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mapfact.net releases: barracks v1.5

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Just checked it out, great update indeed. One gripe, though, you badly need to fix the lighting (sharp&smooth edges!).

we're sorry for that sad_o.gif it was kind of misapprehension in our team. we're working on it. smile_o.gif

/edit: @MP Studio: exactly, you're right.

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Some needfull commands for scripting/editing...

1. Closing/opening barriers and gates.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this animate ["Component02", 1/0]

2. Closing/opening the doors of the concrete hangars.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this animate ["TorL", 1/0]

this animate ["TorR", 1/0]

3. Opening/closing doors from buildings.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this animate ["Component02", 1/0]

up to

this animate ["Component15", 1/0]


For objects placed in WRP-Tool etc. simply replace "this" with (object NUMBER).

Specials (with integrated scripts that need to be started):

1. "Creating" the doors of the big hangar.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(object NUMMER) exec "\Baracken\Hangar01.sqs"

2. Activate the radar (rotation).

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(object NUMMER) exec "\Baracken\Radar.sqs"


Hope this is heplfull!



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tried the new update and it was really good, biggrin_o.gif

you got to love this!!! unclesam.gif

liked the new military radar and also the start tower that lee_h_oswald featured in his beaituful pic smile_o.gif

the hangers work great. I had 4-5 of them and it didn't slow down the comp. much at all compared to some others out there tounge_o.gif this inspired me to try to make a missions based on the old f-18's biggrin_o.gif , im making a smaller airbase in the desert in nogova where 2 players get to launch attacks against some objectives. maybe i can get it done by next week by thursday or so hopefully.

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God, I just love that start-tower. It's bloody awesome and I love the nice windows. It's a really cool tower that looks extremely nice. Strange, but it somwhat reminde me of the top-side part of Nova Prospekt (HL2).

It's great as some main guard tower on some large military complex.

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Eh, how do I place the doors of the big hangar (Hangar01) rock.gif

If put that hangar on my Island and in OFP I wrote into a trigger line: (object NUMMER) exec "\Baracken\Hangar01.sqs"

But no doors rock.gif

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I know I know, There must be Object 12345, I've done that but still no doors!

Object 12345 is the Hangar01 placed with wrp tool.

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This is the command to activate the doors of a WRP-placed hangar via script.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(object NUMBER) exec "\Baracken\Hangar01.sqs"

This is the command to activate the doors of a WRP-placed hangar via trigger.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[object NUMBER] exec "\Baracken\Hangar01.sqs"

Same thing for the radar.



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Just a question, so must we place two objects on a Wrp map in order to get the start tower to show up? Cuz I notice it is now in two sections when trying to place it on the map editor.

Nevermind, I got my answer smile_o.gif

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Funny, but it seems i don't have the new objects with the new pack.Whats wrong? rock.gif

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did you overwrite the old file and are you sure that it is loaded?

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Nice addon, very usefull... but again... guys... why you are not using sharp edges where they belongs? Such a small amout of work but a big visual improvement. If you don't know what i mean, look at this image:


That's why those doors looks like cushions. No sharp edges on them.

Small tutorial how to use them is here.

Please... if you are planing another update, fix also this little visual annoyance smile_o.gif

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this is the main point why we are working on an update wink_o.gif

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is yours 9.34 mb?

you can find all objects under empty/mapfact objects.

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can someone give me a Barracken file with new addons mine looks broken. sad_o.gif

You left out any details but try this;

-have you checked if you have an older addon in any of your modfolders next together with the newest version in an other folder? (that can cause problems like this). Remove the old version in that case.

-if the file is corrupt and the zip-file won't unpack from winrar (or the program you are using), try downloading the newest version of this program or the program which you are using.

-if nothing works,than try downloading it again from ofp.info and see if that one works;


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oh finally i found the mistake it existed in res addons folder too.

i feel much less depressed.

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Hi. I've deleted my old baracken files but I'm now getting the following error message when OFP starts up:

Addon 'Map_noe' requires addon 'Baracken'

I also got a similar message with 'polska.pbo' when trying to load a mission.

I placed all the baracks files/folders in the Res/Addons folder. Could it be that some of these pbo files aren't seeing the new files because of a version conflict?

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I placed all the baracks files/folders in the Res/Addons folder.  

there should be no subfolders in any addons folder.

OFP doesnt read subfolders.


-Addons (res\addons)


--NewFolder (res\addons\newfolder)


when loading the game OFP will read a.pbo but will not know of b.pbo's exsistance due to it being a subfolder. (good way to back up addons thou)

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pappy is right. make sure that the baracken.pbo lies directly in res\addons\ and not in a subfolder.

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