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Swedish police pack

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Hi im trying to do a swedish police pack to OFP, at first I treid to do a Sig P226 but then i discovered that there where alredy a p226 to OFP so I started with the counter-terrorist units Nationella Insatsstyrkan (National Taskforce).

Screen: ni-screen2.jpg

The model is capt moores FBI soldier (I got permision from him) and the most textures are from an old Skin-pack to SWAT 3 (i got permission). This is my first project so it may be a little ugly. I will countinue working on it when i got a new copy of OFP (a CD broke). Sorry for bad spelling.

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for a first attempt it looks really nice, could you make a brighter pic of the front?

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No, after i treid to reinstall OFP GOTY CD 2 i dicoverd there was a scratc and I need a new copy of OFP, buldozer dosent work with out OFP. i also want to point out that it was Capt mores model and BBE sqauds textures (from a swat 3 pack) that made this so nice. A big thank for the permissio (spelling?) i got.

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if you install the 1.96 beta patch you don't have to put the cd in every time. (a little hint)

and there's no difference between the beta 1.96 and the final 1.96

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I haven´t  got a new copy of OFP yet, but OFP is installed on another computer, but I dosent have access to it so often so i cant work as much as before untill my new copy of OFP arrives. But here´s a new screen, the config is fully opertional (thanks to granQ from Swedish Forces Pack that helped me) but the textures arent that nice and there are some bugs: when you shot with a handgun, the fire from the gun apperes from the gun but the smoke from the soldier! And when you have the weapon on back it is flying a half meter away from the soldier. And some things on the model looks kinda weird, but here i give you a NI op! NI= Nationella Insatsstyrkan, the swedish police counter terrorist group (but they often use it to reinforce the piket (swat) teams when there is a hostage sitoainion (spelling?) or heavily armed suspects etc.)

ohh, i almost forgot the screen:


This will hopefully be better in time to the planned release, and i forgot to say that my cousin (not meber of this forum) joined the project.

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ODOL explorer fucks up the place of the model in oxygen, which is very critical for OFP anims to work correctly.

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GranQ, says it´s no way around it, it´s that true?

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Just place the model to right place in every LOD by hand and it should work. Use existing models to help finding that right spot.

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I got problems again......

I put the model in the right place in oxygen, but the guy who made the model forgot some things and it was too buggy, so I decided to use the model based on BISman but with some things from the buggy model pasted on it.

BUT when I test the model, the game chrashes to detskop, I can start the game, play with any unit I like, but when I place a police officer on the map and test it´s chrashes without any error message.

What´s wrong?

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I tried using the BISman.p3d model your talking about recently for the base of some units i was making, and had nothing but problems with them. They never crashed to desktop for me but the units would walk through walls. The model of BISman.p3d does not have all the required LOD's to work as is. I ended up using a HYK unit as the base and i've had no problems. Have a try using them as the base (as far as i remember the read-me to the HYK units states that you can use the models but just give credits to Hyukishiki in your read-me). oh the latest version of ODOL explorer doesn't seem to muck up the models anymore (well it doesn't for me).

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