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Sgt Mix

K9 for Vietnam Patrols

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Before anyone says search... I have searched, found old threads, and still no addon for the following (I do have the Doberman that will run around and nothing more).

We need German Shepherds (the breed of dog) for our Vietnam patrols (I believe they used other breeds too). These dogs did serve the US Military in war time and still do today (some posts said dogs were not realistic to a combat sim).

A K9 could do many (if not all) of the following:

- smell an ambush (scent of enemy troops in the wind and on the ground)

- track the enemy (scent of enemy troops in the wind and on the ground)

- sniff out booby traps and bombs (gunpowder/others scents)

- locate injured soldiers (scent in the wind and on the ground/blood)

- attack/defend

I know there are more useful skills but, that is all that come to mind at this moment. I would be happy to help if I could. The only thing I have to offer is that I am a dog trainer (part-time now) and I have read/studied a fair amount of material on militray dog training. My start into dog training came from a former Army K9 handler/trainer.

Though I do not know the first thing about creating an addon, from the likes of the awesome stuff I have seen, this should be (hopefully) real easy for someone.

My guess is, it would be similar to making a soldier, but instead of using a human skin (? map, whatever it is called), use the dogs skin/image/map.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this request.

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They are also couriers, and can carry additional ammo, medical supplys, or other small items. They also boobytrap enemy paths by leaving big, steaming piles. biggrin_o.gif

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There is a functional dog addon (doberman), so I can't imagine a German Shepherd would bo too hard.

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Hmmm we could think about it .... perhaps this dog is easier to make than the buffalo wink_o.gif

By the way i like german sheperds smile_o.gif

Would be nice if u could send me some more details, pictures and infos about the use in vietnam

[email protected]

Thanks and greets,


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There is a functional dog addon (doberman), so I can't imagine a German Shepherd would bo too hard.

But you can't get on patrol with those, since they aren't able to move wink_o.gif

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Charon, what would you say about little coopertion on making dogs for both of our mods ?

shouldnt be too hard to make new soldier(dog in this case) class with new anims... just wonder how would such dog act while danger/fight...

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A walking dog with the actions u dream of is fully possible without much animations required.

Teacup's dog has shown the way. The human model in O2 can fully be converted for anything that walks. The only requirement is that u must have your own cfgmoves and not bis' s cfgmoves for it is meant only for humans. Not that difficult to create as it is just switching on and off certain things which u want your dog to behave...eg..dogs sure as hell dont salute..trust me..i aint seen one do that yet..no way!!!!! tounge_o.gif

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@Offtime: I think it's better to speak about it after the dog is ofp ready, right? smile_o.gif I'll let u or drow know if there is any progress goin' on with the dog because at the moment time is bare for it sad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]trust me..i aint seen one do that yet..no way!!!!

What about this biggrin_o.gif




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There is a functional dog addon (doberman), so I can't imagine a German Shepherd would bo too hard.

But you can't get on patrol with those, since they aren't able to move  wink_o.gif

You do know there's a fully animated version of that addon, right?


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im not talking about you making dog and giving it to us, im talking about real cooperation, i can model you know... tounge_o.gif

#Major F.

Thanks biggrin_o.gif

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@Offtime: Ok if u mean full coop i think u have to talk to drow about it ... he knows our stand point in this case exactly ... in our thread it's mentioned too smile_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]Would be nice if u could send me some more details, pictures and infos about the use in vietnam

I will see what I can dig up. Give me a week or so.

Quote[/b] ]...just wonder how would such dog ...

You condition a dog to the type of environment(s) you want it to work in. My personal dogs have training dealing with the car wash, ATM, etc, urban types of situations they are likely to encounter.

My female, she loves it when I go target shooting. She senses the energy being directed to targets is my guess. She gets real excited and then wants to go check out the target(s) with me. When working with an agitator armed with a starters gun (the person that wears the bite sleeve and gets bitten), she does not flinch when he shoots do to the fact that I conditioned her to gunfire. In wartime, it excited the dogs. You will see the basic same reaction on the TV show COPS when they have a dog. The dog gets excited my the sirens, shooting, gun fire... It is all in how you train them.

Dog saluting... hum... My girl can learn almost anything I have tried to teach her. I will see what I can do. 8)

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nice that you train your dogs but problem is how to train dog in ofp tounge_o.gif

so even if we will make dog addon, will he be able to bite enemies ?

we would need action menu for "dog owner" to make his dog do things

we cant assign dog as part of group... (we can always teach this dog to use m16,ak47..etc tounge_o.gif) becouse we need special orders and scripts for dog.

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Ok, realistically, you may not be able to make the dog say, walk up, open mouth, and bite. But I would think he could walk, lay down (pointing trouble), the bite would have to be simulated. He might only be able to walk up to unit (real close), then you would have to add damage to the unit (it was supposedly biting). Just thoughts. The dog could follow map clicks or the same way you tell a unit (while you, the leader, is in first person mode) to move (selecting unit F key, the clicking where you want it to go). Again, I am not an addon maker, but I do not think it would be that difficult.


Man, does work distract from OFP business, or is it just me? 8)

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Does the doberman still cause problems with LSR's Spetz?

ANd has anyone configured it to bite yet? The dog has got to bite, and bark, or there just isn't any real fun in it for me. Carrying ammo, documents, or a medical pack ( dog could function as a medic, to simulate. ), is certainly a plus.

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if we want depend on AI (making dog as human) we will have problems with entering vehicles (all new anims for every vehicle wich would include dog "bones" selections)

next problem with arming dog into some kind of mele weapon simulating bites

and my favorite problem biggrin_o.gif stoping dog from reporting via radio tounge_o.gif

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dogs werent really meant to bite the enemies, they had bloody ak47's, but the dog could detect a number of things that a soldier couldnt.

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Dogs were trained to defend their handlers, that did include bitting.n You you are correct though typically they were used for their noses and hearing.

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Cuoldn't the "Zombie" scripts from Skye Virus mission be used to simlulate biting...

yes, it could, but then theyll do nothing else exept biting people..... tounge_o.gif

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I find the zombie scripts to be a bit bugged, so with permission, when PUKF releases an update of the  DPM pack I'd like to see thier bayonet script modified for an attack dog. PUKF have already stated they will not release the scipts until the update. I've mentioned this a couple of times and I'll stop now, I just want an attack dog. tounge_o.gif


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