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Share some details then. Word is about mobilization.

No mobilization. Only this:

"The sending out of these letters to our reservists has no connection to the security situation around Finland," he said. "We are simply keeping ties with our reservists and asking them what their role would be in an instance of war, and asking them if there is new knowledge we should know about. There is no link to any threat from Russia."

That's only thing going on. It's good that military is trying to keep some more contact with reservists. We only hear our position in crisis at the end of the conscript and after that you can forget it, situation can change and so on. It's good to have something black on white finally. I guess my position hasn't been changed because I got out nine months ago but for example who got their train 10 years ago it can be very different.

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Share some details then. Word is about mobilization.

St. Jimmy is right in this one.

Hahaha the only thing that you'll see marching through the streets are boy scouts.

The situation is quite relaxed, obviously with Russia bullying here and there... But nothing too bad.

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in the time were islamic demands are respected :


French court orders to REMOVE monument (figure) of Pope John Paul the Second,

because Christian Pope statue is against secular state, after all those "sharia zones" issues, "lol",

politicall correctness in western countries reminds those memes:



for sake of secular state there is order to remove statue of Pope,

while new mosques are being built in Europe (which Christianity is tradition for 2 milieniums and fight with Ottoman Empire was also important to save what we had in past to not live in middleages )

if new Mosques are being build, why court orders to remove statue of Pope,

secular state must be secular for any religion, not only for one except second

Edited by vilas

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International Monetary Fund acclaims Viktor Orban's economic policy that servers Hungary right. Previously, Orban's policy was highly criticized by IMF, Brussels and Washington. Orban was criticized for taxing large international corporations such as banks, telecom companies and retail chains operating in Hungary. Hungarian interest over foreign business :)


https://goo.gl/DGzqEV (translated into English)

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what happens when leftists rule , fiance of member of parliament , 24 years old gir first job after university is being ... vicechairman of state-owned electrical plant , of course nominated by administration, what a coincidence, you graduate school and you are nominated to be vice-chairman (CEO) of state owned company cause you sleep with local politician of ruling party, while others people after graduating hear "you have no experience we have no job for you"

another person in state-owned institution in first days of function hires her family members to job without qualifications,


minister of economy hired his own daughter , etc.


minister of finance, minister of economy breaks traffic rules and doesn't care etc. etc. etc.

how long till we gonna riot in here


children of communists fighting with patriotic opposition 1945-1956 nominated in courts as chairmen as well and leading court cases against patriotic politicians as well , continuing her father's role in fight with anyone who is patriotic

http://telewizjarepublika.pl/wypelniona-karta-do-glosowania-tydzien-przed-wyborami-glos-oddany-na-prezydenta-komorowskiego,19733.html ( leading to http://twitter.com/michalrachon/status/595171678361096192/photo/1 )

we have presidential election on 10th May,

there is scandal cause votes for current president are already found filled in !!!

so week before election - filled in voting cards were discovered by right-wing (opposition) journalists , otherwords - there is high probablity that elections in Poland may be falsified to keep pro-EU and leftist government in power although society is rather conservative and in independent polls current government should not win elections before (municipal elections)

but during municipal elections there were accidents that person who had 5% in polls suddenly had 40% of votes in one city




in time when a lot of Poles emigrate due to poverty , leftist government want to support African immigrants

we cannot allow to pay for others while we live in poverty and we are forced to emigration by economical reasons, it is totally insane , common EU politics about Nothern African problems is insane and unacceptable

Hungarian interest over foreign business

we need our Orban - a politician who cares only about his country interest

Edited by vilas

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Don't know where to put that so i just drop it here :

(BBC) The Austrian castle where Nazis lost to German-US force

In early May 1945, American and German soldiers fought together against the Nazi SS to free prominent French prisoners of war. It is believed to be the only battle in the war in which Americans and Germans fought as allies.

An interesting read for those like me who are fond of European history.

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in time when a lot of Poles emigrate due to poverty , leftist government want to support African immigrants

we cannot allow to pay for others while we live in poverty and we are forced to emigration by economical reasons, it is totally insane , common EU politics about Nothern African problems is insane and unacceptable


The Aussie way :) Plain and simple way of saying NO to the boat people and human smuggling.


Thinking of home? Australia will help you to go back.

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and now Dutch media inform about Polish death camps, pro-German lobbies in Europe are that strong that soon we will hear that Hitler, Himmler were Poles and SS was organization set to save Jews from Poles, btw from Benelux (Belgium and Netherlands there were 40 000 SS volunteers )

---------- Post added at 07:12 ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 ----------




after leftists rule and because of emigration there is risk that pension in POland will be ... 120 Euro monthly - report was made by ... economical bureau of cancellary of President , even not by oposition,

the same time leftist Tusk (currently heading EU parliament) can have 20 000 Euro pension:


pension of retired judge is ca 2500 EU monthly

in time when there is very deep financial crisis because of emigration (ca 15% of working-age Poles left, 6% of total population) our gov want to help Ukrainians and Africans , while we won't have money to pay for drugs at pharmacy or for rent for flat, the same time foreign corporations are free of taxation, foreign banks make expensive credits and send all profit to their native countries, of course banks were sold in early 90s by ex commies who were selling all industry of nation when communism collapsed,

there is one Polish proverb - i wish it come true as soon as possible,

"a na drzewach zamiast liści będą wisieć komuniści"

"on the trees instead of leaves there will be hanged leftists"

Edited by vilas

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Yes it is true that in 30 years in Poland there will be no pensions or very little ones . There is also one important factor - low birth rate and general population decline, not to mention mass emigration. It might be a situation where there will be more pensioners than people who can feed them, so the government will have to contribute reserve money to insurance pool to cover those lacking funds and this will result in much higher taxes! Simply work here will not be profitable, with growing population of so called working.

The current government does nothing special to avoid the inevitable, people are economically uneducated and know absolutely nothing about savings diversification - the current way to prevent being a hobo in next 30 years. Life insurance + private retirement fund, having some assets and property. But how can you save when there insurance savings and bank savings are fucking taxed (capital gain tax aka podatek Belki)? The only way is change the post communist government and come up with some modern day solutions regarding the retirement benefits. Otherwise more people will leave this sinking boat and pay taxes in another, more citizen friendly country.

Ps. Polecam

Robert Gwiazdowski - Dlaczego nie dostaniecie emerytur?

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i do not know if you know-- but insurance and compensation is taxed too

i get compensation for one thing from court some month ago, now i was informed that i have to pay 19% tax for compensation i get , really, no joke, cause compensation is personal income according to our law,

i sued someone for something and i won and ca. 30 000 PLN was paid as compensation for delay of payment debt (he had debt , he didn't pay debt to me since 2012, so he get punishment as compensation for me and i have to pay 20%) so i won in court compensation like 30 000 PLN (he had to pay in 2012 but he was avoiding to pay till finally was caught) but on my account will be 24 000 PLN due to taxing my compensation, wtf

Edited by vilas

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I know what you're talking about, it's pretty fucked up. This system is so oppressive for a regular citizen, a bureaucratized form of robbery. It has to stop, everything must be rewritten with this sick law originating from the communism. Vote properly in both presidential and parliamentary election this year.

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unless there won't be cheats on voting like last time when there were a lot of "not valid votes" in some regions and only votes for ruling party were valid and other cards were "wrongly filled in"

there were cases like local polician from opposition had 0 votes, while he and his wife voted for themselves, so even if noone other voted, it could not be possible that guy has 0 votes, he voted for himself, his wife, his kids, so how it is possible etc. etc. etc,

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Conservatives have won in the UK. Cameron opts for exiting the EU.

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Well, looks like Britain is in for a few more years of misery

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Well, looks like Britain is in for a few more years of misery

It was going to be like that no matter who won to be honest. We have an con artist for a PM, a Millipede who is a deficit denier, smegg who humps the EU, Farrage the former banker who says he's different, and the witch of the north who said that she wont destroy the union, despite the fact she tried it just last year.

Long story short, 50 shades of poo.

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UK has strange voting to seats mechanizm

Nigel Farage has ca. 15% votes but doesn't have even 1% of seats - really weird seat mechanizm

Cameron opts for exiting the EU.

than EU may fall , and maybe let it be, because EU is not trade-custom-free zone, it became politicall-correctness enforcement pushing things which were unacceptable for our ancestors , reason we do not have change or revolution in Poland is because those 2 or maybe 3 milions escaped , all frustrated escaped instead of fight to change country for better future and because they escaped, those who left may not get pension and all can bankrupt in 10 years because what leftist and post commies stolen ,

crumble of economy will result that Putin doesn't need war, in 10-20 years Poles will beg to join Russia, because they have social, because they have more conservative order etc.

this is what i afraid - that after hundreds of years of fight for independence all may collapse and there will be no national state, for which our grandfathers fought and grand grandfathers fought , it is like spitting on graves of our grand grandfathers cause their effort is lost/will be lost,

Greece existed for thousands of years, most ancient European civilisation before Rome, now because of banks and EU Greece is also in deep troubles

Edited by vilas

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UK has strange voting to seats mechanizm

Nigel Farage has ca. 15% votes but doesn't have even 1% of seats - really weird seat mechanizm

than EU may fall , and maybe let it be

Yup, thats the First Past the Post system for you (i.e. whoever has most votes gets the seat, and noone else gets represented unless they get a seat). Its just a shame people voted against changing it to PR the other year, otherwise UKIP might have held 15% of the seats in parliament.

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i never understood such system,

in Poland we have proportional system - probably in most of world countries there are proportional seats to proportions of votes

who has 30% votes, has ca. 30% seats, only restriction is to cross borderline of 5%,

if you cross 5% you are represented

it is more democratic, cause dozens of people voice is not heard

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UN calls for suspension of TTIP talks over fears of human rights abuses (The Guardian)

UN lawyer says tactics used by multinationals in courts outside of public jurisdiction would undermine democracy and law

A senior UN official has called for controversial trade talks between the European Union and the US to be suspended over fears that a mooted system of secret courts used by major corporations would undermine human rights.

Alfred de Zayas, a UN human rights campaigner, said there should be a moratorium on negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which are on course to turn the EU and US blocs into the largest free-trade area in the world.

Speaking to the Guardian, the Cuban-born US lawyer warned that the lesson from other trade agreements around the world was that major corporations had succeeded in blocking government policies with the support of secret arbitration tribunals that operated outside the jurisdiction of domestic courts.

De Zayas said: “We don’t want a dystopian future in which corporations and not democratically elected governments call the shots. We don’t want an international order akin to post-democracy or post-law.â€

Under the proposed agreement, companies will be allowed to appeal against regulations or legislation that depress profits, resulting in fears that multinationals could stop governments reversing privatisations of parts of the health service, for instance.

The investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) scheme that includes the secret tribunals is already a cornerstone of a trade deal between the EU and Canada and is scheduled to be included in the TTIP deal, as well as a trans-pacific deal being negotiated between the US and Japan.

More than 97% of respondents to an official EU survey voted against the deal.

“Most worrisome are the ISDS arbitrations, which constitute an attempt to escape the jurisdiction of national courts and bypass the obligation of all states to ensure that all legal cases are tried before independent tribunals that are public, transparent, accountable and appealable.

“Article 103 of the UN charter says that if there is a conflict between the provisions of the charter and any other treaty, it is the charter that prevails.â€


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it is NWO what you wrote - overnational corporations , Bilderberg Group ruling over societies which vote and their vote doesn't mean anything , and it is being built by people whose money come from slavery, WW2 crimes, banks mafia et.

you can vote anything they will do what they want no matter of governmens , vote results, law systems,

i do not know much about faming, but my girl is farmer and she explains me ACTA and such treaties in following way:

GMO - GMO is patented by corporations

but GMO plants as every plants/grain - seeds with wind (like flowers, like trees)

if it seed on your farm, it grows with your plants/grain and... you should pay tribute to corporations,

thats why they force such treaties as ACTA and similar

corporations wants to force to pay even those who are not buying their products (thats why a lot of people are against GMO, it is not even about health, it is about copyrights issues on things that you didn't want to buy but which wind brought or bee brought)

so first they issue GMO, than wind will mix your grain with GMO grain, than you will hear that you must pay tribute to those who created this grain because this GMO grain replaced DNA of natural grain, so it is piracy if you use it without payment ,

nature gave us grain, corporations wants to make us pay even for grain which grows since ages on our farms

so they force treaties and corporation-courts that are over-national, over-governmental

thats why we should have guns like Americans - not to shoot burglar, but to keep it if our government gonna tax us 90% for the fact that we live

you vote shit, they will do what they want

before vote politician promise A, does B,

so you gonna have TTIP, ACTA and similar things in future and NWO will no longer be "conspiracy theory" but will became reality which tax you for breathing,

only politician that not harm you, is politician that afriads of you,

as taxpayer you should be boss of politician, not his slave like in feudalism, without gun you are slave

we loose a lot of sovereignty because in EU there is mechanism in law known as notification - each country law has to meet EU commission and member states judge new law of other member , this is already problem, now when corporations order over it, than ... your vote is completely nothing

real problem in ACTA and similar things is not pirating movie or music , but huuuuuuuuuuge business which is GMO because intellectual property belongs to creators of DNA , but grain mutates when wind will bring GMO, so you are pirating grain and must pay , you do not need buy GMO seeds, but wind, bee will to the job, once you have it on your farm, you must pay and ACTA, TTIP and similar acts are to force it

Edited by vilas

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Dan;2933644']It was going to be like that no matter who won to be honest. We have an con artist for a PM' date=' a Millipede who is a deficit denier, smegg who humps the EU, Farrage the former banker who says he's different, and the witch of the north who said that she wont destroy the union, despite the fact she tried it just last year.

Long story short, 50 shades of poo.[/quote']

Well said!

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Some weird shit is going on in Makedonia. In Kumanovo, a town in a Region in the north of the country, where 2001 Albanian rebels fought government forces, and a total civil war was only narrowly avoided by diplomatic intervention, special units of the interior ministry have conducted an operation against "an armed group".

Things went horribly wrong early this morning after the special forces used armored vehicles to block all entrances into a suburb of the city and now there are at least 12 special forces members injured (that is what the goverment says so far, so it´s likely more than that). Gunfights with automatic weapons and explosives go on through the city while helicopters are circling overhead.




EDIT: At least three members of the special forces are dead, martial law is in effect, citizens are forbidden to leave their homes, police forces from all over the country are on their way to that town.

Apparently the armed group consisting of more than 70 people had planed attacks on police stations.


Currently there is quite a big scandal in the country after it was discovered that government officials helped to cover up the murder of a 22 year old man by a police officer, government officials hire family members into government positions, manipulations with the election of judges and manipulations with the general elections.

They also accuse the government of illegally spying on over 20000 citizens. Media is speculating that this armed group was about to take things in their own hands after the (very violent) protests in the capital achived nothing so far.

Edited by Tonci87

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voices on reddit say that those are Albanian muslim fighters minority in Makedonia who terrorized local Makedonians,

news in my country say that leftist opposition which not won elections, wire taped right wing government and published some wire taped chats of government officials, to change government and provoke riots, cause previously government was wire-typing,

seems like continuation of problems of christian-native majority vs. growing islam minority (of course left wing)


analysis of Makedonia saying that Makedonia has ca 25-30% Muslim minority which have more and more children and Makedonians afraid of their own future and changes of ethnic structure of country,

reddit say it repeats there


2014 - court in Makedonia sentenced Muslims for killing Orthodox , as result... Muslims made riots

probably it is another problem caused by ethnic and religious diversity in country,

there are theories saying that peace and riots are always connected with number of percent of minorities who are very different from majority/locals,

so it is probably another ethnic conflict creeping there with Muslim Albanian minority which is very big group 25%,

Balkans are region of Europe which is very very mixed and has very complicated ethnic and religion structure , thats why it had so many violence in last decades, precedessed by Ottoman Empire mess in that region century ago,


another article says about big tensions of Albanian minority that emigrated to Makedonian regiion and wants more their way,

such non-homogenic states will never have peace and always gonna have conflicts ,


another article, that Muslims do not intgrate, not assimilate, but create their own ghettos and later there are conflicts,

Islam is religion which hardly assimilate and hardly integrate, rather creates ghettos to live their way no matter when they are put (famous Sharia zones issue)

lack of integration, lack of secularization causes that ghetto and divided societies go into conflict,

once some group create ghetto and divide themselves instead of integrate - than problems begins

root of all is creating ghettos and lack of integration, too big minority instead of integrate - divides and isolates and radicalizes cause they want to turn everything around into other region,


wikipedia article on riots in 2012

Muslims attacked Makedonians (in Makedonia) for their clothes and burned Orthodox church

than policeman shot attacking Muslim

than Muslims counterattacked

and after riots police arrested some jihadi thugs and... other Muslims made riots demanding to free from arrest those who were arrested

Balkan mess will never end or end in another war,

in 2014 there were similar riots prescribed in press in similar way:

Muslims (Albanians) attack Makedonians (Orthodox), then police takes action, than Albanians (Muslims) make riots protesting against police,

why they are attacking majority ?

in 2012 they attacked cause they found Makedonian clothes inappropriate and they had to burn Orthodox church ?

this reminds me war with football hooligans

football hooligans after football match attack passengers in public transport,

they break windows in shops ,

police beat football hooligans,

than football hooligans throw stones at police,

police fires and shots one hooligan dead,

than 1000 hooligans protest against violence of police and say that they were attacked first,

for me it is clear comparision

but football hooligans are 0.1% of society, if they were 10%, it would be really mess,

from different media information it seems that Albanian Muslims act like footbal hooligans ,

they do not see their attack, they see police respons as attack,

like sharia patrol members who accused police of violence , when they were arrested after they beaten person for wrong clothes,

but they don't see anything wrong in attacking person for "wrong clothes" cause those clothes "insult" their god, so they take wearing such clothes as attack on them and they say they were first attacked by this person... by his/her clothes,

reminds me this ,

reminds me some US riots situation (read wikipedia article "act white" and compare with "unemployment" problem)

try to convince me it is other way,


look at English wikipedia:

Some Muslims took offense to costumes worn by ethnic Macedonians on January 14, 2012 at the annual carnival in VevÄani.

o my goooosh...

another article:


riots in Makedonia

Muslim Albanians protest against court sentencing Albanian Muslim for murder of Orthodox Makedonian , cause according to local radical immam , killing non-Muslim is not crime, so they should not been sentenced, and Albanian Muslim say they are discriminated,

i see no chance for peace out there, if someone "is offended" by fact that other person is Orthodox

probably border lines are wrong in Europe and should better meet ethnic areas in Balkans, because compromise is not possible if someone is not offended only when you follow his orders,

problem is in lack of compromise,

i can only compare it to football hooligans issues

"why you attacked him?"

"i was not attacking him"

"we have it on video"

"it was he that attacked me"

"how? we do not see in on video"

"he had other team t-shirt, it was offence, i had to stab him and defend myself" < real dialog of my friend from police with hooligan,

hooligan really felt offended that someone dare to have t-shirt of other football club, and he seen only wrongdoing in police action later, of course football hooligan feels discriminated,

if you even seen footbal match with hooligans fights you will understand comparision,

both sides are so devoted to club that it is far beyond any logic, especially for me cause i was never interested in football, i do not know even who is Champion of Poland, i do not care about it , while some people stare at TV (football match transmission) and buy team t-shirts and team scarfs,

some attack for those scarfs - i will never understand it, cause team members play for money (and sluts) and change clubs when other team will offer bigger money, for them it is just job, they would never fight for any club, they simply do it for fame, money, girls,

while their fans are ready to kill for team,

reminds me religions

Edited by vilas

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voices on reddit say that those are Albanian muslim fighters minority in Makedonia who terrorized local Makedonians,

news in my country say that leftist opposition which not won elections, wire taped right wing government and published some wire taped chats of government officials, to change government and provoke riots, cause previously government was wire-typing,

seems like continuation of problems of christian-native majority vs. growing islam minority (of course left wing)


analysis of Makedonia saying that Makedonia has ca 25-30% Muslim minority which have more and more children and Makedonians afraid of their own future and changes of ethnic structure of country,

reddit say it repeats there


2014 - court in Makedonia sentenced Muslims for killing Orthodox , as result... Muslims made riots

probably it is another problem caused by ethnic and religious diversity in country,

there are theories saying that peace and riots are always connected with number of percent of minorities who are very different from majority/locals,

so it is probably another ethnic conflict creeping there with Muslim Albanian minority which is very big group 25%,

Balkans are region of Europe which is very very mixed and has very complicated ethnic and religion structure , thats why it had so many violence in last decades, precedessed by Ottoman Empire mess in that region century ago,


another article says about big tensions of Albanian minority that emigrated to Makedonian regiion and wants more their way,

such non-homogenic states will never have peace and always gonna have conflicts ,


another article, that Muslims do not intgrate, not assimilate, but create their own ghettos and later there are conflicts,

Islam is religion which hardly assimilate and hardly integrate, rather creates ghettos to live their way no matter when they are put (famous Sharia zones issue)

lack of integration, lack of secularization causes that ghetto and divided societies go into conflict,

once some group create ghetto and divide themselves instead of integrate - than problems begins

root of all is creating ghettos and lack of integration, too big minority instead of integrate - divides and isolates and radicalizes cause they want to turn everything around into other region,


wikipedia article on riots in 2012

Muslims attacked Makedonians (in Makedonia) for their clothes and burned Orthodox church

than policeman shot attacking Muslim

than Muslims counterattacked

and after riots police arrested some jihadi thugs and... other Muslims made riots demanding to free from arrest those who were arrested

Balkan mess will never end or end in another war,

in 2014 there were similar riots prescribed in press in similar way:

Muslims (Albanians) attack Makedonians (Orthodox), then police takes action, than Albanians (Muslims) make riots protesting against police,

why they are attacking majority ?

in 2012 they attacked cause they found Makedonian clothes inappropriate and they had to burn Orthodox church ?

this reminds me war with football hooligans

football hooligans after football match attack passengers in public transport,

they break windows in shops ,

police beat football hooligans,

than football hooligans throw stones at police,

police fires and shots one hooligan dead,

than 1000 hooligans protest against violence of police and say that they were attacked first,

for me it is clear comparision

but football hooligans are 0.1% of society, if they were 10%, it would be really mess,

from different media information it seems that Albanian Muslims act like footbal hooligans ,

they do not see their attack, they see police respons as attack,

like sharia patrol members who accused police of violence , when they were arrested after they beaten person for wrong clothes,

but they don't see anything wrong in attacking person for "wrong clothes" cause those clothes "insult" their god, so they take wearing such clothes as attack on them and they say they were first attacked by this person... by his/her clothes,

reminds me this ,

reminds me some US riots situation (read wikipedia article "act white" and compare with "unemployment" problem)

try to convince me it is other way,


look at English wikipedia:

o my goooosh...

another article:


riots in Makedonia

Muslim Albanians protest against court sentencing Albanian Muslim for murder of Orthodox Makedonian , cause according to local radical immam , killing non-Muslim is not crime, so they should not been sentenced, and Albanian Muslim say they are discriminated,

i see no chance for peace out there, if someone "is offended" by fact that other person is Orthodox

probably border lines are wrong in Europe and should better meet ethnic areas in Balkans, because compromise is not possible if someone is not offended only when you follow his orders,

problem is in lack of compromise,

i can only compare it to football hooligans issues

"why you attacked him?"

"i was not attacking him"

"we have it on video"

"it was he that attacked me"

"how? we do not see in on video"

"he had other team t-shirt, it was offence, i had to stab him and defend myself" < real dialog of my friend from police with hooligan,

hooligan really felt offended that someone dare to have t-shirt of other football club, and he seen only wrongdoing in police action later, of course football hooligan feels discriminated,

if you even seen footbal match with hooligans fights you will understand comparision,

both sides are so devoted to club that it is far beyond any logic, especially for me cause i was never interested in football, i do not know even who is Champion of Poland, i do not care about it , while some people stare at TV (football match transmission) and buy team t-shirts and team scarfs,

some attack for those scarfs - i will never understand it

And here comes Vilas, blaming everything n Muslims again..... Not saying that this might not be the reson behind the fight, but damn are you quick to blame it on them....

Just for your information, the current violence/protests in the country is not Muslims vs Orthodox, it´s people (of all religions) vs corrupt to the bone state government.

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all press say other things, all press say about religion and ethnic tensions

so if one ethnic group creates government, other ethnic group doesn't recognize such government,

those are not only my suspicions, i pasted dozens of links about mess in Balkan region ,

tensions there are fueled by ethnic and religion issues,

look at reddit discussions of people who live there - only thing they say is connected with ethnic or religion issues,

one party represents one group, other party other group,

you see it as political only without ethnic and religion roots ?

read about previous riots,

now if this government wire-typed one side, and opposition wire-typed government than it is not connected with very divided society in that country ?

read wikipedia again - opposition formed coalition with ethnic minorities - say wikipedia

government elected is ethnic orthodox Makedonian-national,

you do not see connection ?

Makedonians created one party, they won in elections, and they started wire-typing opposition saying they are supporting "abroad interests" (as press says, government accused opoistion of supporting foreign interest and making harm to Makedonia, which means they accused opposition of supporting Albania probably) right ?

minorities created another coalition, they not won in elections, and wire typed government to remove it (gov was elected in 2014 so it is valid till 2018)

they do not fight cause they disagree or taxing issues or budged-refund issues it seems, political fights are when one side has other view of taxes, budget, social care etc. it seems they have other agenda,

you believe that those gunmen who shot policemen are Makedonian Orthodox who simply disagree with taxes or budget-spending structure ?

if you have proofs that what press says is bullshit - provide them, i just base my opinions on wikipedia, press, and what i saw on reddit when Albanians and Makedonians speak , also on Youtube comments i see how they call each other very dirty words


Kosovo, Albanians issues - another article, i am not author of links i posted, all links say similar things,

accusation of Makedonian prime minister to sell one bank to Serbia is not only reason, read YT comments - how people in Makedonia are hatefull to each other with Albanians - one curse another,

it is simply such region with very complicated structure and 3 religions , and everyone stands his ground there very strong and noone is ready for any compromise and it is ethnic-religion problem, not right wing vs left wing taxation issue,


another news, 2 weeks ago, Albanians wearing UCK uniforms attacked Makedonian police station demanding to create there Albanian state-region because in this city Albanians are majority and want self-decide rights,

things that are over ethnic are ACTA , TTIP, GMO isues - touching us all no matter of religion, ethnic group, ACTA/TTIP/GMO is political and not ethnic neither religious

Edited by vilas

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