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it seems with any newish comp ofp wont run unless -nomap is added..... if there are any more patches why not make -nomap always on?

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What is this nomap anyway? I've always used it but never found out what difference it really makes? smile_o.gif

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It changes the way that addons are loaded.

Unless you use the -nomap switch, OFP will use a WIN32 API that lets it map the contents of a file to virtual address space. With a memory-mapped file, it can be accessed directly using standard C/C++ programming techniques such as pointers, instead of having to allocate a buffer, seek to a particular offset in the file, read a chunk into memory, and then remembering to free the buffer when you're done with it.

Obviously memory-mapped access to the file contents is potentially much simpler and faster, but the downside is that it uses a much larger portion of the virtual address space. If you don't have alot of physical memory (RAM) or an insufficiently large pagefile, not all files can be loaded into the virtual address space, and OFP will fail to load.

The easiest workaround is the -nomap switch, but if you want to get the best performance, breaking up your addons into multiple MOD folders and using the -mod switch is the way to go.

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Hi all. About nomap, I have been having the same problem. I have been triying to find this "nomap" switch.Can you guys help me?I looked all over for it and cant find it.

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Picture tells a thousand words as they say wink_o.gif

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Ok, I tried that and I keep getting a messege that the path name is not valid and it wont let me go any further renaming. sad_o.gif

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If you have a space somewhere in the path to the exe you need "" around it, maybe that's your problem?

Example below......

"D:\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap

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Cool, I got it, thanks a million.

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