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So this is a mod for Unreal Turnament?

Yes.. UT 2004 to be precise. It's pretty nice but the player movement is just crap... It appears as they are standing on ice. The AI is among the worst I've seen but for games with all human players it has some potential.

With a few fixes it will easily beat games like BF and CoD. The realism is high.

the ai is very good, ut2k4 bots can do all the game modes and still beat most people when set to godlike, its up to the mods to implement them properly, and they usually are very low priorty as they are all, well most focused on multiplayer

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I just hope 3.1 won't introduce more bugs than it does fixes.

Still, the game will be much more enjoyable without the prone-bug. hopefully we'll soon see the MG42 in action...

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the ai is very good, ut2k4 bots can do all the game modes and still beat most people when set to godlike, its up to the mods to implement them properly, and they usually are very low priorty as they are all, well most focused on multiplayer

Have you ever played with the RO bots? rock.gif

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the ai is very good, ut2k4 bots can do all the game modes and still beat most people when set to godlike, its up to the mods to implement them properly, and they usually are very low priorty as they are all, well most focused on multiplayer

Have you ever played with the RO bots? rock.gif

yes as i said its up to the mod team to implement them, and RO havnt really implemented them, they cant even find there way around, where as in ut2k4 onslaught the bots are able to do everything.

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Ok, the release date is set for monday the 15th, but to keep us calm in the meantime, a new trailer has been released! Go to the RO site for the details.

...I've just finished watching it and holy crap on a stick, is this going to be good! The tanks look better than ever, the interiors are stunning... and finally, you can button up:) Bullet whizz sounds, improved hit boxes... I doubt I'll be getting a lot of work done coming monday:)

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One question. The only question that to me will matter. Does it use the unrealistic expanding ring system? Or something similar?

Thing I love about ofp is wherever you see the muzzle pointing at that given time. thats where the bullet will travel. It won't travel in some random arbitrary direction within a certain angle threshold (ie: the stupid aiming ring).

The expanding ring system, typically forces the player to adopt a certain knowledge of the expanding ring system which is contrary to what it's like to actually fire a gun, unless you're one of those FPS fanatics, the learning process of such a system isn't intuitive. Take counterstrike for example. It's pretty much quake with realistic models.

Even though OFP isn't perfect by any means. At least you can expect a bullets point of origin to be from the muzzle in ofp.

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go here

this will answer every question you have about Iron sights, cone firing....etc...



by the way the trailer is teh sex!

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I am thinking of buying UT2004 for the same reason I bought Half Life a few years back...I want the mods! biggrin_o.gif

Well I followed through with what I said...and boy was it worth it. $30 very well spent IMO. I bought in when I heard 3.1 is being released Monday and after watching the trailer, I had no other options tounge_o.gif. Great mod, highly reccomend grabbing UT 2K4 for it wink_o.gif.

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Ugh. It doesn't use free aim?

Sorry. These guys have it a bit fucked up if they don't think free aim is realistic.

I think OFP is a perfect example of how aiming -should- work.

I've never seen a human being whilst shooting hold their gun rigidly in sync with their point of view when simply looking for a target to aim at. Oh wait. Not unless you count Robocop!

I personally think they've hamstrung themselves in terms of realism as with their fixed view weapons. In ofp if you wanted maximum realism that the game could offer. You'd use FDF and turn off the hud reticle and try to shoot accurately off the hip... Pretty damn hard. It in my opinion better simulates the vast difference between using sights and not.

In this FAQ it seems to imply they just write some code to make the bullets fly a bit more erratically out of the barrel. Depending on your current state. Lying, crouching, aiming or not aiming. That's sloppy simulation IMO.

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bahphomet that was in the older versions

in 3.0 + there is freeaim when you aren't aiming down the sights

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Yea... sorry about not clearing it up... RO has been free-aim for quite some time now... That faq was written shortly after the 1.0 release.

So yeah... Definetly free aim... oooh by the way here is the change log that was posted today! Brace yourselves... its quite long!

3.1 Change Log - 13 Nov 2004

*Content Changes:

- Added many new map static meshes

- New menus cleaned up and organized

- Added weapon pictures into the Role selection menu.

- New high-detailed model for the first person halftrack MG34 and MG shield

- New HUD for all vehicles with an O’clock system

- Added KV1s Russian tank

- Added Panther tank

- Added Zis transport truck

- Updated Panzer IV tank

- Updated Halftrack transport

- Updated T34 Tank

- Added high detail interiors to vehicles

- Added vehicle specific destroyed meshes

- Many skin tweaks

- New weapon Russian PTRD, Anti-Tank single shot rifle

*Game Changes:

- Updated the Russian AT role with PTRD

- Added a legend to the objectives screen

- Increased panzer grenadier load out from 2 to 3 Panzerfausts.

- Improved all hit detection. There were many instances where the

upper body would go outside of the main UT collision detection and

not be able to detect hits. This has been fixed by the new collision


- Vastly improved prone hit detection. No longer are prone players

represented by a small cylinder the size of their torso. The new

collision system can now detect bullet hits on both the head and


- Fixed players standing up when shot while prone.

- Fixed a problem where all locational hit detection was not working


- Created a new collision system for detecting bullet hits

for areas of the player's body outside of the main UT

collision. This opens up a myriad of possibilities, as

many things considered impossible before are now possible.

- Overhauled the bullet effect system. Bullet hit effects have been

moved client side to allow much more robust and dependable effects.

Ballistics rounds are now simulated for clients to allow more robust

and dependable effects as well.

- Rewrote the majority of the bullet firing system to be more effective,

use less server CPU power, and to work more reliably. Short range

shots will use straight line traces, and shots that are beyond the

range where ballistics are needed will spawn the standard ballistic

bullet round. This can prevent hundreds of actors a second from

needing to be spawned in CQB battles which could bog down the server.

- Rewrote the way artillery position saving works. Each platoon

commander or panzer commander can now each designate a

different set of artillery coordinates on their map. Prevents

someone else from changing your artillery coordinates after

you designate them.

- New "Rally Point" feature. Commander can use their binoculars

to designate a rally point. Their whole team can see this rally

point on the map, and it can be used to coordinate attacks.

To designate a rally point, press alt-fire while using binoculars.

- When the commander sets a rally point, their team is notified

to check their overhead maps. This is limited by a value set by

the mapper so it cannot be spammed.

- Artillery can no longer be called on properly set up spawn area

- Added "No Arty Volumes" for mappers to designate areas as

off limits for artillery. This may be used to prevent artillery from

being called when aimed at the sky as well.

- The Artillery radio now gives you much more useful information.

This info includes reasons why your strike was denied: Out of

artillery strikes, requested a strike too soon, etc.

- Added many new mapper-configurable features. New settings

include: Dispersion, Battery Size, and Number of Salvos.

- Reduced the satchel kill/damage radius by 2/3.

- Added mapper configurable satchel charge limits. There are

two new variables in ROLevelInfo, AxisSatchelsPerSapper

and AlliedSatchelsPerSapper. These will control how many

satchels each sides's sappers will spawn with. Default is 1.

- Added proper Panzerfaust penetration/deflection. Uses the

same advanced penetration/deflection system the tank

shells use. Panzerfaust have high penetration up close

but that penetration quickly diminishes over 100m.

*Vehicle Changes:

- Vehicles Display Passenger Names

- Tank cannon scope now properly rotates with the angle the tank is at

- All exposed players in vehicles are vulnerable to firearms

- New "passenger" system for transport vehicles. Passengers now

sit in the back of the transport. They not longer get killed just

from riding in the back.

- New position switching for tank commanders. Tank commanders

can now switch between different position by using next/prev weapon keys

- New Tank damage system. Uses factors such as armor thickness,

shell velocity, shell penetration power, and the angle that the shell

hits the tank armor to calculate penetration. Each tank gun has its

own penetration values, and each of the four sides of the tank has

its own armor value. Shell that impact at shallow angles with

insufficient penetration force will just bounce off.

- Added new code to detect specific hit points on vehicles.

Currently used to detection hits to the drivers, tank

commanders, and the engine areas. Very precise detection.

If a tanks armor is penetrated and the shell hits the

engine, the tank is destroyed.

- Added a Tread damage system. Treads may now be damaged if

hit by a tank shells, PTRD round, panzerfaust rounds, and

certain types of explosion. You must hit very low on the

side of the tank to damage the treads. If treads are

damaged, the tank will no longer move.

- Aiming direction icon for the tank commander. There is now

a translucent "ghost" image of the turret on the tank HUD

icon to display which direction you are attempting to aim

the gun.

- Small arms can now properly damage transports. Aim for the

engine area for increased damage. It takes many shots to

take out a transort with small arms.

- Added all new turret code. When viewing through the scope, the camera

will stick to the turrets rotation. When in the cuppola or hatch

position, the player will rotate normally.

- Added enhanced support for clan/tournament matches as

requested by many server admins. Added: Players must be

ready, Net Wait, and Min Net Players

Min Net Players:

The match will not begin until the number of players

set are on the server. If set to zero, it will act

like it always has, with the game starting as soon as

a player joins the server. If set to > 0, the match

will not begin until that number of players are on the

server. For instance, if you have a 5 on 5 clan match,

you can set the MinNetPlayers to 10, and the match will

not start until all ten players are on the server. This

may also be used in conjunction with Players Must Be Ready.

You can set Players Must Be Ready to true, and

MinNetPLayers to 10, for your clan match. Then the match

would not start until all ten poeple are there, and

have thier team, role, and weapon selected.

Net Wait:

If set to zero, the game will act like it always has

starting as soon as the player has selected their

side, role, and weapon. If a value is entered here,

this is how long, in seconds, that the game will wait

to start the match, regardless of any other value. For

example, say you are running a clan match, and you want

to wait 2 minutes before you start the match to get

everyone ready. Set NetWait to 120 seconds, and the

game will wait that long before starting the match.

*Map Changes:

New Map Jucha

The Jucha parish, East Prussia - August 2nd, 1944. The

Separate NKVD Airborne Company of the 1st Ukrainian

Front drop behind the German front line near the river

Wada in support of 69 Army's flank drive against 4 Panzer

Army. They scramble to destroy infrastructure and hamper

the German response by attacking bridges, defensive

installations and supply caches.

New Map Barashka (Vehicle battle)

On 25th January, 5th SS Panzer Division “Wikingâ€, on the

right flank of the German drive, attempted to punch across

the river at a rail and road crossing north of the small town

of Barashka. They ran straight into the Soviet 23rd Tank

Corps. Featuring T34, Panther, KV1 and PanzerIV tanks.

New Map Hedgehog

Somewhere in the Ukraine, June 28, 1944:

In late June 1944, the Soviets launched Operation

Bagration to destroy the German Army Group Centre

in Belorussia, north of the Pripyat Marshes, around

Mogilev, Minsk and Vitebsk. The operation was well

planned and well executed, with the Germans being

heavily over-matched.

New Map Kharkov (Featuring infantry/vehicle battle)

On the 19th February 1943, the Germans had started a

counter-offensive - von Manstein’s famous “backhand

blowâ€. The Soviets were caught off guard, many elements

being surrounded and cut off. The SS-PanzerKorps under

Hausser took the opportunity to retake the city, having

passed by it to the North.

New Map Red God of War

Operation Mars: Tsitsina, November 1942

Operation Mars was planned as a sister operation to Saturn,

the counterattack at Stalingrad. Having sat in the Rzhev salient

for almost a year, the german defenders were well entrenched

and had ample mobile reserves. The result was a disaster for

the soviets. This map is based on a night attack by the 35th

Mechanized Brigade against the 2nd Luftwaffe Field Division.

Updated Diewalkure

- Fixed the NoArtyVolumes to synch up with the spawn volumes.

- Added the AT role.

Updated Kharlovka

- Removed PF pickups

- Added AT roles

- Removed obsolete static mashes with high poly-count

- Added a river in the dry river bed

- Dropped the entire first two soviet spawns.

- Added a “one time†spawn for the soviets near the left bridge.

This spawn is in effect until the first obstacle on the left bridge

is blown or the last obstacle on the right bridge is blown.

- Added a new objective at the farm that sits about mid-point

between the river and the rear objectives.

- Soviets now spawn at this farm once the obstacles are blown.

- Once the bridge is capped, the Soviets drop back to the rear spawn area.

The Germans spawn at the bridge as before, added 1 tank to the mix.

- Once the Germans capture the new farm objective, they spawn there.

- Fixed up the ridge around the rear train building to provide a bit more

cover for troops approaching this objective.

- Eliminated lots and lots of projectors (from 198 to 5) but worked out a

new method of retaining crisp tree shadows. Saves 30k rendered on


- Tweaked emitters slightly.

- Added cull-distances to a lot of meshes to help reduce overdraw / triangle counts.

- Re-made the antiportals and added BSP to occlude network code.

- Modified terrain in some places and added AntiPortals / BSP to help occlusion.

Updated Moscow Highway

- All sappers now have 1 satchel each

- Added/linked NoArtilleryVolumes to their spawns

- Relocated axis first radio

- Set axis number of artillery calls to 4 instead of 5

- Added second route towards village

- Added a new sky

- Limited Sapper role (4 now, hoping sappers will have 1 satchel each in the near future)

- Added some cover here and there

- Closed off gaps to parts of the map that should not be accessible

Updated Ponyri

- Ponyri's spawn and objective layout changed and revised.

- Trench warfare while artillery shells crater the landscape around it.

- Russians have one initial (one time) forward spawn at the AT.

- Second Russian spawn is in village house, used after round has commenced.

- Third Russian spawn is moved to the small pond (balance reasons), and they

spawn there after loosing mortars and AT.

- Axis spawn has moved way up to the actual west of the map

- Axis second forward spawn gets activated when both mortars and AT are capped

- Added objective manage, the village is only activated after mortars and AT

are taken by Germans.

- New smoke emitters added

- Lifted some of the terrain in mortar trenches

- Widened the house main doors, since it's now a spawn-point for Russians

- Enlarged the village objective area

-Relocated some of the artillery radio's

Updated Berlin

- Fixed a section of terrain that was missing in a building near

the soviet exit onto the long street.

- Increased the German reinforcement level from 180 to 210

- Plugged as many of the terrain exploit holes as we could find

- Replaced the Katyusha wreck with a new T34/85 wreck

- Changed a brush in the ‘stag from semi-solid to solid

- Replaced the existing skybox

Updated Kalinin

- Added Zis trucks

- Changed spawn protection volumes and values

- Added 2At class allies, 4 AT class Axis (left the PF pickup in though)

- Redone all NoArty volumes and attached them to their spawns

- Widened infantry spawn exits to prevent blocking by players

- Set arty interval to 1 minute and battery size to 15

- Set HT and Zis truck spawn-limit to 100

Updated Rostov

- New objective layout

Updated Kaukasus

- Spawns at Russian cellars are wider in order to prevent blocking on ff-off servers

Updated KrasnyiOktyabr

- Reworked breaking glass emitters for better performance.

- Added small visual updates

- Many more Optimizations

Updated Spartakovka

- Fixed bulletproof balcony

*Audio Changes:

- New Russian artillery radio voices

- Boosted grenade sound volume

- Increased the volume of bullet hit effects 300%

- Fixed a problem with artillery where zooming sounds were not being

played in the correct location. This lead to them essentially never

being heard.

- Added death screams

- Added new artillery zooming and explosion sounds

- Artillery explosions should now attenuate correctly (getting quieter

as you get farther away).

- Added Tank specific Sounds

- Fixed a problem with artillery explosion sounds only playing 3 of 4

random sounds.

- Added 3D Directional Bullet whiz

- New Kar98 fire sound

- New Luger fire sound

- New PPD40 fire sound

- New C96 fire sound

- New G43 fire sound

- New SVT40 fire sound

- New Grenade explosion sound

- Louder grenade ‘bounce’ Sound

- New MG34 fire sound

- Tweaked MP40 fire sound

- New PPS43 fire sound

- New PPSH41 fire sound

- Tweaked STG44 fire sound

- New TT33 fire sound

- New WaltherP38 fire sound

- Added many new ambience sounds for mappers

- New Step sounds

- Bullet hit sounds will now play with every bullet hit

*Minor Changes and Fixes:

- New in-game menu code. The game now remembers your selection, and there

is no longer a need to re-select your role after you die

- Fixed a typo in the menus "Seconary Weapon"

- Fixed (hopefully) the infinite zoom bug

- New Loading Screens

- Many Net Code changes to reduce server CPU usage and Lag

*Known Issues:

- If a destroyable static mesh is scaled in the editor,

it may not appear right online

- Players don't regain stamina while driving vehicles

- “zombie†skinned players still occur

- “Umbrella†single hand held weapons

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

+ some screenshots to wet your appetite!







all screenshots can be found here

all realism junkies... check this mod out... seriously...

by the way... did we mention the trailer? It can be found here... its not the teaser...

High quality: 72 MB




Beyond Unreal


Gamers Hell

Low Quality: 17 MB



Beyond Unreal



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The tanks are... waaaAAAGH! Awesome! Incredible! The game is truly incredible now:)

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Thinking of getting UT2004 and this mod, but is it only MP or are there single player game too?

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RO is completely MP based. UT2k4 has a SP mode, but it's basically MP with bots. The bots are excellent though (in UT, not RO).

In the end, however, UT is only worth purchasing if you're planning to devote a lot of time to playing online. Both UT and RO, while completely different in gameplay, are excellent games, evidently geared for the needs of the online player. It's money wellspent.

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right..after seeing that trailer ill go buy UT2004, just to play that mod, and get HL2 as well tounge_o.gif

edit: my first RO game in a random server and i find members of this forum amidst the ruins of kharkov...lmao!

and what a great fun game it is, mixed with awesome graphics and a fair bit of realism, i like the fact that the HMG's need to be deployed and are cumbersome, hopefully it will continue to be improved...now ill go practice my leet skillz.

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Unfortunately I don't have the time to read that article, so would anyone mind remind me what the prizes were in that Make Something Unreal competition? Do they get a virtual cup or something more substantial (like a retail release, endorsement by the original publishers or sth similar)?

Cheers in advance.

Oh and Bonko, tell me what servers you play on so we can have some ex-SWAF nostalgia:P

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If your a Yank like me then you can get UT2004 for $14.99. But the deal is only going on for another 21 hours!


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RO is completely MP based. UT2k4 has a SP mode, but it's basically MP with bots. The bots are excellent though (in UT, not RO).

In the end, however, UT is only worth purchasing if you're planning to devote a lot of time to playing online. Both UT and RO, while completely different in gameplay, are excellent games, evidently geared for the needs of the online player. It's money wellspent.

Actually not, I've been an RO junkie since the start, and ones they feel ready for it a campagin will be announced smile_o.gif

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Unfortunately I don't have the time to read that article, so would anyone mind remind me what the prizes were in that Make Something Unreal competition? Do they get a virtual cup or something more substantial (like a retail release, endorsement by the original publishers or sth similar)?

Cheers in advance.

Oh and Bonko, tell me what servers you play on so we can have some ex-SWAF nostalgia:P

They get a million dollars apparently smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]They get a million dollars apparently

Just as importantly (for the gaming comunity anyway) if I understand it correctly is that the RO team get the full commercial licence to develop a game using the Unreal 3 engine. What they decide to do, either release RO or create a brand new game from scratch will be interesting to see.

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