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just a simple question:

Is it possible to join any of the US Forces if you are German (I don't care if I have to give up my German nationality (and I would be happy if I could)).

Well Im not sure how hard it would be, just visit some of the military websites and talk to a recruiter, but always take what they say witha grain of salt. Im not sure how hard it would be to join the Air Force, as they are only hiring 24,000 people this year, and a pretty strict about who they hire, I believe.

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CounterForce wrote:
Quote[/b] ]just a simple question:

Is it possible to join any of the US Forces if you are German (I don't care if I have to give up my German nationality (and I would be happy if I could)).

I think they're searching for someone LOYAL.

And your post denies you that virtue...

#edit:It was a bit longer (subjective) originally


Duke of Ray... he said US Forces not US Air Force. US Forces means Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force.

But anyway, Ray, you mean Civil Air Patrol?

I never understood military radios. Never will understand them either. In fact, I'd appreciate it if you, once joining up (if you do), telling me how to operate my RT-524... biggrin_o.gif

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If you do go into weather, you can eventually join the USAF special operations units.

They have a special "Combat weather unit".

They are a team of highly trained special operations weathermen.

I am not exactly sure as to what they do.  I do know they go behind enemy lines to determine future weather conditions in a specific area for future combat operations to take place.

Here is a link


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Yuhhh, get a degree in maths, all the girls love it :P

Wow, so where you live all the math geeks get all the girls, right?

Strange world out there tounge_o.gif


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About Foreigners joining the US Military. You can in fact join the US Military if you are a foreigner. However, certain restrictions apply and I’m not sure if all US branches accept them. You must either have a Green Card or be a Resident alien of the US before joining. Many Mexicans join either the National Guard or Army to obtain a green card. What jobs you can do though are extremely restricted, as you will have a very tough time getting a security clearance. So no test pilots, no guarding sensitive material or working on secret missions. Usually you can only be a standard ground soldier or gunner of some type. There’s even a commercial of the US Army with a Russian that is now a tanker in the Army. I do know the US Army and Nation Guard accept foreigners but not sure about the USAF or other branches. I also don’t know if this has changed since the Trade Center attack either.

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