif )

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I'll try to be step by step here.

1) Go to @ECP\bin and make a backup of the config.cpp file

2) Open that file in notepad or wordpad.

3) hit control F (which is the find function)

copy the following into the find section

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define ECP_EH_INIT "IF (format

that will take you right to the line of code you need to edit.

4) Replace the entire line of code with the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define ECP_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN { ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}; _this exec (ECP_path+{ECPinit.sqs});{_c = _x camcreate [0,0,0]} foreach [{ECP_MKII},{ECP_M61},{ECP_M67},{ECP_F1},{ECP_RGO},{ECP_RDG1},{ECP_ANM8},{ECP_ANM83},{EC

P_M18Red},{ECP_M18Green}]};_this exec (ECP_path+{init.sqs});[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\Bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf"""

5) Save the file and make sure you have BNtracer pbo in your addons folder.

You should be ready to rock. Just remember this will apply to all units, even snipers and other things you may not otherwise want to have tracers.

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many thanks nubbin smile_o.gif

though it's worth noting that in the code you posted there is an extra space in between the C and the P in the line



that needs to be deleted if anyone else wants to cut and paste this.

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Great addon!But i have a little problem,some classes that shouldn't have tracers still have them.I have installed them into ECP 1.085 config as mentioned above.Any help appreciated.PS:i am using "EECP_Tracer_Init.sqs". sad_o.gif

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Well,i figured out how to add tracers for normal configs(res,FDF_Mod,etc).It should be done this way:

class SoldierWB:Soldier
















class EventHandlers


init="_this exec ""\@ECP\EECP_Tracer_Init.sqs""";



class SoldierEB:Soldier
















class EventHandlers


init="_this exec ""\@ECP\EECP_Tracer_Init.sqs""";



class SoldierGB:Soldier















class EventHandlers


init="_this exec ""\@ECP\EECP_Tracer_Init.sqs""";



So,you have to execute EH for first soldier in every nationality.

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I just looked through all 13 pages of this and didn't see it, but...

Is there any way to get the tracers to stick with the weapon and not the operator? I have a mission set up with platoon of SEALs (4 boat crews of 6 operators) that is employing 4 Mk43s. The tracers work great untill that unit dies and another picks up his support weapon because the tracers dissapear. How can I fix this?

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Well,BN880,could you make this script weapon specific,not soldier specific?

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Well theres a way to do this by script but i dont think BN880 will fix it for ofp, so u should try on your own

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Just found about this tracer and i want some clear instructions how to make it work.

First of all i just play with my own small missions in mission editor and i never save a mission. I play until i win or die and then i create new missions.

Do i have to put tracersettings.cfg in a map? and if yes which map?

Secondly can someone give the exactly line i have to put in the INITIALIZATION field to make it work?

Thanks smile_o.gif

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Weapon objects are untrackable in OFP. Especially once inserted into a crate.

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PLz a little help

I've right installed Bntracers v.1.24 and added to Ecp config the lines such as explained above...but when I start a sp mission or a camp mission the game tell me "missed addon bn_tracer1.23"!

What can I do to solve that? I've read there's something to do in config about "changing the name of the addon" but I've not understand the way.


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Search for preloadaddons in youre config(should be at the bottom) addin this line "BN_Tracers123"

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