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ICBM upgrade

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Only that said nuclear blasts (xezon's etc) stopped working for me ever since I've had Kegetys's DXDLL running... crazy_o.gif

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I tried:

myicbm Fire ["PC_ICBMLauncher"."PC_ICBMLauncher"]; PC_ICBM="PC_ICBM" Camcreate getPos unit2

I placed the target about 1 kilometer away. A tank.

I heard a boom, ran towards the location. There was the tank, with scorched earth around it, some downed folliage around that and still in good enough shape to machine gun me. ghostface.gif

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lol!..sorry avon, but glad at least u got  the code working now. As for the bomb, i didnt dare to set it up too high, so those that are undershelter would  only be damaged.

But those that are soft skin would die... Furthermore i left it up to the engine to calculate the probability of direct or indirect hit...if u are just behind a hill, u will survive even if it hits just 100m infront...or should i re-configure the values and leave nothing standing?  tounge_o.gif

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Ok ...for those of you that would like a nuke effect....First off you need the coc torpedoes.....Then just make 2 triggers.

1st trigger

name whatever Fire ["PC_ICBMLauncher","PC_ICBMLauncher"]; fire=true

2nd trigger in the condition put fire ....then in the on activation put- getpos unit1 exec "\CoC_Torpedoes\scripts\nuke.sqs"

Don't forget to name your target unit1.

There are probably easier ways ...I'm not very good with scripting.

Now you should have a very nice nuke blast ...thanks Phil and coc biggrin_o.gif

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