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Defaulting to Cadet on Dedicated server?

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I'm running a dedicated server without any map-rotation, so all missions are selected/voted from the "#Missions" menu. We are playing coop for fun and wan't to have the friendly-tags and map-icon visible, but I always forget to change the difficulty from Veteran to Cadet...

So is there a way to set Cadet as default in #Missions - menu? :)

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Afaik there isn't. I tried stuff like adding cadetMode=1; and cadetModeMP=1; to the users/player/userinfo.cfg, but to no avail. I also noticed that when i changed viewDistance or terrainGrid the server always set it back to 900 and 25 respectively. So my next tip may not work. But what you could try to do is just set the options you want to have for veteran mode and play in veteran mode, ie:



As those are normally not available in vet mode this may not work, but i guess it's worth a try. As we always disable that stuff even in cadet mode i did never bother to try it.

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Thanks for the reply.. But already tried that and it does not work :(

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