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airdropping ammocrates/equipment?

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i was just thinking, would it be possible to paradrop some sort of equipment? like a ammobox or a crate of some sort...

maybe someone can make a script that first drop a parachute, then camcreate a crate/ammobox or something like that to the parachute...

you should also be able to set what type of weaponcargo that should be in the crate..

oh, did i mention that i would use it from planes or huge choppers (like the MI26)

maybe it can be used to drop vehicles too, ar maybe even a APC such as the BMD from VIT´s APC pack or the ones from FDF... (maybe set a weight limit in the script)

now, i do not know if this is anywhere neare possible, but considering what ppl have done for OFP i doubt thet it´s NOT possible...

anyone up for the challange?

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There already is the script. Its on OFPEC and the test mission has you dropping a hmmww and a motorbike from a c130

Its called DropCrate and its by Dark Nova.

It needs the c130 addon and the motorbike addon but the links are on the OFPEC page.

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and if i want to use it on ANY plane or chopper and with ANY cargo? (exept maybe for a T72 or other havy stuff)

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