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Questions on unified zombie mod

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You can try but I don't think that units ordered to domove will obey it, no matter where.


The zombies will only stand still if gblAllTargets is set to []

You can manipulate all zombies by iterating through gblZombieList, like it says in the readme.txt whistle.gif

You guys excited about ArmA? I know I am, company-sized zombie firefights all day and night inlove.gif

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Okay, well I know how to make the zombies attack me and stuff. But I want them to have eyes and not senses. By that I mean, I don't want the zombies to charge from half way across the map to me, I want them to SEE me and then go for me..


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Okay, well I know how to make the zombies attack me and stuff. But I want them to have eyes and not senses. By that I mean, I don't want the zombies to charge from half way across the map to me, I want them to SEE me and then go for me..


if (_zombie knowsAbout player >= 1) then {_zombie doMove getPos player}

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Can you be more specific with that code please?

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hi, Ive got a problem with that target-thing.

If I want to have more targets that 4 groups (with 12 units each) then the zombies arent moving.

Isnt there a command that the Zombies will attack everything except Zombies?

thx for help

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