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well what i hear that people most dislike about americans(not all ofcourse just the anoying ones tounge_o.gif) is their ignorance they know extremly little about the world and can't seem to understand that anyone could feel or think something different

well we like it in the US so its good rock.gif

thats really insulting . o you live in Holland isn't that the capital of Amsterdam :P

but you can't really blame them cause this is all they hear and see, if seen US tv and its horrible in cultureall?(?) sense

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I don't like the US government and it's actions. But I don't "hate" any american. not even Geoge-boy the secound. Hate is a pretty strong word.

The general US citizen is pretty ok. Sometimes they're annoying and some of them behave in a disrespectful manner towards different cultures. Those are people I dislike. But it has nothing to do with natioality. It's the behaviour.

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Oh and one thing that puts me really off America....and it would put me off any other country as well, i hasten to add....as well as adding that i realise its probably not a majority.....is the Christian fundamentalism, the bible belt people, who believe that America is the blessed land and everyone else is the devils work......

...oh and im a stickler for arrogance, and often when you get into a discussion about ANYTHING with an American, he will often (but not always) insist that America is the best in the world tounge_o.gif Thats just a personal thing, i cant stand arrogance....(i dont mind you THINKING your the best in the world, nothing wrong with that, but going and telling everyone is just a very ignorant thing to do if you consider you are basically telling everone else they are crap in comparison)

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put hitler in a suit, backed by american patriotism and the mighty hand of god, abuse the trust of the world, disregard human rights and life, create redtape justification for the killing of civilians and suspects against america alike, lock up people in countries outside of american legal jurisdiction removing all law allowing for torture and other hideous crimes against humanity, counter and ignore the geneva convention, filter and hide truth from the world, create trade agreements including weapon trade with other countries for the benefit of corporate america and the descension of 3rd class societies, .. the list goes on, but why on earth would I hate the essence which is america today and for the past however many decades?

certainly not for any of those reasons, no.. I love a good dictorial super power with weapons of mass destruction, if I didn't I might just be damned to the fiery pits of hell by thinking otherwise.. if there's anything in this world that is evil, it is america for making themselves the rightous hand of the almighty western allah

yes I hate america, though association through birth right is not something I beleive in because I hate australia too.. we're all humans seemingly taking sides in some kind of really big and stupid sport game due to what patch of soil we live or were born on..

the dark ages never expired, they just changed

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To lazy to full answer.

But look at the second post and there is one reason.

Any country that feels so utterly superior to others (especially when it is dead wrong), is not ging to be liked in the world.

Especially, when it uses that misguided belief to pursue its own agenda in direct violation of international law, accepted morals, and popular opinion of the entire world.

And especially, when that misguided pursuit kill scores of innocents, and the best we can come up with in reply to that is "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs."

I'm American and I'm completely disgusted with this country and the mindset that the NeoCons have put this country in.

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Hmm i think i like Akira, the type of American who can actually admit his country has faults. smile_o.gif

Us Brits are the total opposite....we bash our own country all the time, and we rarely realise just how well off we actually are in comparison to the majority of the world. wow_o.gif

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I personally have nothing against america, but this anti terrorism thing that they are proposed to withold gets on my wick.

Since september 11th Bush has been hell bent on ridding terrorism when really he is terrorising other countries himself.

Dont get mad this is just my opinion.

America also seems to get involved in others countries business.

Back to the terrorsing other countries, the cruise missile strikes on baghdad killed loads of innocent people just like the attack on the world trade centre.

I personally dont feel safe as by making america safer he could be making somewhere else more dangerous. Britain, my home could be the main target for the next terrorist act, who knows.

Ok now its your turn to slate me, cheers for reading, Steve

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Remember the saying by Lord Acton "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Given the correctness of that statement, and the fact that my country is the wealthiest and most powerful on Earth at this moment, the world has good reason to look upon my country's political leaders with skepticism.

One of the things that has bugged me (a U.S. citizen), is the idea that "[insert anti-U.S. group here] hates the U.S. because of our freedom/wealth/power". That's 100% bullshit. [insert anti-U.S. groups here] hate us because of some sort of policy decision we have made which negatively impacts their lives.

And for that I must say with all seriousness:

unclesam.gif Vote for [insert Bush Opponent Here] in 2004! unclesam.gif

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alot of contaversy in this topic.

I think only people who have been directly afected by the USA truly hate it. The rest of the world just...well i dont know even how to describe it...looks down on it as a parent looks down at a kid who thinks he is the best and everytime prooves othervise. I think this comes from several reasons:

- There is alot of ignorance in the states, ignorance towards other countries. Pick a country in Europe or in Asia and try asking an average 18 yearold in the states to show it to u on a map... Ignorance also comes in a form of believing that everyone else is much poorer and undeveloped

- Economically Wealthy Country? Their National debt as of 14th August 2004 is $7,336,435,665,774.......ALMOST 7,5 Trillion

- Healthy? Nope. Trying to be? Yep. But that reminds me of a kid in school who posed and thought he was a skater but never skated in his life...ye know... a poser.

- Safe? Nope. More people die there of gun wounds then in any other country in the world.

- Peaceful? here comes the big one...Someone mentioned that they fight for freedom and peace. Hmm thats a very hypocritical one. USA existed only 200 and something years but has already had 10 major wars, which averages out a major war every 20 years......

- On a more economical side, they like to trade alot....but only one way. US has some of the strictest import barriers in the world, however unstopably dumps it products all around the world... oh and it even puts embargos and dissalows OTHER countries to trade with Cuba. THATS REDICULOUS. an embargo as a grudge over something that happened over 40 years ago crazy_o.gif !!! Heh, yeh Cuba, the evil country where people have no freedoms and a majorly slaves and everyone is forced to work in coal mines with no food and money, where everyone hates the government... In reality of cource the ONLY reason Cubans dissaprove of Castro is his inability to do anything about US occupying Gantanamo Bay. They dont call it Bay of Pigs for nothing u know...

And c'mon, Afghanistan? They went to Afghanistan to destroy Al-Qaeda? The most advanced Terrorist Organization lives in the poorest country in the world? IN CAVES? And its funny how Al-Qaeda is still operating and Bin Laden is still loose but whatda yeknow Taliban is gone, how fortunate as they were interfering with some business plans of Bush's.

Here in Europe any 14 year old can tell u that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates in general are the biggest supporters and financers of Al-Qaeda...but hey why atteack them, bussiness is goin good there.

In closing my disclamer:

In this post I only presented facts and my opinions. They are open to discussion. I personnaly bare no hatred to any nation, all are equal for me. Only some I like more. I would also like to say that I have many American friends and judging from them on general the people are very kind and friendly so I have no reason to hate anyone.

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Certain "administration, or governments!" piss me off.

Could you elaborate just a little? rock.gif

I think it's great that so many folks from beyond America's borders made significant efforts here to compose some reasonable answers to your question - in English.  Most of us are probably just as curious about your feelings and the reasons behind them as you were about ours.

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There you Americans go with that "Wealthiest and most powerfull" stuff again tounge_o.gif

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Good post Soul Assasin, very good post indeed smile_o.gif

Of course, it seems many Americans seem to have a hard time believing that other countries may even be EQUAL to them on something let alone ahead of them crazy_o.gif For instance, I remember the response of some American i once talked to when i told him (and then showed some evidence) that at current growth rates, China would be the worlds most economically powerfull country in 10 years time......lets just say he was not a particularly happy chappy tounge_o.gif

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Same for patriots, ppl are so damn extreme about it.  It's more important to support your country and your president than to be critical.

I am an extremely patriotic American. I served for 6 years in the military, always put my hand over my heart during the playing of the national anthem and believe deeply in the founding concepts and philosophies of this great nation.

My definition of patriotism however does not extend to supporting the government no matter what it does over that of the welfare of the American people.

I think criticizing the government when it is wrong, speaking out when speaking out is unpopular and seeing to it that the spirit and the ideas that founded this nation are not crushed or forgotten is the highest form of patriotism.

I support the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence because those documents embody the ideas that are America, that are the freedom we know today and that have advanced that freedom past many challenges for centuries. They are the building blocks that laid the foundation for what can be, and what has been at times, the greatest nation on earth. When those foundations are assaulted and ignored, as they are today by our current government, they give America the potential to be one of the most dangerous nations on earth as well. With awesome power comes awesome responsibility and we as Americans can never afford to forget that fact and do our duty as concerned and patriotic citizens to ensure our power is not misused.

We have failed in the responsibility as of late and we have erroneously criticized and labeleled those who have not as un-patriotic or anti-American, when nothing could be further from the truth. Those pointing out the error of our ways whether here at home or abroad are among the greatest of our friends and allies. They are like a friend who see you taking the wrong course in your life and dramatically intervenes to prevent you from self-destructing, whether that intervention is welcomed or not. Perhaps like people rescued from their own self-destructive tendencies, we will come to see and appreciate that one day, or perhaps our friends will simply lack the strength to save us and we will eventually slip into the abyss.

I hope that we can restore this nation as a beacon of hope throughout the world. I hope that we can reassure our friends that we are always there to support them, but never there to impose upon them. I hope that our nation will see this horror and the mockery that has been made out of the American system and open its eyes to the way things can and should be in this country. I hope they take an active interest in this nation's history, philosophies and especially its policies. I hope that we will remain ever vigilant and involved so that we never again see the sort of abuse of power or corruption that currently infects every corner of our form of self government.

I sincerely hope we can change before it gets to be too late.

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I can't say I hate America.

I can however say that I don't like the country and it's culture, and I especially don't like the way many (not all, mind you) Americans behave and act. Also.... Again not all Americans are like this... But many seem to close themselves off to the rest of the world. And that gives America an aura of ignorance and not ignorance in the cute, naive-ish way. But ignorance in the "my country is better, who cares about where Germany is on a map?!" way.

Also, I have to say that other nations being jealous of the US is totally crazy! Sure, I really want to travel in America to see many of the things that are great about the country, but I am in no way jealous of America. Basing your laws and your way of life on a piece of paper from 1789.... I am sure something about that doesn't make total sense.

And sure, freedom for all... But please, who here can in all honesty tell me that the Iraqis are better off now then they were before GW2 initiated?

EDIT: Also, I do want to make sure that the point that not all Americans are like described above. All Americans I've met and communicated with on these boards are very sound, and pleasant people smile_o.gif

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Here in Europe any 14 year old can tell u that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates in general are the biggest supporters and financers of Al-Qaeda...but hey why atteack them, bussiness is goin good there.

I honestly think the main thing stopping the US waging war on Saudi and the Emirates is that their goverments don't actively support terrorism, I don't think it has to do with how much of a contribution the people of a country make towards it. After all I can't think of a war where a country will attack another because of its people, only the government who represent that country to the rest of the world. This is why people say they dislike America, because people associate the actions of a goverment as that nation's policy because it's their job to maintain international relations.

There are people in the UK who are big financial supporters of Terrorism, and most of AQ's leading members were educated in the west but we don't wage war on eachother because we believe we should tackle such problems internally as Saudi Arabia and other Muslim nations with good affiliations with western powers such as Pakistan are too. Even though some see them as doing too little (personally I find this understandable given that they are tackling Muslim brothers, which is difficult in a closely knit society, which I see Islam as.)

If there were as much wealth amonsts individuals in 'rogue' Islamic states such as Afganistan under the Taliban as there is in Saudi, I'm sure Saudia Arabia and the Emirites' contribution to terrorism would stand as less, compared to more fundamentalist hotbeds.

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Quote[/b] ]I honestly think the main thing stopping the US waging war on Saudi and the Emirates is that their goverments don't actively support terrorism, I don't think it has to do with how much of a contribution the people of a country make towards it. After all I can't think of a war where a country will attack another because of its people, only the government who represent that country to the rest of the world. This is why people say they dislike America, because people associate the actions of a goverment as that nation's policy because it's their job to maintain international relations.

good point, however their government does not openly condone terrorism and does absolutly minimum to fight it. Terrorism = big money. Look at Chechniya for example. For the biggest part of the war(s) the rebels had better RUSSIAN weapons than the Russians.

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There you Americans go with that "Wealthiest and most powerfull" stuff again tounge_o.gif

What about this truth bothers non-americans? I'm talking economically, which I think is pretty good measuring stick for world political power.

Here is a good link which spells it out.

Bringing up "Wealthiest and most powerfull stuff" is not a matter or pride or arrogance, it's a matter of fact. Note that I never said that Americans Enjoy the highest quaility of life in the world. Raw economic power and quality of life have little do with each other.

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There you Americans go with that "Wealthiest and most powerfull" stuff again  tounge_o.gif

What about this truth bothers non-americans? I'm talking economically, which I think is pretty good measuring stick for world political power.

Here is a good link which spells it out.

Bringing up "Wealthiest and most powerfull stuff" is not a matter or pride or arrogance, it's a matter of fact. Note that I never said that Americans Enjoy the highest quaility of life in the world. Raw economic power and quality of life have little do with each other.

fact of what? where this fact came from? That ur debt is 7.5 trillion dollars is a fact (a statistic). Russia is the biggest country in the world (by area) thats also a fact. That US is the most economically powerfull is opinion, opinion of many but that does not make it fact. There is no way of directly prooving it.

EDIT: Just went to the link you gave and thought about explaining what Purchasing Power Parity is. PPP is a way of analysis and comparisons of currency exchange rates and what they are supposed to be. It is closely connected to what is called Burger Economics which can tell you wheither a currency is over- or undervalued.

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Right. I only have 5 mins so I'll make haste. smile_o.gif

- Wealth

Millions of homeless and unemployed, mostly caused by the de-development of the communal systems so that the rich can get richer and the poor who often need the communal system gets even poorer. Why not use the extreme military budget to rebuild your country inside?

- Patriotism

"God Bless America" BS. If I would put up a poster somewhere saying "Sweden is the most blessed country in the world" I would be called a psycho. Refusing to understand that the country have disadvantages as it has been pounded in from birth.

- Wars

Ignorance of the UN and starting own wars for economical or political intrests. Maybe pay your bill to UN instead (as US hasn't) and let them do their job?

- The Economical/Industriall Superpower

Deciding the oil prices or deploying Multi-Internationall Buisnesses like McDonalds and Coca Cola all over the world, preventing any poor countries to protect their own intrests of industry and buisnesses as it whipes out anything a buisness can set up against.

- Goverment

Corrupted. Chile anybody?

Didn't get everything I wanted to say. GTG. sad_o.gif

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Well as Soul Assassin pointed out, the US has a national debt of over $7 TRILLION.....And GDP is essentially meaningless unless you convert it to GDP per Capita.

And lets look where that leaves us?


Simple message, dont try and beat an Economist by trying to play the figures. smile_o.gif You'll get stung every time.

Look, if you really want to understand why outsiders dont like the USA you must not dispute what the outsiders have to say. If you cant accept what the outsiders are saying against your country, then why bother to be in here?

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It is closely connected to what is called Burger Economics which can tell you wheither a currency is over- or undervalued.

Isn't that where you compare how many minutes the average person has to work in different countries to buy a Big Mac?

(I'm serious)

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Also would like to add to people who belive in the wealthiest, heathiest stuff (although im a convinced person that these kind of ignorant people do not visit BIS forums, the mecca of OFP) to read the HDR (Human Development Report) by UNDP of this year it can be found here:

all HDR documents

read them carefully. Show them to ignorant friends, I think they will be quite surprised by these statistics.

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Thats right Bernadotte.

PPP is essentially a comparison of the cost in each country of an "average" basket of goods.....lord knows how they decide whats an average basket of goods.

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Quote[/b] ]good point, however their government does not openly condone terrorism and does absolutly minimum to fight it. Terrorism = big money. Look at Chechniya for example. For the biggest part of the war(s) the rebels had better RUSSIAN weapons than the Russians.

Agreed Soul_Assasin, I just see Saudi as a nation who particularly has to step carefully, it has helped to create the problem by sending Arabs to Afghanistan in the 70s to fight the Russians which has increased aspects of radical Islam in that region and fully recognises that, yet because it has it's important Islamic ties, it's birth is rooted in creating a grand Islamic state after all, so much of what the Saud's do must be approved by its clerics, so it cannot throw its weight into imprisoning or killing Muslims like it is so easy for us to do. For them it has consequences that could overthrow the House of Saud if their people object too greatly to what can very easilly be seen as turning ones back on Islam for the favour of the West, which quite noticibly conflicts with Islam on a number of levels. I see it as being better safe than sorry for an governent that is quite important to the entire world, yet the US seem to ignore the opinion of (especially on the matter of Israel but that's a whole topic in itself).

Quote[/b] ]I support the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence because those documents embody the ideas that are America, that are the freedom we know today and that have advanced that freedom past many challenges for centuries.

I see that as a problem personally. The constitution gets challenged because it conflicts with other ideas which should be considdered and help important to the natural development of a nation once it tries to find a solution that keeps more peoples' interests at heart because it allows for a greater tollerence of ideas.

I see taking the literal verse of texts as creating the biggest problems in the world right now; with Fundamentalist Islam looking directly at the quran an demanding that it apply fully to all life and taking action against the influences of the west that disregard it. I just see this as one terrible argument about who's right and who's wrong, Which is better, Tables or Chairs?, it's happened a hundred times before throughout history and nobody's ever trully been the winner because people have always faced hardship at the end of it.

If it were simply an argument in the street between two people we'd all be standing around thinking "What a pair of jackasses!" but unfortunatley wer're caught in the middle and forced to take sides. sad_o.gif

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It is closely connected to what is called Burger Economics which can tell you wheither a currency is over- or undervalued.

Isn't that where you compare how many minutes the average person has to work in different countries to buy a Big Mac?

(I'm serious)

Close. basically they take a Big Mac (since it is the same in every McDonalds output around the world, tastes the same and costs the same to make, or should be anyway) from as many countries as possible and look at their prices.

for arguments sake (mad eup figures) lets take a brittish Big Mac:

3 pounds

in america its

3 dollars

lets say the real exchange rate is 2 dollars for 1 pound that meand 3 dollars should be 1.5 pounds. That suggests that the logical price of the Big Mac in Brittan should be 1.5 pounds, which means its overvalued.

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