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Pappy Boyington

Huckins 78' WWII Patrol Boat

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so cool

 Maybe you can make a M113 with M2HB and three M60 in future rock.gif

cant be done

it would require pitch and roll scirpting stuff which i think isnt possable right now

we use pitch and roll scripts with these boats, but they dont work on land is all. smile_o.gif

stay in open waters and watch the guns with command view. its nearly flawless on how wel the guns stay with the boat. (in all axis)

if u go on land u will see they get all funky.

but its a boat. not ment for land! tounge_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Can you guys make a battleship.

With multi. gun turrets?

Ex: The U.S.S. Missouri?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


PS. Also walk around different parts of the ship?

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I wanna see John Kerry's PT boat!!!!!!


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

the swift. thats on our to do list.

kerry was in nam. so mess with the nasty til then tounge_o.gif

@ avon, thanks for that. sorry about the confusion. been testing so much with both i never thought to test 1 at a time.

enjoy these PT boats smile_o.gif

someone mentioned that both files (pt and ptf) have the same files in it. id like to fcorrect this for everyone. and ill post it in that thready too.

first off, we made, well i made 2 threads since there are 2 differnt addons here.

both files require the cwk_pt_weapons.pbo and both require the pb_45.pbo.

cwk_weapons.pbo has the ammo and sounds for the wepons.

the pb_45.pbo has the colt 45 needed for the soldiers

the crew file is NOT taged with cwk beceause the crew was my responsibility. the pbo is not taged, the units, however, are taged with pb as are the weapons taged with pb (ie: pbm16a1"

the visable (file) differnce is one has cwk_ptf.pbo and the other is just cwk_pt.pbo same with the crew, the only visable differnce is that one letter. in game the pt is the WWII era pt boat and the ptf is the vietnam era PT boat.

i hope this ends any confusion.

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Boatilicious biggrin_o.gif

Absolutely brilliant, well done both of you.

I tried using a hovering MI17 as a test target but it flew off as soon as it saw the PT boat approaching, bloody coward! biggrin_o.gif

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I tried using a hovering MI17 as a test target but it flew off as soon as it saw the PT boat approaching, bloody coward!  biggrin_o.gif

Just hover a Cobra instead. unclesam.gif

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If you download both (old version of Huckins 78'+''Nasty'' Class) boats everything should work fine right?

I tested it and didn't have any problems...

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That's right LT Hunter.

But if you only dl the Huckins boat then you have to do what I wrote some posts before.

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That's right LT Hunter.

But if you only dl the Huckins boat then you have to do what I wrote some posts before.

Just a reminder that this is only true for the uncorrected version.

If you've noticed, the corrected version is now available for download.

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Sorry for the inconvenience of the two downloads. The problem arose when I was making some adjustments on the pTF and copied and pasted the whole file to the PT boat. Ah the joys of twins smile_o.gif

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First of all great job biggrin_o.gif It is fun to wreak havoc on a passing enemy aircraft. I too, would love to see a batttleship-multi gun positions like this will make ofp so much better in the naval department. just a question, is there a way to make yourself as a gunner in any of the other guns?

Also, I tried testing the torpedos on philcommando's cargo ship...when the torpedos hit the ship flew 50 feet in the air and the torpedos kept going crazy_o.gif

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Top addon with very nice textures & inniovative scripting, I love the details in all your addons Klink. biggrin_o.gif

But, Is it normal that the PTboat causes more lag then the Nasty class boat? Both have 4 gunners, so what's difference?

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I've actually combined the 3 scripts in one of the boats to a single script, and made the delay a ~0.01 and it works perfectly.

Why didnt you do this before Col Klink? It doesn't have as much of an FPS drop as usual.

And to specifiy wheither you want certain guns, just use the global condition to make a local condition in the script true, and then create a gun/setpos it if needed?

But it's still very nice! Good work smile_o.gif

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Top addon with very nice textures & inniovative scripting, I love the details in all your addons Klink.  biggrin_o.gif

But, Is it normal that the PTboat causes more lag then the Nasty class boat? Both have 4 gunners, so what's difference?

thanks for the comments.

Not sure why one should lag more than the other. I've had no problems on the develeopment comp. However we are looking at ways of optimizing the addons even further.

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First of all great job biggrin_o.gif It is fun to wreak havoc on a passing enemy aircraft. I too, would love to see a batttleship-multi gun positions like this will make ofp so much better in the naval department. just a question, is there a way to make yourself as a gunner in any of the other guns?

Also, I tried testing the torpedos on philcommando's cargo ship...when the torpedos hit the ship flew 50 feet in the air and the torpedos kept going crazy_o.gif

Yeah, can you mount the other gun positions?

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The bofors is standalone wih the Falklands mod.

The M60 on the Nasty was useable but had some lod problems, so was made static until the problems are solved.

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First of all great job biggrin_o.gif It is fun to wreak havoc on a passing enemy aircraft. I too, would love to see a batttleship-multi gun positions like this will make ofp so much better in the naval department. just a question, is there a way to make yourself as a gunner in any of the other guns?

Also, I tried testing the torpedos on philcommando's cargo ship...when the torpedos hit the ship flew 50 feet in the air and the torpedos kept going crazy_o.gif

Yeah, can you mount the other gun positions?

*|bangs head on desk hard|* why why why why why crazy_o.gif

dont people ever listen.

for the 5th time since public release:

to mount the other guns put in an empty PT boat. put in 5 playable crew members found under West> Men> WWII PT Boat Crew

then board the gun of your choice, order the AI into the others and order the AI driver to go where u want. and now u can mount othe guns.

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I think Battleships would be over the top for the scale of OFP,

A nice big Heavy Cruiser would do just nicely <if you're on the receiving end of it, you won't notice any difference between dying to 8 inch guns, instead of 16 inchers> smile_o.gif

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I think Battleships would be over the top for the scale of OFP,

A nice big Heavy Cruiser would do just nicely <if you're on the receiving end of it, you won't notice any difference between dying to 8 inch guns, instead of 16 inchers> smile_o.gif

64 metre geometry limit  :grinds teeth:

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