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mad rabbit

KEG AGS-17 and DKM TOW addMagazine?

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[Apologises for the double post (i.e. Addon:Discussion sub-forum) but I felt like this would be a more suitable sub-forum due to the nature of the question]

Does anyone know how to addMagazine/s or addWeapons (if required also?!) to Kegetys AGS-17 and DKM's Static TOW?

Now I know this seems like an obvious question, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to add extra magazines/rkts to these if they are pre-placed or CVed in game.  

I am working on a CTI missions and have easily enough done this with heaps of other static defences e.g. FischKopp's Static MK.19 or VITAPC's ZU23 M1, but the standard commands (and a host of other combinations I've tried) don't seem to work.  

I looked into the config.cpp for each of these 2 to try and decipher whats going on but I must admit addon production and their configs are a bit beyond me unless I am extracting the path to the picture for the in-game CTI menus or correct magazine names.

I believe I am using the correct names for the mags:

"KEGags17East" = vehicle and "KEGagsGrenade" = mag/weapon

"DKMM_TOW" = vehicle and "DKMM_TOWLauncher" = mag/weapon

but like I stated the standard commands don't work, try it for yourself.  I assume this has something to do with the way they were constructed.

If someone has figured this out OR better yet the original (Kegetys or DKM) makers can help me with this that would be great!

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