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Help me understand.

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First I'll start by introducing myself.

I am a 32 yr. old male.

I live in Panama City, FL. USA

I don't hate people of other nations.

But I do have strong anti-feelings about certain nations.

But not the people of those certian nations.

I will not state the nations. I feel ill towards.

United States of America has always tried help any country

it can.

Yes... We sometimes over step our boundries.

Should we be in Iraq? Tough call.

For me... I say yes. I believe in FREEDOM for all! Even though

we haven't found much... WMD's. Liberating people is worth more than stupid WMD's. It would be nice to find more than what we have found.

The media plays alot in how nations see us. It seems

that there aren't to many fair and balanced media anymore.

Help me understand why other people. Of other nations hate America? Hate me?

PS. Yes we here at, "OFF the WALL Team." Put out,

"Big Game Hunt." And it's about hunting. Afghani's. It's not

intended to offend anyone. If it offends you.

We're sorry.

It's just a $h!^$ and giggles mission. We are not anti-Afghani. But anti-Taliban and Al Queda.

Peace to all. Of aLL Nations!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

PSS. The OFP Community seems to bring people together of all Nations!


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People hate America, because we are a relatively wealthy nation, because we've been lucky, and because we are fortunate enough to a government system that works pretty well, and has transferred power peacefully many, many times. Many people envy Americans, and are jealous of many of the luxuries we enjoy. Many people also just want someone to hate, and seeing as we're the only real super-power today, we're the #1 target. Sometimes we make mistakes, and maybe we have historically gotten into fights that we should have stayed out of, however we generally do mean well, and for the most part try to do what'll be best in the big picture and have gone out of our way to improve the lives of people in other countries. Some people also hate us because we have taken a corrupt regime which they benifitted(sp?) from out of power.

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People hate America purely because of the same kind of arrogance and ignorance of the world that we can see in your post EDC ("Oh they are jealous of us"), but i'm figuring this topic is probably one the mods are going to want to lock - its explosive, so i better report it.

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if this topic goes down, i'm going to be really unhappy. spirit of olympic will not be applied here.

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This shouldn't get people to explode.

This is an off topic discussion.

As you can see... I try to word my thoughts on a cautious side.

There's no reason to lock this discussion.

No one should get mad.

Let's be calm.

I would like to hear from people of the world.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

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Personally, i'm not keen on america military, the country is fine for me, but the military is the most annoying, i mean the sheer gung-ho machoism of the average soldier is just overwhelming. C'mon, look at the Rangers, why the hell do they shout "hoo-ah" at everything? Why can't say just say, roger, or affirmitive. And one more thing, the marines....average soldiers, who like to get their feet wet. Compare the gung-ho machoism of the american army, to say the Russian or Austrailian army, you'll be surprised at what the difference is.

Oh and on a final note, why do the american soldiers do those strange march songs? I mean do that in the British Army and you're likely to get chucked out.

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People hate America, because we are a relatively wealthy nation, because we've been lucky, and because we are fortunate enough to a government system that works pretty well, and has transferred power peacefully many, many times.

[exit moderator mode]

What a load of crap.

People hate America because of George Bush jr. (more recently) and because of your actions depicted in this book.

You can read some excerpts from the book.

Added to the above, there is disgust at your belief that you are the blessed land, a thought quite offensive to quite a fair few people. Then there is your continued defiance of the UN, and the fact that your politicians are some of the most hypocritical ones around. And they talk a lot of crap too. Fancy words don't make good policies.

As for your "wealth", I can only laugh at that. You are not wealthy, you live in houses made of wood! Your government does not work, as the Bush episode showed, and as for your luck - what are you talking about? You weren't lucky, you were opportunistic, aggressive, willing to work hard and quite full of yourselves. That's how you got to the place you are now. Not through luck or god's blessing.

In summary, you are not god's grace to humanity, you are nothing special (bar the amount of nukes you have), and you should realise that you are the same scheming, two-faced crap that the rest of the world is unclesam.gif

[enter moderator mode]

I do realise that this is bound to lead to controversy, but this is how it is, it is not just my opinion but the opinions of many Germans, English and Greeks I have talked about politics in the last few years. I will not moderate this topic, especially where remarks about my comments are made, but rest assured I will point out flaming and get my colleagues to get you.

Reading through my comments again, I can not see any flaming. I am referring to very specific points and can back most of it up.

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Oh, and i think many people don't like america because they are trying to play the policemen with wars etc, but aren't doing anything about pollution to help stop global warming.

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People hate America, because we are a relatively wealthy nation, because we've been lucky, and because we are fortunate enough to a government system that works pretty well, and has transferred power peacefully many, many times.  Many people envy Americans, and are jealous of many of the luxuries we enjoy.

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

Oh, man thanks for a good laugh.

I'll give you three core reasons while the US is not on the "world's most popular countries" list.

1. Cultural hegemony

America exports its culture very aggressively - everything from Britney Spears to McDonalds. To countries that can defend themselves against it (like the European ones) it's merely annoying while in less wealthy countries, it can wipe out the local culture. This is coupled with a very wide-spread ignorance about the world and a superiority complex (the conviction that the American culture is superior and that people should be thankful for getting it shoved down the throat). There seems to be a common view in America that everybody in the world wants to be just like them - that inside every foreigner there is an American screaming to get out. And this could not be more wrong - which again leads to conflict.

There is also a very worrying Christian fundamentalism in America. You have a president that 'talks to god' on a regular basis and who says that Jesus is his favorite philosopher. While the overly secular Europeans shake their head in disbelief and laugh about it, others such as equally fundamentalist Muslim countries see it as a direct threat.

2. Militarism and violence

My country, Sweden has had peace for almost 200 years now while America on the other hand starts wars on a regular basic. The US is more or less always in an active military state and he military force available is most often used for promoting US economical interests around the globe. And unlike the popular US version of history goes, America has never hesitated to finance and support corrupt regimes if it suited it at the moment. The list is long and distinguished and includes US sponsored celebrities such as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Contemporary examples include the Saudi royal family and Pakistan's dictator Sharif. The US is an avid practicer of realpolitik and is fairly similar in behavior to an 19th century European nation-state. And as history can tell, you won't make many friends that way. From a European perspective, there is a general culture of violence in America. A firm belief that anything can be solved by force. The use of military force and the gun culture go hand in hand.

3. Unilateralism

Dissing the UN, the Kyoto and the ICC doesn't give you many popularity points. Basically America works within an international rule set when it fits it and ignores it when it doesn't suit it. This tends to piss people off, especially those that do believe in international cooperation.

Now, the above is from a European perspective. You know, Europeans, your closest friends and allies in the world. It's not hate but more contempt and worry. Others (such as countries that you invade) have more direct reasons to be worried.

One point that has to be made clear though is that the current European currents of anti-Americanism are very much connected to the Bush Administration and not with the people per se. And some 50% of the US populous aren’t too crazy about Bush either.

The core problem is however the basic fact that America is a very expansive country that promotes its values and interests very aggressively - with military force if needed. People like Bush bring this to the surface, but the core problems are still there. To gain more popularity, America would have to seriously revise its conduct in the world.

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Dont hate a country for its president.

i mean i dont think your allowed to hate it without even going there.

such a lovely place.

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I dont think people actualy hate America, America simply lost credibility in the past few years, maybe because of how their foreign politics and military intervention always serves their finantial and political needs, Clinton was on the right track, Al would problably keep things on track, Bush is a brainless cowboy that likes to show its big toys and fight "evil", thank god he wasnt around during the cold war era.

Its not hate towards America, i think its a matter of credibility and trust smile_o.gif .

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Dont hate a country for its president.

i mean i dont think your allowed to hate it without even going there.

such a lovely place.

I assumed we are talking about the American government, more than anything?

I have many American friends from all politicial spectrums and very differing views.

I can not hate a people, or even a portion of it, simply because there are some corrupt bastards in office.

Coming from a very old country, I can tell you that the people will sort the corrupt governments out at some point - or someone else, if the locals can not do it wink_o.gif

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Unilateralism's my main problem with the US as a nation. I personally don't feel America is open to alternate ideas or criticism and it's particularly annoying to me when I see such agressive foreign policy with rather excessive promotions of American culture and ideas over conflicting ones that people elsewhere are happy with. I've always kind of thought that America has had such a strong belief in what they do is right by God because it's worked for them ever since the idea of 'Manifest Destiny' was spawned in the 19th Century.

It's not like I look down on America or it's people but some aspects of its ideals seem insensitive to me, every nation values its culture so to lose it is something terrible. Even in the UK people talk about how our culture has declined quite dramatically in the past 30 years because of the way the world is getting smaller. It seems inevitable to me that Western culture will eventually be everywhere but it'd be nice I suppose to see it slow down a little and enjoy the diversity of the world while it's still around.

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Just look at the enormous change of heart after september 11. The USA had the worlds sympathy and cooperation. When they went after the taliban the world knew this was right and supported that effort. But then the bush factor came into play. While pledging billions and promissing to help rebuild afghanistan the GWB administration was quickly distracted and shifted its efforts to Iraq, abondoning Afghanistan (and the fight on terrorisme). A country the world knew had no real connections with OBL or AQ. We doubted there were WMD's but the world was told by the GWB administration that they had strong and credible evidence. This has later been proven a blatant lie and the story was quickly changed too going there to depose a vicious dictator .... GWB systematically took the worlds trust and sympathy and abused it for him and his bussines finaniciers economical gains. Meanwhile in Afghanistan OBL is still free, the Talliban is coming back in places and the reconstruction effort amounts to nothing. Why do people hate america you ask? They dont hate the american ppl in general. They hate the government that over the last four years has abused the international trust placed in it and has made the world a much less save place for all of us.

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I dont hate America, its just dissapointing that all the things America could be and U.S politicains often claim it to be are not what it is.

American Foreign Policy is what a lot of people  dislike about America and it seems like people dont really acknowledge that.  

"People hate America, because we are a relatively wealthy nation"  

See, this statement ignores the fact that people in central and latin america for example (as well as plenty of other places) have legitimate reassons to be pissed at stuff america did to their countrys, the dictators installed in the 70's and 80's were in most cases far worse than the communinist dictatorships or democratically elected socialist governments this coutrys had in place.

Take Cuba for example, if the C.I.A had killed Castro Cuba would be a worse place, probably on a par with Nicaragua or Guetamala, people seem to ignore the fact that he threw out an equally bad, if not worse, U.S backed dictator.

Also if the U.S military would apologize for friendly fire incidents and crimes commited by their troops instead of covering things up or blaming the victims it might generate a bit more goodwill.  - a good example would be the U.S pilot who dropped a bomb on those canadian troops and got a slap on the wrist despite the fact that he had been told not to engage but did it anyway.  If hed waited about 10 seconds it wouldnt have happened - he got a slap on the wrist, if that'd been U.S troops there would've been a different outcome.  And theres no shortage of those examples.

Its not U.S succsess or wealth that people dislike, its hypocritical foreign thats either denied or rationalised.

I will say that i think theres a certain amount of hypocracy in that the media can report on human rights violations in Iraq, but if youre in say, Chechnya, the mainstream news lost intrest on anything happening there a while ago despite the fact that pretty appaling crimes have gone unpunished there.

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Oh about the "They hate us because we are wealthier then them". We here in western europe are as wealthy if not more then the average US citizen. When it comes to wealth we are on par with you. I remember reading a deployment manual from the 70's for a US Airforce squadron being deployed in the netherlands saying that ppl here still lived in earthen huts .... RIGHT! biggrin_o.gif What i do find sad is how very little american children are being taught about the rest of the world in schools. Knowing other cultures and their habits really helps to understand what happens in the world.

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Too bored to answer to that. I know quite some cool people from the States here on this forum and I think this topic is just too lame to answer to.

And no, I am not poor, I am not admiring your incredible freedom, I dont want to live in Hollywood, I dont want to have a girlfriend like Britney Spears, I dont hate america because of the incredible military power.

I only get bored of americans talking about america.

Maybe one day you understand why a european starts laughing when you use the occasion of the opening of a newly renovated school-canteen to sing the national anthym and raise the american flag.

Man, come along with a real topic, if you want to talk about patriotism and USA and "god bless america (only)" then go to www.military.com.

But for a decent discussion on "which country has the best tanks or the smartest soldiers" you are always welcome smile_o.gif

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The media plays alot in how nations see us. It seems

that there aren't to many fair and balanced media anymore.

Biased media everywhere: OUTFOXED --Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

Quote[/b] ]Help me understand why other people. Of other nations hate America? Hate me?

Don't know you. Don't hate you. Feel hated? Why?

I wouldn't call the reaction of other countries "hate", but "strong dislike". You are hated in those parts of the world where people lost relatives due to "overstepping boundaries for the sake of freedom".

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Quote[/b] ]Help me understand why other people. Of other nations hate America? Hate me?

Don't know you. Don't hate you. Feel hated? Why?

I wouldn't call the reaction of other countries "hate", but "strong dislike". You are hated in those parts of the world where people lost relatives due to "overstepping boundaries for the sake of freedom".

Actually that is the point.

I would like to understand why so many american people think that the other nations hate america.

When the fact is that other nations people can't "like" your actuel politicians leaders that are using words like freedom, justice etc... while bringing more chaos (not talking only about wars, but several sectors : economics, environments ...) to an already difficult and complex world.

That and the fact the american leaders lie a lot to the UN (that is a kind of representation of every nations of the world) without any remorse.

Hate america ? i think not as i have american friends, but why some american people use this shortcut

"people hate our leaders -->> people hate america"

is really beyond me.

But actually there are some people that has some reason to hate your country , not only the leaders : family of innocent people killed by mistake in the several american bombings that occured a lot since some years.

I doubt i can only explain that they only hate your leaders , but they hate your army too.

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Ok... I would like to think all the members and moderator/s that replied on this topic.

I'm understanding some what now. So... I will reply by saying.

"I can not hate or dislike a person due to their nationality. On the other hand. I do have to admit certain nations "piss me off." As we, (U.S.A.) "piss off other nations" also.

I don't hate you. I don't care what nationality you are. I was raise to respect ALL people of the world. Because America is a, "Melting Pot." A matter of fact. I like to learn about other countries. Their history and the culture of the people.

I also see that many things can bring us together. This simple little game for example. Maybe the whole world needs OFP.

Then when a conflict starts. We just have the war or battles on OFP. (LOL!)

To close.., I'm glad to meet people all over the world. Because of OFP.


It's amazing how sports can bring a world together. Even if it's for 2 weeks.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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Maybe the whole world needs OFP.

Then when a conflict starts. We just have the war or battles on OFP. (LOL!)

You stole my idea biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif That was exactly my thought too! And whoever loses pays the hosting bill biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Jokes aside, that is one of the great things about the internet (no, not just porn!), you have the opportunity and platforms to talk to people that are quite literally on the other side of the world. You get to exchange thoughts and ideas that otherwise you wouldn't even know exist. The amounts you learn are unimaginable and I am very glad there is a platform like this with which you realise that the world is small, we are all humans, and we all have (more or less) the same problems.

One day the people will realise its the system is screwing over the people, and on that day politicians will be trembling in fear, just like the Kings of old.

HEY, who are you!? What do you mean, revolution? No, wait, I can explain this! HEY! Aaaaaaarggggghhhh crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif


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I don't hate the USA at all... I hate the american government, that's for sure, but there's no reason why any of the american civilians should mind that.

I don't hate americans, that would make me a racist and i don't like racists at all.

I can't deny that i have this biased image in my head about a lot of the americans. You know... the guns, cowboys, death penalty, bush supporters, just plain strange people, patriots, etc

You have special ppl all over the world but for some reason it all seems so extreme in the USA. For example, all over the world ppl are angry against Bush, however, in the USA this guy's pretty fuckin' popular crazy_o.gif

That makes me think, why do they like him? Don't they see what's happening to the world?

Same for patriots, ppl are so damn extreme about it. It's more important to support your country and your president than to be critical.

'Course every country has these ppl but in America it almost seems like everyone thinks in such a blind way rock.gif

Same for violence, there's violence everywhere: Gangs, kids shooting in schools, etc

You don't find that stuff here in Europe, you know... Well it did happen a while ago but that was a very rare occasion.

Also a lot of fans of the militairy and weapons and stuff like that...

There's something about the 'american attitude' that scares me...

Now i don't care about the american ppl their attitude as long as they keep it inside their own country. After all, who am i to say that what ppl 7000 km away from me have to do.

Hell i think arabian ppl can be weird too but i don't mind...

Sad part is that the influence from america is all over the world. That scares me, i want to live the european way, not the american way. I'm not saying that to bash any of you americans. It's just that i like my culture and i don't want to change anything about it.

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On the other hand. I do have to admit certain nations "piss me off."

I have a problem with this statement, you don't hate a nation, you hate an administration, a government, because a nation is an economical and geographical association of people standing for its interests and ideals.As a citizen I am a working part of my nation, so if you don't hate the people, you don't hate nations, just a certain category of individuals in this nation constituting an administration.

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Quote (MilitiaSniper @ Aug. 14 2004,16:31)

On the other hand. I do have to admit certain nations "piss me off."

I have a problem with this statement, you don't hate a nation, you hate an administration, a government, because a nation is an economical and geographical association of people standing for its interests and ideals.As a citizen I am a working part of my nation, so if you don't hate the people, you don't hate nations, just a certain category of individuals in this nation constituting an administration.

Your right. So let me try to re-phrase myself. To be better.

Certain "administration, or governments!" piss me off. Sometimes my own government, "piss me off!"

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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