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Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

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This guy who gave this screnshots in not using them in MP smile_o.gif he just wanted to see how this cheat look like...

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I already told them, they don't care. They will ban subranges until they have effectively banned one whole country....

thats not possible

a few city blocks at best lol

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so when you see on sever modified .pbo files - KICK! as Ive seen most admins ignore that - then they get 0wned...

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)a)( @ July 14 2004,08:05)]
Malbouf and I will be releasing an IP logger soon, so u can ban the scums IP from ur server it will assign the IP to the player name and ID...

That would be useles in many cases, bcs for example here in germany 99% of the internet users needs only do disconnect and reconnect again, to get an new IP, bcs we have dynamic IPs!!! And i guess in many countrys in europe with many providers it's the same.

the IP will change yes, but not as drastically as you claim it will

and not every single person on the similar blocks will be playing OFP

do that math before you claim the sky is falling, IP Range banning is fine and will effect maybe 1-5 other ppl in that area playing OFP and the chances that you even know them or the fact they play on our servers OR the fact they might not even play online will mean that no one else will get banned other then 0-1 other players beside the cheater

Most that do IP range banning know Dynamic possibilities, after a month the ranges will probably be reset so those IP ranges will be removed

we also add the IP bans to our web server to see if some one complains they cant see our site, which almost never happens so thusly banning IPs is only affective for a few weeks at best which is just fine with us

and does not in no way result in the world ending as you claim

besides we have been doing it for 7 years on all games smile_o.gif

and in three years not once have i seen a member of a squad come and say thay cant see our server

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you guys act like this is all new, its been around for years, what are you guys NOOBS?


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Yes, we are noobs, because we are not leet americans like you. Here in germany ip banning is pointless, as i have told and explained you times before. I can reconnect in one second and get an ip in a different subnet. I showed you the logfile of my ips, it's a different subnet with every dialin, every second. So you have to ban that subnet too, and one second later the next, and after a short while you will have banned 95% of all german ofp players.

Maybe YOUR ISP does this differently, but here there is no such thing as DHCP leases giving you the same ips again. But i guess it is ok to take your own situation as a standard and generalize about the rest of the world based on this. And call everyone a noob who tells you that things are run differently in his country. Cause obviously you know better how ISPs handle things in asia and europe than the people living there.

Why don't you explain how you will get 255 or even 256 hosts into a network with a netmask, as you claimed before but never cared to explain to sicilian or me, instead of just claiming the answer would appear if we read your "it depends on network setup" answer often enough?

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lol that again, you need to re-read my state ment

the Dynamic Ips here work the same way, you have still not done the math of how many possible IPs you can have on the ranges you listed

then you compare the ratio of that # to how many play OFP in your area

if OFP had 10 times the #s it had at its peak you would see very few complaints of unreachable servers when they know the server exists because a squad mate says he sees it

you're way Over exagerating

I am on the Shaw network here and it runs all throu canada in every town and when you Ban my IP range you wont effect any one else in our province or country

and im not an American, its funny how you guys start calling us american shits ect as soon as you start loosing or bitching

do the math

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yes thats the Guy and belive me thats is amazing Dam

cheater I know what clan he is in

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This is sad sad_o.gif but there will always be cheaters.

I have no simple answer to stop this kind of behaviour in MP but I hope that any steps taken by BIS will not include the limiting/exclusion of the createvehicle/camcreate command, or any other client/server script communications. If they did then you can all forget about anymore advanced MP Mods working their majic to enhance the game.

The ECP relies heavily on all the MP elements that this cheating indiviual has used (and more besides). If we were to take his tools away then we would be closing the door on a great many mods.

We would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.

I am sure BIS knows this also, they have gone to great measures to help increase the code available to better the MP experiance for everyone.


ECP Team

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the point is that BIS has done lots of anti cheat measures in 1.92 to 1.96 ... but the hackers have broken the protection again. therefore is a very topical issue.

there are still lots of ppl enjoying ofp in multiplayer!

the question is, if BIS is updating their protection ...

in my opinion they should! for the sake of their loyal fans.

BIS is very well informed about the cheats (how they are done) and where this stuff can be found.

with those ppl having cracked the ofp.exe, BIS should have now legal possibilities to take action ... as far as i know, plz correct me if i am wrong ... well the question is, if it would be useful and if BIS would be doing it...

@Zayfod: i think BIS thinks the same way, as most ppl would, those features made ofp what it is now - there are other ways to make this game secure ... well i am sure that ofp2 is gonna have a much better architecture relating cheat protection / liability.

i would say that multiplayer is beside the addon scene the most element which is keeping ofp alive for such a long time!

best regards

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omg, that is a serious problem right there. I seen a cheater only once and a few times ID changers  mad_o.gif

Also I seen guys from the same clan had all the same ID's when they were entering a server. 3 guys had the same ID.

But I don't play on public servers anymore, problem solved  tounge_o.gif

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At the moment more people complain about the Alt-Tab-Bug than about cheaters (see OFP.info poll, "What's the MOST annoying thing in OFP?", cheaters:9%, bug:11%). You talk like there would be millions of cheaters.....

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Well If you wait for 30min for a nice game in MP and then a cheater messed everything up, it is a serious problem. Luckily I only had it once. crazy_o.gif

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Look, if theres a script that can take away the buildings on a map, why cant we make a script that bring them back?

Lets say i make a big map, Something saves every data from that mission add it into a script. Someone fucks with the map, YOu reload the script. which means you place the buildings where they were in the beginning.

This is a long way around the problem and it dosnt even solve it so... but would be cool

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so when you see on sever modified .pbo files - KICK! as Ive seen most admins ignore that - then they get 0wned...

That's why I never play MP/am never able to play MP (apart from the fact that my firewall works a little too good tounge_o.gif )...

I get edited config warnings since I installed Kegetys's hisky addon rock.gif

Have reinstalled twice, but keep getting the same warning.

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the cheat is called the vecktorbosons console ...with this console u can add units ,vehicles etc etc ...look at map using satilite view  move buildings ..transport players units etc etc ..there is no end of crap u can do ......people who use this are scum .......and i am doing as much s possible to design a method of catching these scum......if anyone is good at programing contact me as i have all the info on the console and could use help in designing a file checker to stop it from being used

MSN  stormuk@hotmail.com

there is not much u can do about it at the moment .....however normally the cheaters ID will change to a 12 digit ID number....so kick the person with 12 digits....make sure u count them as OFP has IDs upto 10 digits...

Malbouf and I will be releasing an IP logger soon, so u can ban the scums IP from ur server it will assign the IP to the player name and ID...

How is it possible? the console scripts has to be put in the mission .pbo rock.gif

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I know its sad but after 3 years plus of support and tools i dont know if BIS will be able to support us anymore, has stated by them releasing more beta/rc and final patches is expensive and also they need to move on! If they would continue supporting OPF when would we see a sequel/OPF2?

I know its tough to see the game being ruined like this and that MP is money, effort and time consuming but sooner or later we will end up on our own, soon most good servers will problably end up passworded...

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Dauragon Im sure noone will say how to cheat here so dont even try tounge_o.gif

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How is it possible? the console scripts has to be put in the mission .pbo  rock.gif

does not work like that

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Well... from the screenshots he needed to use the action menu to do his evil work...

From the BIS Command reference:

unit removeAction index

Quote[/b] ]

unit removeAction index

Operand types:

unit: Object

index: Number


Version 1.11 required.

Type of returned value:



Remove action with given id.


player removeAction 0

player RemoveAction 0


player RemoveAction 1


player RemoveAction 2


player RemoveAction 3


player RemoveAction 4

When the mission starts and loop it... it'd remove all the additional action menu items that are't standard.

Can't cheat if he can't get his grubby little hands on his action menu items..

PRO's: The actions for his cheats will keep disappearing, he'd have to find another way and you sure can't bind keys easily.

CON's: Well if the particular mission required the player to have additional options in his action menu it'd mess with them too.. but hell I can live with that.

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Next one is out now. Ammo trainer 1.96...  sad_o.gif

Was sent immediatly to BI together with other stuff...

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this guy posted these pics on flashpoint.ru forum, and today we got a new pic of him trying to cheat.. here http://www.flashpoint2.ru/surik.jpg

his online name is Surik, he plays CTI a lot so watch out for him...

I was able to track his 2 IDs - 14961480 and 2996459 + lots of long IDs that you can easily spot! Server admins, feel free to ban that ph..ck!

Also plz kick all players who have modified pbo messages pop up, and if they say "its russian version" - KICK THEM ANYWAY..now we'r trying (at russian forum) to make everyone convert rus OFP version to english cuz we can't trust noone. Thnx.

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