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DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

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Ah yes, the tracers. Actually, they work pretty inconsistently, sometimes you see them going out from your weapon and sometimes they become visible only after they've flown a fair bit already. They are usually more visible from the sides, and by that I mean that they aren't completely invisible as they often are from 1st person.

I tried it with an M16; If I take pauses between shots every round is a tracer, but if I fire bursts all the time they only become visible after they've flown for a long distance or don't show at all. Every weapon is different and the effects really seem to work at random. I still have it enabled, it's a big improvement over the default laser rounds.

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Great works guys. I love the post-processing filters smile_o.gif

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guys you can use hisky sky either dl it or put it on! i dunno how people can stand the normal sky :P.

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..and it runs very stable - as long as i don't use BAS- or DKM-Addons. These addons cause ctd's when i start ofp even before the BIS-logo appears :-(

Using RHS-Vehicles cause no problem - any hints?

I used this with my whole modfolder, which is about 900mb and includes most addons from bas and dkm, and had no problems.

It does a CRC check on all texture level 0 mimaps, though only for 1/4 of the whole texture. For water textures, all the seven water textures are checked and required to be recognised for it to work.

So if i wanted to run it with the water textures from status_cz i would have to edit the dll, right? How would i go about that?

I don't know how pacs store their data, so i might need some help. Can i get the first quarter of the level 0 texture by using a certain offset, maybe dependeng on it's size (water textures seem to have 512), or would i have to extract the texture somehow?

And can you tell how to find the offset in the dll that i have to edit or the value i have to look for? But i guess when i know how to compute the value of the texture i can search for it myself...

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heres a pic i took from my mandgrove forrest for the uscm mod

the water is static so its possible to use this effect on static objects






fps doenst noteably go down when u paly in the mangroves with the water on

<span id='ME'><center>placebo slaps nephilim, over 1mb in 2 images? I think not, well over the 100kb rule, have a warning level. </center></span>

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sorry bout this palcebo

didnt recon that the pics are so big

but linek are equally good

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Can anyone tell me the best configuration (I've 2 computer, one with a radeon 9200 and the other one with a ge force 440 mx)?

Do you like the "dream world" (glare)?

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... it's possible to use the dx effects with other water texture (I like this water texture)


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Yeah, but in a way that is a COOL thing, because in real-life, at least in late 80's NVG technology, that is how it is!

Pitch black at night but put on your NVG's and it is a whole new world!

You actually NEED your NVG's to fly at night when you don't have your floodlight on, now!  That is how it is supposed to be!

I am using nvgoggles. I even use the crisp clear ones. icon_redface.gif

I can barely see the horizon without lights on when flying. If I'm on foot it's no big deal as I don't run 200km/h. I can clearly see objects, soldiers etc while flying but the horizon is'nt easy to make out.

Still trying out different settings.

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Thank you Kegety, the limitless creativity of OFP editors & MOD makers always surprises me, but this is so jaw droppingly awesome words cannot do it justice.


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Are you planning to extend these effects somehow or implement new ones in future releases? What are your plans kegetys and feersum?

BTW, the "dream effect" or glow looks so exellent on some WW2 islands like reinhard's ardennen or jean christophes normandie. It is really like a dream!

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It's pretty amazing what Kegetys and Feer have accomplished, it certainly makes the wait for OFP2 a LOT more bearable ;)


more shots..

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Quote[/b] ]

... it's possible to use the dx effects with other water texture (I like this water texture)


please explain how you did that  smile_o.gif

most of us only seem to run reflective water with original bis water...or is that bis water but edited in photo?

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Hmm. Klink is sad. Have a Geforce 3 and was so hoping to see what the fishing boats would look like with a reflection. Perhaps some kind soul will take a piccy and post it here for me to have a look..

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most of us only seem to run reflective water with original bis water...or is that bis water but edited in photo?

Is'nt thsat the original BIS water?

Looks like it to me, just alot brighter and more glare/less hard light

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Hmm. Klink is sad. Have  a Geforce 3 and was so hoping to see what the fishing  boats would look like with a reflection. Perhaps some kind soul will take a piccy and post it here for me to have a look..

klinkers, check the combat photography... somebody already has posted a pic  wink_o.gif


aint i kind wink_o.gif

Pic 1

Pic 2

just noticed the D.I.L.L.G.A.F sign on the back... hehehe, kevin bloody wilson is a legend tounge_o.gif

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Hmm. Klink is sad. Have  a Geforce 3 and was so hoping to see what the fishing  boats would look like with a reflection. Perhaps some kind soul will take a piccy and post it here for me to have a look..

Page 9

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This thingie is great! biggrin_o.gif It doesnt look OFP anymore with this on.

What does this reflection and post filtering thing need most from a computer? Is it vid card memory or RAM or a CPU speed?

Im thinking on how some people get this to run better that me even though I have better comp? Is the countless hours of tweaking your settings or what?

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I tried dxdll on my other machine which has a geforce3ti500 as Klink mentioned that water reflections are not supposed to work. They are there but somehow wrong calculated, not in the right place. When I stand in the water next to a tree and turn around, the reflections float around me and are not fixed to the object. They also look more like shadoes than reflections.

EDIT: Athlon 2500+ Barton, 1024MHz, Geforce3Ti500, Detonator 56.72

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Quote[/b] ]

... it's possible to use the dx effects with other water texture (I like this water texture)


please explain how you did that  smile_o.gif

most of us only seem to run reflective water with original bis water...or is that bis water but edited in photo?

It's BIS water and it ain't edited either. Reflections + Glare + Hardlight.

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[edit]sorry, i forget to enable the antialiasing[/edit] ghostface.gif

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