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M4A1 Pack

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Hi, nah man... forget it, the O2 SUXXX; don't work in that way too. Maybe it's because my Bulldozer it's in a DIR called "O2_viewer", but as it uses the same settings than the SJB_Jackal326... it should work!!. But the fuckt is that don't do it, thanks again; forget it, i'll talk with our modeler in over 3 weeks once he pass his exams & then i'll ask him. Let's cu

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Hi, nah man... forget it, the O2 SUXXX; don't work in that way too. Maybe it's because my Bulldozer it's in a DIR called "O2_viewer", but as it uses the same settings than the SJB_Jackal326... it should work!!. But the fuckt is that don't do it, thanks again; forget it, i'll talk with our modeler in over 3 weeks once he pass his exams & then i'll ask him. Let's cu

Another dedicated O2 lover. biggrin_o.gif

I completely agree. pijacy.gif

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Hi, i think that i've end the M68 Aimpoint texture and i'm now working on different Master Key textures for the black not f.. f... JAGUAR!! skin colour Mk; i could let the front grip plain black, as it was in the original INQ M4 Construction Pack, as i made it, or wooden. This is how it looks like now.

Possible Mk shape:


Let's cu

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Man, your work is awesome. wink_o.gif

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Hi, i've made half of 1 wooden grip Mk, isn't finnished; it haven't some needed shadows & lights, but serves for give a closer idea of how it'll look like with a not wasted wooden grip. And my work on the textures must be the easyer job of all, the original ppl that made the models & the base textures (that i've just moded a bit) they'r who really made a hard job, not me.

Another Master Key:


Let's cu

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this m4 pack is looking very good,i would love to kill everybody with these biggrin_o.gifghostface.gif (in ofp) wink_o.gif

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Hi, well... i think that we've a final texture... in this last one the wooden it's more clear, so looks like as if it were a bit wasted or just old; the shotgoon body it's darkened, as if this Mk don't were from Nam or a very used addon to the M4's of the operatives that may use it. But well, we accept sugestion on wich of those; i vote for this last one.

Final Texture?:


From this point... i just should make: the LAM texture, the Tasco scope & the bipod; then re-path the M4's, take pics for the LODs, make some final corrections in the models & send 'em to the config writter. Let's cu

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I don't care what textures you use, everything looks top quality! biggrin_o.gif

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Very very cool, I do not agree on a pistol grip tho.

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Hi, i remind the people that our M4's are based on the INQ M4 Construction Pack, so there we've some limitations; and the black master key, at more than 3 or 4m look like a dark grey dirt under the M4, at least using the wooden Mk u can see it almost right at some distance; black or grey looks a flat dirt under the M4; and looks better and more detailed in way (wooden), but well, i could change my own .pbo & use the wooden texture & release the pack with some black or dark grey texture. I should ask to more people, like those who've helped me in someway to make the M4's. Let's cu

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Either wood or black is fine I think. Just as long as it's scratched and used-looking, like the rest of the gun smile_o.gif . Great work Wipman!

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ehh not to be a B**** wow_o.gif but arent the bullets on the side of the gun a bit too small? Like they should be thicker? cuz on the real picture you see the size of the barrel and then look at the opening..?

It looks really cool, but just the size! smile_o.gif

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How many m4's are you making? I mean there is so many tounge_o.gif . Can't you release a beta or something? Or give us an approximate release date? smile_o.gif

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Hi, we've... 60 M4A1 models; not 'em all are made, remain scratched models, we can't end the black models until i end the scratched textures. Then, delete some no needed selections on all the models, add muzzle flashes to some of the LODs, add laser beams to the M4's with LAM, re-path the textures on 20 of the desert or woodland M4's to make 'em use the black textures; send 'em to the config writter, try 'em in game; spot possible fixable bugs (ex: that we've forget to resize 1 of the 60 M4's to the measures of the other 59) & once that done... release 'em. About the size of the barrels... i think that they'r right; they'r new models but they've the same diameter than the INQ M4 Construction Pack barrels. And about a beta release... well, we may make some working iron sighted M4's in woodland, desert and black; but i'll preffer to wait until have 'em all, plus the 6 CAR-15's or maybe 12... 6 more CAR-15's with a M203, but that's something that came now to my mind, there's no "official" plan of do it. And we haven't a release date, but we're much closer to end with all this now than 2 weeks ago. Let's cu

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Wow that's a lot of work, well thanks for the info and can't wait for the release biggrin_o.gif .

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Hi, afther delete all the no needed selections in the desert versions, add the MF to all the LODs that don't had it, redefine all the ******' selections of all the ******' models, move to the right ******' side the ******' clipped mag in both SD & not SD ******' desert M4 models... i've thinked that that ******' jaguar skin paint on the Mk fits better in the desert versions than in the ******' woodland camoed versions; and this is how the ***k the so son of the ****h look like. We keep 'em in this way or we get back to the ******' original look like with the ******' jaguar skin paint?.

wip_m4mkm68 (Mk change):


Let's cu

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Looks amazing Wipman, and i wish BAS soldiers will one day use your M4's.... Only a heart wish...

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still the shotgun shells seem too small...

But the gun looks sooo cool with the busted marks..

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Hi, i've thinked in change something in the short M4's versions, the mags; instead a 20rdns mag... use the same x2 clipped mags than in the rest of the M4's. U'll fire the x20 mag in 3secs, u may fire the x30 in 3'5 or 3'8, well... maybe 4'3 k. But anyway, in CQB where u use the full auto or burst, a 20rnds mag will be a fuck and isn't a real help to turn in doors or just through windows (to the inside of the house, not to outside.) it looks very fanzy, but it's a bit pointless in terms of use; so say hell-o to the new shorted M4's look like.



Let's cu

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Hi, i've already repathed all the M4's (woodland, scratched & desert) i've made some small changes, like add the clipped mags to the short M68 sighted M4's (SD & not SD, there's no ACOG version of those) make the m4scope use the 20rdns mag and have a Harris bipod. What remains?, remain me to put the laser beam of the LAM in the viewpilot LOD on those few versions that are equiped with it. Take side pics of the scratched (aka black) M4's to make the black M4's distance LODs; end the last 3 remaining textures that still not made yet for the black M4's so we could complete all the black M4's LODs.

I should ask our modeler for if he can remap the back lense of all the M68 sighted M4's for a much better texture & then, send 'em to config writter that should make 'em use the STGM M4's ballistic values and the TACTevens smoke effects. Also remains to fix (make from zero) some of the sights, to make 'em shine by night, like the E&S M68 red dot of his sight, the DanM1 cross (the same than in his DanM14's Pack, M25 sniper riffle) and i think that that's all.

Now... some pics for those who still waiting for this weapons.

M4A1(D) Scope:


M4A1(W) M203 ACOG-SD:


M4A1 Short M68-SD:


Last thing... i've found out there a very very closer sound to how a M4A1 sounds when shoot; i've try to contact that addon maker, but he don't accept "unrequested mails"; in case that i can't get a reply from him... we gonna use that sound file and put his name in the credits. Let's cu

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